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“Damn it Jude that was a long time you’ve got there” I said crossing my arms.
Of course as Cocky as Axel is….He leaned on the iron stand of the bench’s roof….i guess….He was smirking really good.
“You knew about this?” Axel asked.
“Well…You said you told him to let Mark look out for him from the back so I put it in football style and you were coding asking him to join the team but…I didn’t know if he’d accept because he’s pretty much a guy with a lot of mysterious personalities.” I scratched my head. “This should be good”
Jude walked to us as we gathered in front of him.
“Zeus junior won’t get away with that…I’m going to take revenge for what they did” Jude said.
“You’ve said that a lot too” I sweat dropped as He glanced at me.
“That’s the way I knew you’d get it back” Mark cheered. “I knew that you could never be the kind of guy who gives up without a fight”
“He sure is” Kevin agreed.
“Skyla….You’re replacing Tod instead….Sam you’re going to start on the bench…Sharp is taking your spot on the field” Coach Hillman said.
“No hard feelings Tod” I said patting his shoulder walking to the field.
I stood in tod’s position as the kick-off started with Raimon’s back pass.
Steve passed the ball to Kevin but it was too slow and a member of the other team got it.
“Skyla…since you’re faster….I’m going to need you to cover the ball when a pass goes wrong” Mark said.
“That sounds like all the time…right now” I sweat dropped. “But it’s for the team so sure”
Nathan got the ball and passed it to me but I missed it by a footing.
“Huh?” I asked.
“Another time” Nathan reassured me as I sighed.
Bobby kicked the ball high over Max’s head….Timmy passed it less a footing to Axel making Farm Junior high get the ball back.
“It’s almost like they’re not passing the ball to us” I muttered.
“Skyla” Nathan called me as we advanced up the field to the member who had the ball.
“Leave it to us guys” Nathan said.
“Mole fake” The member got past us and shot into the goal which Mark caught.
I got the ball passing it to Steve but he was late by a footing…Axel got the ball and passed it to Nathan who passed it to Max who missed it and the ball flew over Timmy’s head.
I got the ball and stopped it but lost it trying to dribble past the other team.
“Damn it” I said.
Farm Junior high advanced up the field using Run ball run….Jack slowed it down with the wall but the ball changed course as another farm jr. high member got it trying to use Shine drive and scored.
“I thought their offense was weak?” I asked Bobby. “Because that did not look weak to me”
“What should we do? We’ve not gotten a chance to have a taste of their defense.” Timmy asked.
“Tighten up the defense first…I don’t want goals entering” I said.
“Yeah” They said.
“Skyla” Jude approached me.
“Yes? Game maker?” I crossed my arms with a raised brow.
“I want you to go two steps back from your usual position” Jude said. “And you Max, when you pass to Axel…make sure you pass it three paces ahead and 2 and a half slow when you pass to Kevin…got it?”
“And what’s all this for?” I asked.
“I used to be your captain…so trust me on this” Jude said.
“I already do….if that big soccer freak does” I said as he walked away.
“Skyla…what’re you doing all the way back here?” Mark said.
“It’s the genius game-maker’s decision” I said
“Oh…fine” Mark said.
The kick-off started as Axel passed it to Max but Farm Junior high got the ball.
I ran swiftly taking the ball from them.
“Heh….too easy” I said.
“Okay…Skyla pass it to bobby 3 paces ahead.” Jude said.
“Eh…Why not?” I shrugged passing it to bobby.
Bobby passed it to Max on Jude’s order…I smiled moving back as Bobby had left his defense position advancing up the field.
Max passed it perfectly to Kevin as he used Dragon Crash to try to score a goal… without the defenders there but the goal keeper used wood chopper and the ball went out of bounds.
I moved to Jude along with Mark and the others.
“That was an amazing play Jude…You’re an incredible playmaker, you know that?” Mark said.
“I’m just tidying things up a little bit that’s all and I’ve heard that comment from someone right here quite a few times” Jude said.
“Weren’t those quite a few times” I rolled my eyes as I heated up….Tch.
“What do you mean?”
“You guys are still discovering your new found strength and skills….You’ve all improved so much already… It’s impressive but your improvements aren’t exactly equal either….So you’ve all improved in different ways and that’s why you’re out of sync with each other…Do you follow?” Jude said.

“So that’s why our passes weren’t working before?” I muttered not knowing Jude heard me.
“Yes…But we’ve almost fixed that haven’t we?” Jude said.
“What you just said…..You’ve done something amazing for your new team….you’ve only been with us a few minutes and you’ve already turned things around….You’re a genius….a total and complete genius…Jude” Mark said.
“Okay Mark that’s enough praises for now….” I said pushing Mark back towards the goal so we can continue the match.
The match continued as Nathan got the ball….I was blocking someone from trying to get the ball.
“Nathan…to Max” I called out.
“Pass it to Max but slow it down by two paces” Jude called out as Nathan passed it to Max and the opponent slightly shoved me aside.
Max entered a circle trap of three opponents surrounding him singing…. “Surround him”
And Farm jr high got the ball.
Jude stole the ball sending it to Kevin who got in the position of Dragon tornado.
Our second chance at shooting but they’ve got two defenders back there…The defenders brought out our supposedly main focus….Their infinite wall.
The whistle blew for the end of first half.
I got to the bench panting as I drank water from my water bottle.
“Skyla….you okay?” Jude asked.
“I’m…..good” I took a deep breath trying to slow down my breathing …..Jude discussed the strategy as they nodded…I got up to go back to the field but Coach Hillman had me out.
“Switching players….Skyla winters for Tod” Coach Hillman said.
“Uh? Coach?” I asked.
“You need to see Doctor Alex” Coach Hillman said.
“How’d you….” I trailed off.
“I’m your coach….i need data of every single one of you to know how effectively you play….I can’t explain what’s up for you but it seems like your body isn’t used to the speed at which you’re going.” Coach Hillman said.
“Fine….”I clenched my fists going to the changing room….I changed my uniform back to my Casual wears…..
I took one last look at the pitch before leaving
“Life isn’t fair at times darling” My father’s voice came from behind me as I stopped in my tracks.
“What do you want from me?” I asked trying not to let my emotions show in my voice.
“Missed me? Although I hardly think you did seeing you’re the one who threw me in the prison cell anyway” He chuckled darkly as I looked down.
“You deserved it….You had every right to be in there” I clenched my fists as my Jaws tightened. “You still do”
“Just as how I have every right to be back out here….You can imagine how sad I was when I heard your mother was remarrying to who? Ethan was it?” He chuckled.
“Leave my dad alone” I said. “I’ll get you out of your silly games again”
“I’m your dad….But I suppose I could let that traitor off for now…..As good as a detective you might be Skyla….you’ll never see this trap right under your little button nose” He chuckled as I turned back in anger to see no one there.
“A figment of my imagination” I said as I saw a card glimmering on the floor…I picked it up and saw his handwriting.
‘Stay in touch….I’ll love hearing your voice everyday sweet-chums….Do it no police involved or we’ll just have to erase a generation of the winters….How about we start with the fashionista?’
I was at the Inazuma Steel tower when Mark came running up to me…
“Skyla you missed the game…It was eventful…we broke through the barrier….and where were you?” Mark asked sounding worried…I smiled a little at his worried tone.
“I had…family matters…really really dumb ones….they took my time….I’m sorry but you guys….you won, huh?” I asked.
“Well…we did and it was incredible” Mark said with stars in his eyes as he talked about how the game went.
“That’s the raimon way” I chuckled. “Practice?”
“You know me too well” Mark gave a toothy grin as I couldn’t help but smile as I stood up pushing the tire as Mark tried catching it as usual.
I pushed it too hard that it hit Mark’s face…I peeked behind the tire to find Jude and Axel watching Mark.
“I thought you two would be here” Axel said with a smile.
“Hi guys….How’s it hanging?” Mark asked because he was on the floor looking at them upside down.
“Wow…I never knew that’s how you train” Jude said as the four of us watched the sunset…..
I leaned on Axel as I let Jude and Mark converse freely…they should be getting to know each other…all teammates should.
“I wonder what that Eric Eagle Bobby was talking about is like?” I said.

Sorry short chapter hehe

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