"Hey, Amber!"
"Hey, Alyssa! What's up?"
"Just got off the phone with Harry. He's just wondering where I went."
"Oh, cool. We'll, you've gotta give me like 5 more minutes because I'm almost done. You hungrey?"
"No I think Harry is making breakfast before I get back so I'll eat then."
...................I sat in the living room for five minutes while she got everything and then we were on our way back to my hotel room. "What do you think we will do today?" Amber asked me with great wonder. She was so excited to see the boys, the twins, and spend some time with me. "I don't really know what we'll do today, where do you want to start?" Amber thought for a second before saying, "You always tell me you love the beach, why not start there?" I though about it, and she was right I do love the beach. It could be fun. "Good idea."
We pulled up into the parking lot of the hotel, and went to the floor Harry and I were staying on. She loved how big the hotel was, and it was fun to have her over, even if it was only for a day. "Harry?" I called out as I opened the door. "I'm in the bathroom babe. Just taking a shower." He sounded almost like he wanted me to join him. "Well, we will be out here, and since Amber is over please get some shorts on at least." I always hated for people to feel weird, or stair at him, because he likes to e naked all the time. "Ok baby." I looked around the hotel room for a minute wondering where Darcy and James were, until I saw they were still asleep in the crib.
"They're so cute!" Amber was already over there wanting to hold them. "Only when they're sleeping." I said jokingly. When I said that Darcy started to wake up. "I guess it's time for breakfast" I said as I picked her up. "Can I hold her while you cook?" I don't know how I could have ever said no to her, so I gave her Darcy while I went to get some baby food. When I came back with 2 jars James started waking up too. I gave Amber a jar and got James out to feed him.
"Babe, I need a towel." Harry called almost embarrassed. I just looked at Amber and smiled. "I'll be right there." She started laughing when I got up and she fed both Darcy and James while I got Harry a towel.
I walked in and tried to hand him the towel, but Harry had a different plan.
"Babe can you get in here for a moment?"
"I just need to show you something."
"I don't think so."
"Fine. I'm coming out." I heard the water turn off and within seconds Harry was standing in front of me naked and dropping wet. "Here's your towel." I said holding the towel out. "Thank you." He took it and I started to walk out the door when he pushed it shut again. "Harry, what are you doing?"
"You have to make this morning up to me."
"What are you talking about?"
"Leaving super early this morning with out letting me know."
"Oh, right. So how do I make it up to you?"
"I'll show you."Amber's P.O.V.
Harry needed a towel, so Alyssa gave me James to feed while she gave him a towel, but almost 2 minutes after she left I heard some disturbing noises. Someone was banging someone else into the walls of the bathroom. I guess they forgot I was here.
.....................Harry and I came out, and I was soaked. Amber just had this look on her face. It was almost like she was shocked. We just tried to play it off like we didn't just do anything in the bathroom, but it was kind of like the elephant in the room.
"So we were going to head to the beach, do you think the guys are up for a little swim?" I asked Harry hopping he'd agree with me. "I can call them up and see if they'd be up for it." He said as he was walking out of the room to call them. "I can't wait to meet them all, do you think Niall will like me?" Amber asked me with excitement in her voice. "Yeah, he likes everyone." I said acting as I'd I didn't know what she meant. "No like want to get to know me better, like date me." After she finished she couldn't stop smiling. "I don't know. He was with a old friend of mine, but I don't think they're still together, at least I hope they aren't." Amber looked at me with a puzzled face. "What do you mean you hope not?" I just didn't want to talk about it, but she didn't know and I thought she needed to. "She's just not a great person, let's just leave it at that."
"Oh ok..." Was all she said.Harry's P.O.V.
Amber had a look on her face as if she was uncomfortable, which makes since if she heard us.. God I hope she didn't hear anything. It's so embarrassing that she might have heard it all. Alyssa said she wanted to go to the beach, and wanted to see if the boys would want to go too. I couldn't get out of there fast enough.
I called up the boys and they agreed to meet at the beach in like five minutes. That meant we had to get the twins dressed and go.
...............................,"Alyssa we gotta go to the beach in five minutes." Harry said coming into the hotel room, seeing the twins dressed and Alyssa having Amber help with tying her swim suit. "Ok baby we'll be done on 2." Alyssa said while she was grabbing the toys. She was right in two minutes they were gone.
..................................................A/N: Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter. I'm at the beach right now, and when I get back I have to start my first job, so I won't be able to post every week. I'm going to try to post at least every 2 weeks though. If you did please vote and share and comment. I haven't had any new comments in forever! Okay, well bye my lovelies!!!!!

How I Met One Direction
CasualeThis is my first book. Its a story of me meeting my #1 fav band in the world, ONE DIRECTION!!!!! It starts out me meeting them then me being in a realationship with Harry Styles and having 2 children with him, Darcy and James, I make terible decisio...