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Jungkook had been preparing with the soldiers when Jennie had decided that she was actually going to walk into the enemy’s hands. He hadn’t expected to get a say in it, but when Namjoon voiced that he thought this was a bad idea, Jungkook had easily agreed.

When they took the noble that they were supposed to hold until the feline woman returned into their custody, Lisa placed him in charge. He hadn’t argued. He could tell how stressed she was.

After making sure they had enough soldiers guarding the alpha noble, he joined his sister at the front of the camp. Her eyes were trained on the castle, as if the building itself would tell her what was going on inside of it. They didn’t talk. He knew she didn’t want to.

Suddenly, there was a movement at the top of the castle walls. Lisa quickly raised her telescope to her eyes. Jungkook watched as anticipation turned to fear, then to a dangerous, silent anger.

“No,” the nivan princess took a step back. The telescope fell from her hands.

Jungkook had only ever seen her this shocked once before. It had been the day their father died. It was unexpected. He remembered crying and holding his mother. Lisa wouldn’t accept comfort from either of them. Her grief and hatred of a world that would take her father from her pushed her away from the rest of them. That had been the most awful day of Jungkook’s life.

Pulling himself back to the present, he picked up the telescope, looking at the castle walls in time to see a tall blonde man dragging a beaten and broken Jennie back inside of the building. This was bad. This was worse than bad.

“Sister..,” he turned to the alpha. He needed to calm her down. They needed to think— to come up with some sort of plan. He needed her to breathe.

“We received a message from the castle!” Namjoon all but cried as he ran up to the two of them.

He was pale. Jungkook could tell he was just as furious as Lisa. He just wasn’t used to reacting with rage. Instead, there was a cold terror in his voice. He was Jennie’s cousin. He didn’t know if they were close, but even if they weren’t, that had to hurt to see her like that.

“What is it?” His sister hissed.

“Chanyeol asks that we surrender, or he’ll kill Jennie,” Namjoon uttered.

“And if we kill the noble they gave us?” Lisa’s voice was venomous.

“I don’t think he cares,” Namjoon’s words shrunk. “He wouldn’t have given him to us if he did.”

“Damnit,” the doe eyed woman spat. “I told her not to go!”

“Please, Lisa,” Jungkook grabbed a hold of her arm.

“I told her it was a trap,” she was crying now.

“It’s alright—” He tried but Lisa rounded on him.

“How is it alright?” She demanded. “How is any of this alright?"

The beta didn’t know what to say. He wished he did. He wished he could make things better.

“Get everyone together,” she ordered. “We need to talk about what we do now.”

Word traveled fast among the armies. It wasn’t long before Jungkook was certain that everyone was aware of the situation. The nobles of both sides that had pledged to fight gathered in Lisa’s tent. Jungkook then stood next to Namjoon, who without Jennie was the leader of the Lyonese army. Jisoo and Rosé were there as well, Jungkook understood that the nobles were allowing their presence in the hope that it would calm Lisa down. They didn’t know her well enough to realize that nothing could calm this.

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