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The next morning Rosé awoke in Jisoo's strong, powerful arms and feeling more relaxed than she had in ages. The feeling must have been contagious, for the entire castle seemed a little more at ease. Even Lisa and Jennie were scowling less when Rosé and Jisoo found them eating breakfast. Her bestfriend gave her a knowing look when she and Jisoo walked into the room together. Rosé just smiled back not minding if Lisa knew what had taken place the night before. It must have seemed inevitable to her anyway.

Lisa told the two of them that they didn’t have any planned meetings today. She thought that maybe Jennie could take the time to explore the castle, while she could see if their kingdom had any non-treaty related affairs she needed to tend to. Jisoo offered to come along with her, in case she really didn’t have anything to do and wanted the company.

Rosé knew what was Jisoo was thinking. This was a good opportunity for her to talk to Lisa alpha to alpha. She suggested that she could lead Jennie around the castle while the two of them were busy with that. Both Jenie and Lisa agreed to the idea.

“You haven’t had any tours yet, have you?” Rosé asked as she and Jennie left the dining hall.

“No,” the Lyonesse replied.

“Okay, we’ll see how much ground we can cover,” she said decidedly. The palace really was beautiful, and maybe taking a walk around it would lift Jennie’s spirits. “I need to make a quick stop at the kitchens if you don’t mind seeing there first.”

“It doesn’t matter to me,” Jennie gave a small shrug.

“Right,” Rosé nodded. She began to lead in that direction. “Jisoo told me the two of you have been friends for a while.”

“We have,” Jennie confirmed.

“Does she drag you into trouble?” Rosé asked good naturally.

“Quite a bit.” There was a tiny edge of amusement in Jennie’s voice. That was what Rosé was looking for.

“She seems like the type,” Rosé commented. “That’s what Lisa’s brother is like. He’s always in the middle of something and pulling his sister into it with him.”

“They seem close,” Jennie stated.

“They’ve always been,” Rosé told her. “She’s very protective. I think it’s a combination of alpha and older sibling instincts. It’s a good thing he’s a beta. I don’t think any future suitors would survive if he was an omega. Do you have any siblings?”

“No,” Jennie shook her head. “It’s just me and my father.”

“That must be lonely,” Rosé remarked..,

“You could say that,” she said evenly.

“I don’t mean to pry...” Rosé started. “But Lisa told me about what happened on your wedding night.”

“Right,” Jennie pursed her lips. Rosé could see the embarrassment behind her eyes.

“I could help you,” Rosé offered. “I know it can be hard when no one explains exactly how things work.”

“I thought it was supposed to be instinctual,” Jennie argued. “Besides, it wasn’t like my omega mother was around to explain it to me.”

“I’m sorry,” Rosé feared she had crossed a line.

“It’s fine,” Jennie sighed. “She died a long time ago.”

“Have you ever masturbated before?” Rosé was pretty sure she knew the answer to this one.

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