I kicked Zach out just so I could think. I was happy to see him again, but broken because Harry hurt me for somethin I couldn't control. I sat on the couch and called Kira because the rest of my friends were to busy doin other stuff.
Kira- Alyssa?
Me- Yeah hey Kira. I need to talk to you.
Kira- Alyssa it sounds like you've been crying.
Me- Yeah that's because I have Harry broke up with me and I'm torn. I don't know what to think anymore.
We talked for hours and she sounded really pissed after I told her Harry broke my heart.
I got a call out of nowhere. I looked at the caller ID and it said Mrs.Styles, but I had no clue which one, so I answered it. Once Alyssa told me about what happend with her and Harry I was pissed at him for breaking my best friend's heart. I needed to punch something, so I got a Harry Styles poster and taped it to a punching bag and beat the crap out of the poster's face, since I knew Alyssa wouldn't let me punch the real Harry Styles in the face.
After I finished talking to Kira I got on my bike and rode to Kaleb's house because D'Asia was out of town, and none of my other frirnds were close enough to ride my bike to and I didn't want to drive. I got to Kaleb's house and he let me in and I followed him to his bedroom. We talked for a few hours, and I texted my mum and told her I was going to sleep over at his house and that the twins and Stella are in my room. She said okay and that she expects me home tomarrow. I told her I will and then I told Kaleb that I could stay over, and he let me sleep in his bed.
That night I walked into the livingroom.
Me- Kaleb, I'm cold. Can you sleep next to me, so we stay warm.
Kaleb- Ummmmm yeah I guess I can.
Me- Yay! thank you.
That night Kaleb slept next to me and I had the best dream ever.
I was on a mountian in Utah. On the other side of it was a sleigh with a dog hooked up to it. I walked over to it I saw that the dog hooked up to it was Stella. I looked in the crib and there was Darcy and James. When I try to pick them up somebody grabs me by my sholders. I turn around and it's Harry. He says," Alyssa, I'm sorry for snaping at you like that I should have known you wouldn't do anything like that to me. I'm sorry please forgive me." I say," I will forgive you." We end up kissing.
I wake up and I'm kissing....Kaleb not a pillow Kaleb. He looked like he was enjoying it too!!!!! I really screwed up.
I was so happy when Alyssa wanted to come over I've been waiting for the moment she wanted to come here. I felt so bad for her when she said that Harry called off the wedding, but at the same time I was happy. I wanted her to end up with Zach instead. I will admit that when she asked me to sleep next to her last night I wasn't sure how to react to her request.After all we are just friends. I woke up to her soft lips pressed on mine, and I kissed her back. Man, I'm such a idiot!!!!!
I wanted to run out of Kaleb's house right after I realized he woke up to me accadentally kissing him. I just appologized and got changed and he made me breakfast. I don't understand how he can act like this is okay. I mean I really need to figure out who I'm in love with here. I ate the food and rode my bike home. When I got home I called Laura and Kira.
When Alyssa told me what happend I wasn't really surprised because she did have a major crush on him for a long time before Harry came into her life, but she also had a major crush on Zach too. I think she's just setting herself up to get hurt 3 times in a row. I hate this cause I feel so bad because I can't help her.
Alyssa called me and told me what happend between her and Kaleb, really it kinda didn't surprise me. She use to always mintion how soft, flippy, and beautiful she thought his hair was. Besides ever since the whole thing with Harry she's been lost trying to find answers and made quit a few mistakes. I wish I could help her, but I have to deal with the thing going on between me and Niall. He hasn't talked, texted, or called me since Harry broke up with Alyssa.
I haven't been myself since I made Alyssa leave. My bed seems bigger, the house is basicly empty, the twin's room is not a happy place without them. I told the boys and they think I might of screwed up the best thing I've ever had. I almost had a wife with two beautiful children and a loyal pet. I don't know how I can get her back. I've messed up not only my life but my kids won't know me, Alyssa will never see me, and Niall refuses to talk to Laura. Why did this happen? I decided to call Liam he doesn't have the nickname Daddy Direction for nothing, maybe he can help me with this mess.
Harry- Hey Liam. I need your help.
Liam- Hey Harry, and what's wrong now?
Harry- So you know how me and Alyssa broke up, well I really miss her and the twins.
Liam- Yeah so call her and tell her to meet you somewhere romantic, and tell her how much you miss her.
Harry- That sounds great, but I don't know where to take her.
A/N: Hay guyz sorry I haven't updated much I'm still tryin to get my thoughts together :-). personally this isn't my av chapter but if y'all liked it plz
~Alyssa <3

How I Met One Direction
CasualeThis is my first book. Its a story of me meeting my #1 fav band in the world, ONE DIRECTION!!!!! It starts out me meeting them then me being in a realationship with Harry Styles and having 2 children with him, Darcy and James, I make terible decisio...