敵 | The Adversary

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In this world, people are brought up in different conditions, environments, and surroundings. What they have been through in life becomes an integral part of the goal they wish to achieve and the future that they aim for. People always want and desire to accomplish everything according to how they would want it no matter the impediments and hurdles. In a person's desire to rule the world, there are only two sets of human beings: those that become allies because they share the same vision, and those that do not because they oppose it. These people, of course, have reasons for such acceptance or rejection and it could stem from deep or shallow reasons. 

But what does a person do to people who share and accept the same vision he or she wants society to be? In the case of the supernatural side of things, the answer is very simple: make a cult out of it! A pretty damn influential one! It does not necessarily have to be fancy at first, but as long as the founder can prove that he has superpowers and can do miracles much to everyone's surprise and astonishment. Top it off with charisma and a system of how loyal people will be rewarded, and a very strong following is sure to follow!

There are cults that exist out there that bend and distort the teachings and dogmas of existing religions and faiths until the doctrine it actively promotes becomes gnostic, mystic, and esoteric. Just like the letter 'Y', a cult may have two options from here on out: remain in secret or be out in the open. What is worse of course are the ones that are hidden because no one knows who the members truly are and what their aim is. 

"Grand Prophet. What must I do to inherit eternal life and allow my soul to be saved from perdition?" This question is common among the lower ranks although it is the type of doubt that institutionalizes loyalty and allegiance at the basic level. Devotion to the sect must start from there then move up towards the ladder until one becomes fully persistent in its service committed to forever serve the one above him. 

"The world is becoming more and more impure, Shin. People do not anymore believe in the Almighty Creator and are too heavily focused on living life according to their own ways; they have abandoned the paths and teachings 'God' has created and ordained for the people to follow. The supernatural too has rebelled against their true nature and have settled peacefully alongside with the humans." This Grand Prophet speaks in absolute authority with absolute clarity in his speech. And since he is a person of power, everyone must bow down in humbleness and respect whenever he is around. "For this very reason, 'God' spoke and revealed directly to me His words: that the world must be cleansed and purified. It must be made anew and reverted towards how it was from the very start and only then we can achieve a prosperous nation with people and spirits that believe in the supreme being of all. 

With this revelation from the highest divine God, it is imperative that we deliver and execute the 'cleansing' as directed by our Lord. He who does the will of our God is granted forgiveness and pardon of all transgressions and sins. And the success of it lies the greatest treasure that He shall bestow upon each and every faithful: eternal life and immortality in this world!"

Shin grinned like the devil. The message was profound and clear. The eternal life that he so desired was near and close at hand. It's only a matter of time.

* * *

Miho's eyes gradually open, slowly receiving the light from the morning sun. She yawned out loud stretching her arms away from each other. Her hand reached out for her glasses and wore them the second she held them. But, there was something that caught her peripheral vision on her right side a bit distant from the bed. A person! There was another person in her own room!! 

He was completely nude and shirtless with only a towel wrapping the lower half of his body, covering his groin and buttocks. It wasn't just any towel though. It was hers! Although Miho only saw the person's backside, a guy who's muscular and blonde-haired is definitely none other than the archer guy he met the night before, Akira. 

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