This Is Where You Can Reach Me Now 2

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Author's note:

This is a prequel.

It happens BEFORE the last chapter.



This Is Where You Can Reach Me Now

"Dr. Yang has sleepovers with my wife... In my bed... With me in it!"

"Fifty percent of marriages end in divorce, so between us, you should be good," says Cristina.

"Marriage is for better and for worse, is the 'worse' part... There'll be better parts," says Meredith.

"But what if the better parts aren't worth it?" says Cristina.

"Well, I mean, there's no way that we can know that for sure," says Meredith.

"When you locked up Derek in the pokey, was that the 'worse,' part for you?" says Cristina.

"Yes," says Meredith.

"When you drowned, Derek left you before he came back. Is that like Owen and I? Is he going to leave me while I'm broken before he comes back?" says Cristina.

"I don't know," says Meredith.

"If he can't be here for me while I'm broken, I don't know if I want him back when I'm fixed," says Cristina.

"I know," says Meredith. "Derek was broken. He was broken when he lost that patient and he took a while to come back but I stayed through that," says Meredith.

"You had me," says Cristina. "I've talked you through every breakup, makeup, every drama under the sun with McDreamy," she adds.

"You were, you always have been," says Meredith. "And I'll be with you through everything for you, I was there when you were with Burke, and I'll be there with you while you're with Owen, or when you're not with Owen," says Meredith.

"I just want to feel better," says Cristina. "I just want to feel something good," says Cristina.

"I know," says Meredith.

"I just want to feel loved," says Cristina.

"I know," says Meredith.

"Do you love me?" says Cristina.

"I do," says Meredith honestly. "You're my soulmate, no matter what."

"You're my soul-person-whatever," says Cristina.

"Yeah," says Meredith.

"I hate boys right now, we need more tequila," says Cristina.

"Yeah," says Meredith. "Except we're working in five hours so we can't get drunk now," says Meredith.

"Fine," says Cristina. "But could you hold me? It makes me feel better. Also, if you tell anyone I just said that, I'll stab you myself with a scalpel," she adds pointedly.

"Okay," says Meredith, as she lifts herself onto Cristina.

The compression helps Cristina feel better, just like when that doctor was here who taught her about pressure being soothing.

"I'll never leave you," says Meredith, as she brushes a hair off of Cristina's face.

"Good," says Cristina. "You're stuck with me now."

Meredith doesn't know what to do now, but she knows what she feels. And maybe it's all messed up and wrong because of Derek, and because of Owen, and because of all of her issues, but she starts leaning down and she kisses Cristina's forehead, to show her how much she cares about her.

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