Chapter three

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Back at Busan

The people in the palace was waiting in hope for the king to return with a good news but their smiles faltered as they saw an angry king and a sad prince with a small hopeful smile making their way through the palace doors

"The king is looking angry i guess the meeting didnt end up well" 

"we are not going to be a part of the Seoul Park Empire then!"

The whispers were quietened down by the angry king . He sat down on his throne and started to speak "The meeting between the emperor and me didnt end up well due to some circumstances so we will not form alliances with Seoul.", The king made the announcement as Jungkook become sad. "But father! What about Jimin hyung!", Jungkook said trying his hardest to not throw a tantrum. 

"Don't even utter that boy's name from your mouth son.", He yelled trying not to go too far and cuss at his own blood atleast not to scar his mind while he's this young of an age. Jungkook opened his mouth to protest but chose not to as he saw how angry his father looked "But i like to be with hyung" he mumbled to himself 

The crowd started to go away minding their own business and Jungkook went back to his room with a pout on his face at the thought of not meeting his hyung, "Jiminie hyung i miss you so much already...", Jungkook walked over to his bed with a pout eyes puffy from restraining his tears. The poor boy laid down on the bed as slumber came upon him because of all the journey he had done today. 

The fast asleep prince didn't even notice two people walking into his room. 

"You're sure it will work right?", Said one of the two with a hushed voice, "I'm sure about it your majesty..", said the other with a sigh and he placed his hand on the prince's head while mumbling some words. "The deed is done your majesty..", said the same person while bowing down to his majesty and leaving the room. 

~A few minutes after Jungkook fell asleep~

The king was pacing back and forth in the throne room as his ministry walked over to him and bowed, "Your majesty why do you seem to be stressed out?", The ministry said with sympathy in his eyes. 

The king looked at him and sighed, "I can't let my son be a freak like that bloody emperor's offspring!", Yelled the king with frustration. The ministry gulped and looked at the king and asked softly knowing the king was short tempered, "Your majesty i'm afraid that i didn't understand what you meant by the prince being a freak like prince Jimin.. pardon me your majesty.", The ministry lowered his head. The king sighed and sat down on his throne,

"Apparently Prince Jimin likes men and Jungkook already likes to spend time and be around with the Prince even though i have forbid him to ever talk about him.... I'm afraid that Jungkook will start to become like the Prince and when he grows up he'll run to him instead of marrying a fair maiden...obnoxious."

The king hissed under his breath, "Your Majesty I have a solution for this! May i speak about it?" The ministry spoke after listening to the reason for his majesty's temper "you may", the king spoke with curiosity, "From what I know I think the court wizard has a spell which can wipe off the memory of Prince Jimin from Prince Jungkook" The ministry explained. ''The wizard Kim Seokjin?", The king asked. "yes your majesty", The ministry replied "Bring Seokjin here!", the king commanded to the guards. Two guards left at the king's command with a bow.

''Your majesty wizard Kim Seokjin has arrived", The guards bowed along with the wizard  "your majesty may i know the reason why you called me?", "I want you to wipe off Prince Jimin from Jungkook's memory" The king ordered ''b-but your majesty- "not buts! Can you do it or not?"  The wizard lowered his head, "Yes your majesty" Everyone knew that disobeying the king wasn't a good decision.

"Where is the prince?" the king asked the maids "the prince is in his room your majesty" the maid bowed "alright! guards leave him" the king commanded and Seokjin was released from the guards hold "come with me" the king said and turned towards the guards and maids "no one should enter the room until both of us comes out!" The maids and guards bowed as the king and the wizard walked away.

The door of the prince's room closed as the King and the wizard entered. The wizard was brainstorming of spells specifically one that can make the prince remember the things happened if he was kissed by the other prince, because wizard Seokjin could sense young love without even witnessing a romantic moment between two. 

Finally he came across a spell in his mind library he could use on the prince, "You're sure it will work right?", said the king trying to be as quiet as he could. "I'm sure about it your majesty.." said the wizard as he let out a pitied sigh for the prince. The wizard leaned over the Prince, placing a on his head as he mumbled the spell, also murmuring 'You'll remember it all later on my prince, don't worry.', which the king fortunately didn't hear. 

"The deed is done your majesty..", said Seokjin with a sad smile before bowing and leaving the room, still thinking about what he did, it wasn't completely good or bad he did erase Jungkook's memory but he was sure that the prince will remember it all if he kissed his true love. 

On the other hand the king smiled devilishly thinking that Jungkook's whole memory for that day was vanished which was but he didn't know that he could be simply restored, the king left the room smiling like a mad man who cared about his family generation growth rather than his son's life.

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