Chapter ten

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~A bit later~

"That shove earlier wasn't a very good display of etiquette you know? I hope my teachings haven't been for naught." Jaehyun had said as soon as Jungkook walked in. His back was turned, yet he somehow knew Jungkook was there. Jungkook couldn't come up with a response (that wouldn't be offensive) so he simply kept his mouth shut.

Jaehyun sighed and walked over to Jungkook who stood there with his head low, "Got no words my prince?", The teacher bought Jungkook's chin up with his pointer finger and gazed into him dark chocolate eyes.

His eyes softened as soon as he saw a red bump on the Prince's forehead, "What happened to your forehead my Prince?", he asked with a delicate tone, "h-huh?" Jungkook asked blinking out of his daze, "T-that i b-bumped into a w-wall.", he stuttered. "you should be careful your highness.", Jaehyun softly patted the red bump will his sleeve before making the prince sit on a chair and so he could get the medicine before the prince could run off.

Some minutes later Jaehyun came back with some ointment on his finger. "what are you-", "Keep quiet I'm just going to apply this on your forehead.", Jaehyun bent down to Jungkook's eye level and applied the ointment softly as he didnt want to hurt the prince.

Jungkook stared at his teacher, capturing is surprisingly captive features. It's the first time he looked at Jaehyun's facial features this close. After applying on the ointment on Jungkook's forehead he blew on it softly to to create a cooling effect, "Today we're going to learn how to ball dance my prince.", Jaehyun said straightening his attire and fixing his cuffs, "But i know how to ball dance.", Said the prince with a pout.

"It's your father's orders that i make you ball dance today your highness, everyone has flaws even if they're "perfect" in the said art, so my prince.. may i have this dance?", Said the teacher with his hand out for Jungkook to grab, the memories of him dancing with Jimin flooded his mind, snapping out of the thoughts he placed his hand on Jaehyun's and got swept off his feet immediately.

"My father is homophobic how did he agree to this?", Jungkook said slapping his conscience for making him blush, "Maybe he isn't when it comes to making you learn things your highness.", Said Jaehyun while getting spun around by Jungkook and brought back to him, soon the tables turned when Jaehyun turned Jungkook around and pressed him flush against his chest, "You should also learn how the dance works in the other ways.", Jaehyun whispered hotly against Jungkook's neck and continued to dance as if nothing happened where as Jungkook's face was burning up.

Soon enough the dancing came to an end and Jungkook felt like he could breathe again, "That is all we'll cover up on today my prince, i'll take my leave now have a pleasant evening.", Said the teacher with his usual lazy sexy smile before he strode out of the room leaving a panting bright red Jungkook behind. "Jimin save me please...", Said out the prince not knowing Jaehyun heard it from outside and let out a small chuckle, "I'll soon my prince.", Whispered the teacher to himself before walking away.

Little did he knew the guards Jungkook trusted heard what Jaehyun said, "So your highness the prince of Seoul.", Said Yoongi to Jaehyun who got startled. "O-oh aren't you Yoongi? One of the most trusted guards along with Hoseok?", Jaehyun said trying to cover up his nervousness.

"We know you're Jimin, Jungkook's a love sick puppy for you, we accept it put down the act.", Yoongi said with a calm tone, "Well then.", Jaehyun pouted as he walked both of them to his room for talking.

"So what's happening my highness, why are meeting him like this?", Asked Hoseok trying to keep his voice as low as he could. "Maybe because im way more love sick then Jungkook.", Spoke Jimin his lips curling up when he mentioned Jungkook.

"I will never understand love.", Yoongi groaned and leaned back to the chair he sat on. "So when do you plan telling Jungkook about this?", Asked Hoseok and Jimin shrugged, "I want him to find out about this himself.", He smiled looking down at his hands.

Yoongi groaned again, "Stop smiling like that it's creepy", Jimin looked at Yoongi with a blank expression, "Let's see what happens to you when you fall in love cat.", he mumbled to himself, "I'm not a cat for god's sake! Gosh!" Yoongi ruffled his hair and grumbled like a kid making the other two laugh at him, "You really look like a cat yoongs." Hoseok said while patting Yoongi's shoulder

Yoongi looked at Hoseok in disbelief, "You too!? I have been betrayed I'm going to Jungkook he is only one who loves me!", Yoongi made his way to Jungkook while grumbling while Hoseok and Jimin looked at him and blinked, "Is this Yoongi? The one i know? Or was he possessed by Jungkook's soul?", Hoseok looked at Jimin while the prince shrugged.

Yoongi made his way to Jungkook's room grumbling. "Jungkook!" he called out the prince as soon as he reached the room, "Ah yes hyung?", Jungkook asked as he made his way out, "Do i look like a cat?", he asked while staring at Jungkook, "I mean your eyes-", "You too?! I didn't know I was living with these betrayers.", Yoongi sighed dramatically while Jungkook looked at his hyung weirdly, "Hyung are you okay? Do you have fever?", Jungkook checked Yoongi's temperature. "No your temperature is fine then.. do you have some problem with your brain? That might be it!", he mumbles to himself with a gasp.

Yoongi looked at him blankly, "You want to die?", "Ah there is my hyung!", Jungkook clapped slightly and patted Yoongi's head. The boy grumbled and swatted the prince's hand away, "stop", Jungkook smirked mischievously, "Kitty hyung~", the prince sang and ran from there.

"Jeon Junngkook!!!!", Yelled the gaurd before running behind the prince, "Get back here!", The gaurd shouted at which Jungkook stopped and turned around to face Yoongi with his stupid smile. "I made Huyng angry, oops!", Jungkook giggles at which Yoongi broke in laughter as well.

"Jungkook's adorable isn't he?", Asked Jimin from a corner, "He sure is, please take care of him your highness..", said Hoseok with a smile.

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