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Rosé wasn’t sure what to think when a servant informed her that the queen had requested her presence in the royal throne room. This was the first time Rosé had been singled out by the queen. It was both exciting and terrifying. Despite basically growing up with Lisa, she knew her place. The queen might be her best friend’s mother, but she was also the ruler of the kingdom.

“Your highness.” Rosé bowed as she entered the room.

“You don’t need to do that,” the queen laughed. “It’s not like I haven’t known you since you were a child.”

“I have your daughter to thank for that.” Rosé smiled at her as she rose from the bow. Her friendship with the Niva's princess did not erase that she was still a commoner. This was not her world even if she knew how to navigate it.

“I suppose we all do,” the queen remarked. “About Lalisa…”

“Yes?” Rosé prompted politely.

“She’s still having trouble accepting the marriage, isn’t she?” The queen asked.

Rosé wasn’t sure if being honestly blunt was the correct way to answer this question. She had been the audience of all of Lisa's rants and complaints, but she knew that her friend did not want the queen to hear them. Rosé wasn’t about to betray her friend. However, she would not lie to the woman whom not only ran their country, but also wanted the best for her daughter.

“It’s a lot for her to adjust to.” Rosé answered.

“I can feel the tension between her and Kim.” the queen told her. “Do you think you and Kim’s friend could soothe the situation?”

“Jisoo?” Rosé blinked. She hadn’t expected that this was why the queen had called on her. “I don’t know.”

“It doesn’t have to be as bad as they think it needs to be.” The queen sighed. “I’m sure if they actually sat down and talked to each other they’d realize they have quite a bit in common.”

Rosé honestly agreed with that. Lisa was stubborn, and the little she’d seen of the Lyonese princess proved she was as well. They were both good at battle strategy and completely loyal to their countries. Maybe that was exactly the reason why it was so hard for them to get along. They were too alike— too perfect for one another— for it to really work.

“I’ll help anyway I can.” she promised her queen. “I’ll talk to Jisoo immediately.”

“Thank you.” the queen smiled warmly at her. “Please don’t tell Lalisa or Rubyjane that I asked you to do this.”

“I won’t.” Rosé nodded. It would be easier that way.

Determination filled her as she searched the castle for Jisoo. Whether the queen had requested she do it or not, Rosé wanted to help Lisa make the best of her situation. Rosé had always felt more fortunate out of the two of them. Sure, Lisa would never have to worry about running out of food, money, and comfort. Rosé would rather risk the chance of poverty than bare the responsibilities her best friend had to shoulder. Not to mention she didn’t mind the idea of spending a little bit more time with Jisoo. The flirting and dancing the night before had been the first time she’d actually let herself have a good time in the presence of nobles. She couldn’t help but find the ridiculous charm from the alpha incredibly attractive.

Jisoo was in the castle gardens when Rosé finally found her. After she explained what the queen had asked of her, Jisoo agreed to help without a moment of hesitation. They decided that the best strategy would be for each of them to talk to their friends alone, and then share the information with the other. While Rosé normally would never go behind Lisa's back, she knew that they didn’t have any other choice. After all, they were doing this for her own good.

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