前兆 | Premonition

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"Why do we worship? Why is it that throughout the many by-gone centuries that came before us, our ancestors always looked up at the sky and nature and felt amazed and wondered by it? Why is it that across cultures and ethnicities all over the world, worship is the one that remains constant and universal? You see, people always believe that God exists simply because it always has been part of our human nature. God did not create us without giving clues that He exists. The spirits and the creatures that are unseen to the naked eye by us, also testify also that the Divine One exists. 

But alas, people started to disbelieve God and have turned aside from His presence and placed Him outside their consciousness in favor of the daily mundane life they live in. They have forgotten the One who created them, and they did not for a chance chose to know Him better. It is disheartening that this generation is slowly turning away from the truth. Even the spirits around us are already starting to rebel against the great Creator and among themselves, they started killing each other in the name of superiority and power. They say that the victor that emerges on top deserves worship. But is this truly the way? They are not God, nor will ever be!  

Humans tend to think they are the center of everything for the divine has blessed them with intelligence no other living creature can fathom. Towards the centuries humans have become so selfish and obsessed with fame, superiority and power, they forget this world is the only place they can ever call home.

And because of such unbelief, it is only right for the rest of those who do not believe in God, except us, to be exterminated. For as long as there are people and spirits who do not believe and honor the 'Primordial One', they must be eradicated. The more uneducated human beings and spiritual beings exist, the more we cannot give honor to the perfect Creator of nature and everything else that exists in this world.

As such, by the divine message and command God has given unto me, I declare that the 'purging' must come to fruition seven days from now. Together, we shall usher in a new world where no single human and spiritual being can disregard, ignore, and disrespect our sacred teachings. However, if he or she begs for his or her life and listens to what you have to say, then, by all means, preach to them 'The Message' for it shall save them from the perdition that awaits them for surely they are of those who are ignorant." 

After the lengthy sermon, the cultists left the room one by one leaving only the Grand Prophet and his extremely loyal and trusted companion. 

"Shin, only you of all people out there understand me. Do you think that what I am telling you is a lie or a fabrication?" 

This teenage Shin that the Grand Prophet is talking to is one blessed with a fit and muscular body, only to have it likened to a blank canvas and dirtied with inerasable and everlasting black tattoos that form numerous sacred religious patterns that the Shadow Cult has given unto him. It was the Grand Prophet's desire and command to always have the young man take pride in these inks for they are divine in origin, thus, it has always been Shin's preference to be shirtless all the days of his life. Above his skull is a very messy spiky silver hair perfectly matching his keen and sharp predatory eyes and extremely jagged triangular shark teeth filling his mouth. Both his ears are pierced with small silver circular earrings having been there for as long as he could remember.

The bearded senile Grand Prophet, dressed in priest-like garments approached the loyal follower touching his chest, slowly tracing the tattoo patterns in his body, paying no attention whether it was ticklish or uncomfortable to the youngster. 

"Grand Prophet, you are perfect beyond comparison. You are the best example for mankind to follow." Shin replied looking at the elderly directly eye to eye but exhibiting utmost reverence and admiration. "Words that come out of your mouth contain no deceit for you are holy and from God himself." 

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