backstory!! | 7

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Dipper looks at the dusk sky and sighs. He feels guilty for having to stay instead of going with Mable. Bill just looks at his pet and sighs, feeling a wave of sorrow and regret hit him. He shakes it off, I'm not allowed to be upset

The waves roll and fall, Dipper stares at them all. Eventually Bill can't take it and sets next to his Siren. Dipper doesn't look at him but acknowledges his presence. "I'm sorry Pine Tree, for making you come back" Bill says joining Dipper at looking at the waves. "You're fine. I wouldn't have been allowed home anyway, I'm banned after all" he says sadly. Bill looks at the depressed Pine Tree. "Did I ever tell you how I got exiled from my home?" Bill states, trying to make Dipper feel better.  Dipper shakes his head no, Bill cracks a grin. 

"I was about 12, and it was my birthday. I always had this draw for bloodshed I got it from my dad. My dad was a small time pirate so I learned a lot from him, we were partners in crime. My mother had left my father years ago, I couldn't even remember her. One day we had just docked back in port from a small sea voyage. My dad went to get me a present for my birthday, it was a sword. Shiny and new, it had a golden handle with a small triangle engraved at the tip of the blade. He taught me how to sword fight. I loved having that sword, she was my best friend. I never went anywhere without her.

One day I was grabbing a bite to eat. My dad was running errands before we departed again. I saw am older man come up to me, he told me to follow him, so I did. I knew very well I could kill him if he tried to harm me. He lead me to something gruesome, a dead body covered in blood. I looked at the old bastard and he was gone, I then heard a scream from behind me. Someone saw me standing in front of a body.

Of course they blamed me, and I was exiled. You should have seen my dad's face, proud yet sad. So, at the age of 12 I became a pirate! And now I'm 21! I've been doing this shit for 9 years!!"

Dipper looked at him in awe, "wow". Bill smiles and gets up to stretch. "well Pine Tree! I'm beat! I'm gonna go sleep so I've got to bring you". Bill picks up Dipper and takes him to the bucket in his cabin. When the siren hist the cold water he conks out. Bill does the same when he hits his bed.

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