Zach's P.O.V
Alyssa came to my door late at night. Of course I figured she wanted to play something like hid and seek until midnight, but I was surprised when she was with a tall, curly haird boy. I had no clue why she was here and why he had a bag. After she told me what she needed I agreed, but asked her for something in return. I asked her to fake my girlfriend so a girl who won't leave me alone thinks that I'm taken. Now I have time to spend with this guy and see if he won't hurt Alyssa and treat her like she deserves.
Zach- So tell me about yourself Harry.
Harry- Well, I'm from Holmeschaple, I am in a famous band named One Direction, and yeah.
Zach- Wait, your famous?
Harry- Yeah I am. Why?
Zach- Well why are you here if your a famous singer?
Harry- Can I tell you something that you can't tell Alyssa or her family?
Zach- yeah sure. Ummmmm what did you wanna hear exactly?
Harry- Ummmmm how about why her tree house is a magical one?
Zach- Okay well its magical because that's where she kissed her ex-boyfriend and this guy she use to like. I don't think she likes him anymore though.
Harry- Oh okay. Why doesn't she want to leave her cats and dogs?
Zach- Well ummmmm she does everything with them. They are like her best friends and its hard for her to
Harry- See I really like Alyssa, and I want her to move to London with me, so I don't have to be there while the girl of my dreams is here.
Zach- Dude really? I doubt she'll move there without a ton of things with her.
Harry- What do you mean? What things are to important she can't leave without?
Zach- She has a list of things she will never want to leave behind.
Harry- like what?
Zach- Her cats, dog, stuffed animals that she has had all her life, magical treehouse, all her four-wellers, her posters of all kinds of guys, her best friends, and me.
Harry- Wait, what was the last thing?
Zach- What me? Yeah she hates to think that one day she won't be able to see me as much as she does now she loves how we do so much together and doesn't want to let it go.
Harry- So, its like she loves you more than a neighbor?
Zach- Well, she use to have a major crush on me, but now its more like I'm her older brother.
Harry- So tell me more about her please.
Zach- Okay what did you want to hear?
Harry- Ummmmm why does she not want to leave her pets?
Zach- Well, ummmmm she does everything with them, and she looses so many friends and they are the like the only friends that won't leave her for some guy or what ever.
Harry- Oh okay. What about any actadents she's had?
Zach- Ummmmm she has fliped a four-weller twice, been hit in the head with an axe by a frind on acadent, almost been ran over by I think three cars, got cut by a broken glass bottle before going to the beach, had a glass cup broken on her head when she slept on the floor and her brother knocked it over in his sleep, crashed her bike and landed on her feet on a pile of rocks, crashed her bike again into a post in the ground when she got her first bike, sprang her ankle, fallen off her skateboard and got scrached up with a big fat bruse on her leg, and fallen in the road and got scraced up. I think that might be it.
Harry- WOW! She is acadent pron isn't she.
Zach- Yeah both of us are.
Harry- Is there anything else you can tell me?
Zach- yeah she told me once that she liked muscular, tan, tall, and southern guys who know how to grill stuff.
Harry- Well I have no clue how to grill and I'm not southern. Do you think I'm waisting my time?
A/N: Sorry guyz but I gotta get to bed night :-)

How I Met One Direction
RandomThis is my first book. Its a story of me meeting my #1 fav band in the world, ONE DIRECTION!!!!! It starts out me meeting them then me being in a realationship with Harry Styles and having 2 children with him, Darcy and James, I make terible decisio...