Chapter Fiftheen - MUS

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Riker is in pain.

I can see it in him, him crumbling his body together in a ball. His face is red, his jaw hard as he bite hardly together. His knuckles is white for holding so hard together and the bandage around his shoulder is red again.

Therefore, that is why Angie currently is switching them.

She slowly peels of the bandage and Riker twitch painfully. Rydel is setting on the side of him lightly stroking his arm, telling him that she is there with her body language. Ryland is setting at counter, nervously looking over here.

"We need to move on soon," Angie whispers.

The curtains by the window are barely blocking out the sunlight. A few sunrays is still finding their way through to shine at us.

"Move where?" I ask her.

Angie remains silent, her eyes looking down. "Away." She answers slowly, her voice hoarse and I can her the emotion behind it. "I'm sorry guys, but we have to move away. From the state if anything."

"I just can't get any of this into my head," Rydel whispers from her spot in the corner.

My family is torn. My parents are dead, my girlfriend is under watch, my siblings getting torn more and more as time goes. Moreover, it is my entire fault. I still don't get how I could possibly have done this - I never meant for any of this to happen. Not at all...

Angie finish up Rikers wounds, and therefore walks over to the sink to wash the blood away from her hands. She is silent.

Way to silent.

There is something odd about her. Like what is happening here is affecting her heavily too. Like it is personally to her somehow.

"I can tell you the story..." She tells us, and turns around. "But do me a favor and don't turn your opinion on anyone. It's... Complicated."

"Go ahead." I say fast. "We need to hear it."

"Fine." She mumbles.


- In some house outside LA.

"You like him," Laura laughed. "I can see it in your look." She teases.

"No..." Wendy answers, and brush a golden lock of hair down behind her ear. "I don't. I mean he is cute, but I don't have feelings for him. Besides, he has a girlfriend..." Wendy mutters the last part and roll her eyes.

Laura laughs. "Angie?" She calls out, and I look up from my magazine. "Your daughter likes him, am I right?" She speaks, getting girly slap from Wendy.

I chuckle of my daughter and Laura. "You are so right, sweetheart. Wendy is sooooo much n love with him." I tease her, and Wendy gives me the death-stare.

"I hate you guys..." She mutters and lean back in the couch, a black leather one she had been sleeping on the past month. Her room was under renovation. "Just stop it. I'd rather talk about you Ross," She says and smiles to Laura.

Laura face reddens. "There ain't anything to tell," She mumbles. "I don't like him, and if I did, I wouldn't let him close to me. It would suck so very much if we got together, and then he just has to go." She tells us and gets quieter.

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