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The next morning Lisa awoke in Jennie’s arms. That should have been uncomfortable but the memory of the night before was still fresh in her brain. It was funny to think it happened just the day they’d had their worst argument yet. It took a moment for Jennie to drift awake as well. She was beautiful when her eyes were closed. Lisa hadn’t seen her that at peace before. It was almost sad that she always looked so alert when she was awake. This had to be the only time she let her guard down.

“You’re staring,” Jennie informed her. She didn’t sound all that annoyed.

“I was thinking about last night,” Lisa told her with a smirk.

A blush lingered on Jennie’s cheeks. Lisa couldn’t help finding it adorable. This was a new side of Jennie, and Lisa liked it. There wasn’t a room for them to be irritated at each other when they were stripped to these primal sides of themselves. Lisa wanted more of this. She wanted to take more of this, but she was still so fatigued and honestly pretty hungry from the night before. She doubted it would be as passion driven and wonderful.

Instead, she leaned forward and brought their lips together. She sighed into the kiss, enjoying the sensation of Jennie’s lips against hers. It was becoming familiar and comfortable. Lisa’s mouth moved, giving Jennie small kisses. She had to stop herself from grinning as she felt Jennie’s heartbeat speed up. They were so close, but that wasn’t enough.

Lisa snaked her arm around Jennie’s torso, pulling her into a tight embrace and deepening kiss. Jennie wrapped her arms around her shoulders before slipping her tongue into Lisa’s mouth. The Nivan princess gasped softly as she felt Jennie’s tongue push against hers. The sweet taste of Jennie’s heat threatened to consume her.

She felt a rush of heat course through her body as she moved her tongue with Jennie’s. She let her hands roam from Jennie’s hips to her ass, massaging her hard enough to earn a moan. Jennie pushed her hips forward into Lisa, making her gasp as she began to grind against her. That pushed the alpha over the edge as she broke the kiss, in need of air.

“We should probably get dressed,” Jennie said in an almost bored tone. Still, she couldn’t hide how red her face was turning.

“You’re right,” Lisa hummed.

They had already slept late into the day, and staying in bed any longer wouldn’t go unnoticed. Still, Lisa doubted that she’d be able to get through having lunch in public with Jennie sitting next to her— not when her mind was still reliving all the shapes they’d managed to make the night before.

“We can eat with just Jisoo and Rosé today,” Lisa suggested.

“Thank god,” Jennie exhaled. Lisa knew how much she hated eating with the other nobles.

They met Jisoo and Rosé in the gardens. The blonde got the sense that they spent a lot of their time there. She supposed it was romantic enough— if their relationship was romantic in the first place. Lisa wasn’t sure how feelings and just lust were supposed to be distinguished. She supposed that must be because she’d never fallen in love before. Then again, she’d never been consumed by lust before last night either.

Last night had been a lot of things, but romantic was not on that list. Still, Lisa couldn’t help wanting to be close to Jennie. It was impossible to keep her hands off of her. The touching was barely even sexual. Lisa just needed some sort of contact whether that was their legs next to each other, their hands tangling, or even her arms snaking around Jennie’s waist.

She’d been hesitant to indulge in the last one. They weren’t in the bedroom anymore. Jisoo and Rosé might be the only ones they were in the presence of right now, but they were still in public. Lisa didn’t know what kind of message it would send or if Jennie would want that message to be sent at all.

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