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Re edited :4/09/2021

I walked with Silvia and Nelly to the soccer club.
“You don’t seem to be fond of them?” I asked Nelly as she replied with her usual regal manner.
“Of course not cousin….They really are fools kicking a ball about when there are much more important things to do in life” Nelly said…I sighed.
“What’s your purpose there anyway? I thought you didn’t play soccer skyla” Nelly asked.
“I don’t as of now…there’s just something interesting about Mark Evans…Nelly” I said.
“Right….I thought that way too which is why I’m considering a second chance” Nelly said.
“That would be good to hear” I smiled slightly...She’s such a Tsundere
“I see now that you’re busy…I’ll be seeing more of Eric at the investor stock meetings than you” Nelly said as I giggled thinking of my elder brother at a meeting.
“He’s got his own thing going on so it might be mother…” I said finally as Silvia introduced Nelly as we wanted to speak to them.
Nelly frowned before covering her nose while I rolled my eyes at her.
“It stinks in here” Nelly said.
“I see you have some motivation left Mark” I smirked.
“Whose idea was it to have those women in here?” Kevin asked frowning.
“She has something to say to you guys….they both do” Silvia said smiling.
“The victory in the exhibition game against royal helped you boys escape the garbage can” Nelly said.
“Oh…right and from now on we’re going to play lots more games right?” Mark asked excited.
“Why yes….your next game has already been decided.” Nelly said as I smirked.
“You might want to sit down for this” I crossed my arms.
“What?” The team yelled together.
“Our next game?” Mark asked.
“That’s just fantastic news….Raimon already got another game booked” Tod said.
“I sure am glad to hear it Mark” Steve said.
“Yeah, we can play again and get more practice…this is going to be great” Mark said.
“This time it’ll be my time to shine” Willy said as Nelly and I looked at each other amused.
They don’t even know the school they’ll be up against.
“Are you planning to listen to what I’m saying? Or just talk?” Nelly asked.
“Oh right…I’m sorry about that, okay so which school is it?” Mark asked.
“Skyla….if you will” Nelly said as I nodded.
“It is Occult junior high….The game is in one week’s time” I smirked.
“Occult junior high?” Mark asked.
“I’ve never heard of them” Steve said.
“Of course this isn’t just a regular friendly game” Nelly continued
“What do you mean?” Mark asked.
“If you lose the soccer club will immediately be disbanded” Nelly said as they sweat dropped.
“But if you win” I said looking at Nelly who sighed.
“I’ll look into entering you into the soccer frontier tournament” Nelly said with a small smile.
“Huh?” They asked.
“I expect that you will do your best” Nelly said leaving as I smiled.
“And I’m here as the Captain of Raimon’s dance squad to offer the squad’s support” I said.
“How can you do that?” Sam asked.
“We know a few tricks up our sleeves when it comes to soccer….expect that we’ll be playing with you and training too until I deem it necessary to call ourselves as part of the soccer club” I said smirking as Kevin smirked.
“Fine by me” Kevin said as I smiled leaving to my dance gym the other way across the school.
I told my squad how it went and they squealed when they heard it.
“I sure do want to play soccer so badly now” Tess said.
“Was Willy there?” Evelyn asked.
“Of course….he’s part of the club after all” I said.
“Forget him….What did Axel say?” Chloe asked.
“Nothing” I said.
“Nothing? He does look like the quiet type” Tess said.
“He isn’t there I mean” I said “He didn’t join the club”
“What? That’s really….” Chelsea said.
“He should but anyway he wasn’t our type” Chloe said.
“He’s mine” Tess said.
“Good luck with that” I said rolling my eyes at her…..I got into my school uniform and left for the river bank…when I got there I saw Mark training again with the tires but this time punching it.
“Lemme guess...it’s inside the manual?” I asked walking to him.
“Skyla?” Mark said grinning at me. “Yeah…it is….I wanted to ask you, did you mean you wanted to play soccer again?”
“No….i said my squad but I might play when necessary….My squad is having second thoughts though, we’re helping out different clubs and we think we should generally support soccer but I’ll be the one representing my squad there….if there’s need for them…they’ll come” I said pushing the tire.
“Ow” Mark said as his knuckles cracked.
I pushed it harder.
“Darn you” Mark said hitting it again.
“Bring it on” Mark said as I pushed the tire much harder as Nathan came over
“Yeah…I thought I’d find you two here” Nathan said as I saw Mark lose focus to Nathan so I pushed the ball hitting his face making him fall flat.
“Hey Nathan” Mark said.
“Skyla….looks like I’ll be seeing more of you in the club” Nathan said.
“Depends on how impressive it is…we’ll see” I smirked.
Mark peeled his gloves off from his hands showing sore marks and bruises.
“I see you changed your routine” Nathan said searching his bag for something while I searched mine for bandages.
“Yeah…I moved on to the next step” Mark said as Nathan handed him a water bottle and I some bandages.
“Kevin’s getting really impatient, isn’t he?” Nathan asked Mark as I bandaged Mark’s other hand while he drank water.
“Yeah…I never thought he’d be the kind of guy to play rough like that…its odd” Mark said.
“And what’s more odd is Skyla’s bandaging your knuckles.”  Nathan sweat dropped.
“I said I was supporting, didn’t i?” I glared at him.
Nathan continued talking to Mark as I got up stretching and pushing the tire trying to catch it….just playing with it not a serious as Mark though.
I got back to get a water bottle from my bag to check my phone and see the time.
“Oh, crap I’m late for dinner” I said as Nathan chuckled.
“Great speech Mark” Nathan said.
“Wait….you gave a speech?” I asked.
“Yeah” Mark said.
“Why don’t you try saying it when the team’s here captain?” I smirked getting my bag and leaving.

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