We got into the car when Liam told me he needed to talk to me.
Liam- Alyssa, could you leave Stella home? She has attacked so many people and almost killed Nicki Manija.
Me- Liam you know I would but I promised my parents that I would keep her with me.
Liam- Yeah but the won't know if you do or don't have her with you.
Harry- Liam leave her alone about this. A promise is a promise.
Me- Thanks Harry your the perfect boyfriend. Liam I'm sorry but even if they won't know I will.
Liam- Can we at least put a muzzle on her?
Me- Only for a few days.
The boys were all droped off exept for Niall. I needed to talk to him about what happend between him and Laura. I just don't understand why he would think that about my big sister.
Me- Hay, Niall can I talk to you for a second?
Niall- Yeah. What is it?
Me- It's about Laura.
Niall- I guess she told you.
Me- Yeah of course we are sisters after all. Look Zach is a lot of things, but he would never go out with a girl if she already had a boyfriend. Besides, he loves me.
Niall- Wow! repeat the last part.
Me- What that he loves me?
Niall- Yeah! Does Harry know?
Me- No he doesn't and it doesn't matter I decided to come here with him. I need to forget Zach.
Niall- You know, Alyssa, you can't forget true love.
Me- What are you talking about?
Niall- I see the way you are when you talk about him. Your in love with this Zach person you always talk about.
Me- No I'm not! I love Harry and only Harry!
Niall- Sure you do. Anyways I will text her and apoligize for thinking that way. Thanks, oh and if I were you I would follow my heart and not chose the one with the most money, okay.
Me- I don't know what my heart wants though.
Niall- pulling me into a horan hug. Just think about it at night and don't let Harry into your pants unless it truely is him you love.
Niall left the car, and we were on our way to Harry and Louis' place. The car ride there I listened to my favorit One Direction song, Little Things. The rest of the day was super boaring until it was time for bed. Harry and I put Stella to bed, and went to get in bed ourselves.
Me- Hay, Harry.
Harry- Yes love.
Me- Would you please sing Little Things for me?
Harry- Yeah! You know that's my favorit song to, right.
Me- Yeah I know. I just love the song.
Harry started singing it and I went and cuddled him as he sang. We laid down and got cozey and Louis ran in saying," Alyssa Harry hurry there's a fire!!!!!"
Me- What?
We ran to the kitchen I was in my robe, Harry nude, and Louis in boxers. Harry put the fire out and turned to Louis.
Harry- What did you do?
Louis- I was going to make something fast to eat, and I left for a second and come back and there was a fire.
Harry- Just don't leave food when cooking, okay Lou.
Louis- Okay. Sorry guys for interupting your little ummmmm moment.
Harry and I went back and got cozey again. I must of feelin asleep sometime when Harry was singing to me because I don't remeber him finishing the song.
Harry woke me up in the morning by saying," Are you awake yet?" I just nodded because I was still half asleep. He was about to give me something but just then Stella jumped up and licked me all over my face. I sat up and shoved her off of me. Harry laughed a little, and kissed me for a minute. He then handed me a trey. It had eggs, pancakes, and sasuages. I ate then started getting ready for the day.
Harry was going to take me shoping, and then he was going to take me out to eat. When I was done with everything I walked out to the livingroom where Harry and Stella were on the couch. Stella was on Harry's laps, and Harry was stroking her watching family guy. I decided to surprise him by walking quietly behind the couch, and cough my hands over Harry's eyes and he turned and kissed him.
Harry turned and said," I guess that you are ready to go."
Me- Yeah I am.
Harry and I got Stella and put a muzzle on her. We headed to the mall. I had so much fun. He took me into Jack Wills and had me try on so many things. When we were done we went to a restrunt, and ate. When we were done eating we went back to his place and hung out.
I started feeling sick. I would throw up all the time, but we didn't know why. I also missed my period. I told Harry and he could only say," No. Oh no." I told him that everything was gonna be okay, but he wouldn't listen to me. He took me to the doctor and they did an ultra sound on me, and it showed a little thing inside my stoumach. It was a little baby. I really was PREGNATE!
It was delivery time. Everyone flew out. The waiting room was filled with poporotzie, fans, my family, Zach, D'Asia, Krista, Marlayna, Laura, Kira, John, and Kaleb. I asked the nurse to only allow my mum and Harry in while I was delivering the baby.
A few hours passed and the baby was coming and came out pretty easy. I thought that I was done, but there appereantly was another one. Out came a beautiful baby boy. I knew right there what his name would be. He was gonna be James Edward Styles, and his beautiful older sister was gonna be Darcy May Andrea Styles.
I could finally smile even though I was still in a little pain. The nurses went and cleaned up James and Darcy. I looked up and saw Harry's lovely face looking at me smiling. Later on my friends and family were able to come in and see Darcy and James. My dad wasn't to happy about me having Harry's two babies. I felt the tention in the room, so I asked everyone exept Harry and dad to leave. They left and I tried to explain to dad how sorry I am for what happend for that night but I'm not sorry for falling in love with Harry. Dad understood and left me and Harry alone.
A/N: Hay what do you guys think?
Plz don't send hate think b4 you send a comment okay. Thx 4 reading :-)

How I Met One Direction
RandomThis is my first book. Its a story of me meeting my #1 fav band in the world, ONE DIRECTION!!!!! It starts out me meeting them then me being in a realationship with Harry Styles and having 2 children with him, Darcy and James, I make terible decisio...