A VERY grumpy man | 15

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Bill sighs, deep and heavy.

It's been awhile since he let the siren go, he hasn't really been keeping track of how long ago it was. 

The crew HATES his new attitude. He's grown distant, more grumpy, and he doesn't smile. He just frowns and yells at the crew,  not very ideal. 

Bill looks over the side of the ship, the ocean waves crashing against the boat are the only things calming him down at the second. He glances over to the wheel, someone's got it. He does a 180 on his heels and stares down the crew member, "go find another job!" he growls. The man gulps, dips his head, and runs off. Bill grumbles and mans the wheel. He glances to his side to see an empty barrel of water, Bill sighs and shakes his head. 

He hums a small tune, and cracks a brief smile. HE sways his hips a bit and hums a bit louder, he wants to sing but he doesn't know the words. His smile grows as he hums the song, by now the crew members have slowed what their doing to watch the captain. 

Some smiled, some gasped quietly, some just smile silently. 

Bill finally notices the stares and goes red with embarrassment, he then proceeds to yell and scowl at people. 

After his tantrum, he returns to his chambers.

Bill sighs and glances sadly to the empty barrel. He lets his eyes glide over the side of the room, a weird pillow on his bed. He slowly approaches the figure. 

As he approaches it, he notices that the floor is wet, and the wet trail is from a broken window. He quickens his steady approach. 

He finally gets a good look at the figure, 

shiny blue scales cover the lower half of the resting figure, the scales then stop at the stomach.

But that was enough for Bill to know who the sleeping figure was.


sorry for the crappy chapter, and for the long wait, not much has happened, the only reasons I didn't update were the following,

1. I had no motivation
2. I had no ideas
3. I was lazy and like youtube

So sorry, but I have other chapters to make up, so have a wonderful day, 

don't die, be cool, don't smell


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