I woke up before Harry. Since I didn't want to wake him up I had to crawl over him to get the twins up and get them up stairs and get them fed. Unfortunately when I moved his arm from around me he woke up.
Harry: Hey love, what are you doing?
Me: I didn't want to wake you.
Harry: It's fine. What time is it anyways?
Me: It's 7 am.
Harry lied back down, cupped his beautiful hands over his face, and yawned. As I propped myself up and looked at my soon to be husband I couldn't help but think about how just a little over a year ago I was just one fan out of millions, and now I was engaged to a man I only dreamt about marrying in my dreams. I think it was amazing, and the fact that he wanted to marry me was over whelming.
Harry: Babe?
Me: Yeah?
Harry: Can't you just lay here next to me for a bit longer?
Me: Harry, I need to get the twins up and get them fed.
Harry: But look they'er asleep in the crib. C'mon, please?
Me: ............. Okay lovely I will lay back down.
Harry: Thank you.
I laid next to him, and rested my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me, and within minutes we were back asleep. I woke back up to him turning on his side. I let him go, got up very carefully, and got to the twin's crib. Although the twins weren't in the crib. I silently ran out of the room and up the stair to find my mother and father with Darcy and James. They were feeding and dressing them. I felt a swoosh of relief come over me. I don't know what I would have done if my babies disappeared. I quietly walked back down to the room to find Harry naked in the middle of the room.
Me: Harry, what are you doing?
Harry: Oh you're back. Good!
Me: You didn't answer my question.
Harry: Relax, babe, I only got up because I didn't feel you by my side.
Me: Okay, well you need to at least have some boxers on.
Harry: Why?
Me: Because this isn't our house. My family is here too.
Harry: Oh yeah. Okay, but I'll only start wearing boxers if you promise to quit waking up and not getting me up with you. I want to help with the twins too you know.
Me: Okay Harry. I promise.
Harry: Where are the two little angles anyways?
Me: My parents got them and are feeding them and what not.
Harry: Okay, so wanna get back to bed?
When he asked me that I glanced over to my alarm clock. It was already 10 in the morning. I looked back to see Harry starring at me with his beautiful green eyes that I loved so much.
Me: Harry, I'm sorry, but I have to take Stella out for a run right now before it gets to hot.

How I Met One Direction
CasualeThis is my first book. Its a story of me meeting my #1 fav band in the world, ONE DIRECTION!!!!! It starts out me meeting them then me being in a realationship with Harry Styles and having 2 children with him, Darcy and James, I make terible decisio...