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You've been asking, I've been lazy, here is your bonus chapter

Dipper tail flipped his tail, splashing the black wood with salty water. He let a soft sigh escape his lips, "The sunset is pretty", he muttered. He heard a small creak next to him. He lazily turned his head to be met with the Bill's golden eyes. Dipper smiled peacefully, getting a soft smile in return. Bill hummed, "What are you doing". Dipper looked back at the orange sky, "zoning out". Bill kisses Dipper's cheek, "sounds fun". 

Dipper launches his upper body out of the bucket/barrel thing, laying himself onto Bill's lap, "It was better before you got here". Bill laughs and carefully runs his hands through Dipper's hair,  "lies". Dipper laughs softly, and rests his weight on Bill's lap. "Your getting me wet with your gross fish body" Bill says as he continues to pet Dipper's hair. 

Dipper laughed and smacked Bill's knee, "Hay! Don't be mean!!". 

Bill laughed and continued to mess with Dipper's hair, taking strands and creating tiny braids. 

They sat in silence for a little bit, enjoying each other's company, and watching the sunset. 

Dipper then let out a heavy sigh, "I think we should do this more often,". 

Bill stopped for a second, "Do what more often?"

Dipper looked at him with cold eyes, "God, your such an idiot! WATCH THE SUNSET!! YOU DENSE BRICK!!".

Bill laughed and leaned down to kiss Dipper's forehead, "I'm sorry".

Dipper scoffed playfully, "No you aren't!!"

Bill kisses Dipper's lips briefly, "I love you".

Dipper stares at him with loving eyes, "I guess I like you too". 

Bill rolls his eyes and kisses Dipper again, this time for a bit longer. 


HI!! Yes, hello! It's me! Polar! I have finally written this, so sorry for taking so Long I guess..... Ya I know it sucks, but it was the best I could think of

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