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A/N: We are nearing the end.

The next few days were difficult for the both of them. Lisa could feel how on edge Jennie was. The only thing that released her omega was having Lisa deeply inside of her. The two of them barely left their bedroom for the remainder of Jennie’s heat. Still, when they were tired and lying in each other’s arms, the rest of the world threatened to crash around them.

Rosé came to their room later into the night and played her lute to help the Lyonese princess sleep. Lisa was restless and exhausted at the same time. She wanted to start working on a strategy but couldn’t leave Jennie while she was in this state. She had to rely on her mother and Jungkook. When they informed her that they had received word from their spies, Lisa then decided to wait until her wife’s heat was over before telling her. They could figure out exactly what they were going to do once Jennie’s mind was clear. Right now, she just wanted to get the two of them through this.

When she felt like she was at her breaking point, she remembered Jennie’s confession to her. There would be a day where all that mattered were those words. Lisa wanted that day to come now.

Jennie awoke feeling far less anxious. Her heat was over, and she could finally breathe through all the stress and fear. Lisa wasn’t in bed beside her. The brunette felt that she had realized that last night was the end of the heat and was already trying to figure out what they would do now.

She was ready to think of a strategy. The Nivan princess and the queen had been right when they didn’t want her to go to Lyons alone. She wouldn’t do anything that foolish. The people who were trying to take her world from her, were not going to succeed. She would make sure of that.

After she was dressed, Lisa came into the room. She greeted her with a smile, but Jennie could tell that there was something behind it.

“How do you feel?” The alpha asked.

“I’ve been better,” Jennie told her bluntly.

“We all have,” Lisa pursed her lips. “You should sit down.”

“Does this have something to do with your disappearance this morning?” Jennie asked.

“Last night,” Lisa stated.

“What?” The brunette blinked at her.

“I left when you fell asleep,” she said sheepishly. “I needed to speak with my mother.”

“Right,” Jennie didn’t know what she was supposed to say to that.

“Please sit down,” Lisa guided them back to the bed.

“What’s wrong?” Jennie asked her.

“I’m sorry,” the blonde looked at her now. Jennie wasn’t sure she’d ever seen her look this sad. “We received word yesterday that your father was... killed.”

And just like that, everything shattered.

“The chief of the renegade, Chanyeol, has proclaimed himself king,” Lisa continued.

“Chanyeol? Park Chanyeol?” Jennie said darkly.

“Yes,” Lisa nodded sombrely.

“He killed my father?” Jennie was going to be sick.

“I don’t know if he was the one who delivered the blow,” Lisa’s hands found hers. “They only announced his death when that man crowned himself.”

Slowly, the alpha’s hand brushed against Jennie’s face. The feline eyed woman realized she was wiping away a tear. She hadn’t noticed that she was crying. She couldn’t feel anything. Her entire body was numb. This was what shock felt like. She’d helped so many people through it on and off the battlefield, but she’d never had her own world ripped away from her.

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