Part 1: Taken

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Ink was feeling extra alone lately. Dream and Blue weren't talking to him and the pressure from the creators was getting to be to much. To add to his pile of lonely saddens, Error was being extra...testy, destroying much more than he should've been... But had recently just stopped. Ink had no clue why but before all he could do was clean up Error's messes and now he just sat the antivoid. He had no clue what to do, and sitting there thinking and talking to himself wasn't helping. So he just started a new drawing, with many of his magical art supplies and other items around the space. He was just finishing up a small sketch of the doodle sphere when he heard something.
Nothing, he didn't want to just shrug it off but it's not like anyone can even get in here...and he would've seen Error. So with a small amount of unease still liguring he continued his drawing. Then he heard something again. He was a bit more freaked out but tryed to sound annoyed and or tuff.
"Ok who's there? Error?"
Still nothing but two noises like that can't be a coincidence. So he gathered up his things and picked up his paintbrush.
"Come on Glitchy, this isn't funny..."
Still...nothing...but once there was something it was to late- Someone ran at him from behind and before he could turn around he was hit on the head. He fell to the ground and saw his paintbrush out infront of him. He tryed to reach it before his attacker got another hit but-
...Ink woke up, he doesn't know how long he was out but he woke up in some dark room. Luckily he could still see but since he was just comimg to, his vision was blurry. Rubbing the back of his head he tryed to stand up but heard someone muffling, trying to tell him to stop.
"Is some-"
The muffling got louder, this creature wanted him to stop talking and didn't want him to stand. So he didn't move and tryed to get ahold of himself. After taking a few deep breaths and after the room stopped spinning he looked around. Nothing stuck out but his brush was gone, all he was wearing was his shorts and tee, and all of his art supplies were gone except his viles that were laying on the ground out of his sash. He then looked around trying to find out who was making the noises when he saw-
Error was sitting on the ground, his hands bound above his head on the wall by shackles, he had some kind of gag on to probably prevent him from screaming. Ink was reasonably freaked out. Yes he hated him but he hoped that he wasn't here for the two weeks Ink didn't see him.
After Ink analyzed the situation he quickly started crawling over to Error. Error once again started muffling, now shaking his head. Even though Ink didn't want to trust Error, he could see that they were both in equally bad situations, and if Error had been there longer than Ink was then he probably did know best.
So Ink stopped moving and very quietly asked.
"Is there a trap here?"
Error shook his head
"Is there...something I should be careful of?"
A nod
"Is it in the room?"
He thought, and slowly shook his head. Ink tryed to move again but made a little noise, again Error freaked out so Ink stopped.
"Do you not want me to move?"
He shook his head
"...Do you want me to be quiet?"
He nodded, so as quietly as Ink could he inched over near Error.
"Want me to take this off?"
Error looked at Ink like he was stupid and nodded. Ink realised that was a stupid question and silently removed the gag. Error breathed into his scarf trying to keep quiet.
"Yeah don't mention it..."
Ink went quiet and started to think.
Blue and Dream stopped talking to him maybe a month ago, and that's when Error's destruction start to get out of hand. Then two weeks before this happened Error just disappeared.
"What are you thinking Squid..."
"I can tell you're thinking about something, so just say it."
"I don't have to tell-"
"What if I already know what it is?.."
"You think you do?"
"I don't have to think much about these things..."
Ink thought that Error was just bull shiting him to get him to talk...but still he couldn't help but shake the thought that he should just ask... So he did.
"Do you know where Dream and Blue are?"
Error had a feeling that was what Ink was going to ask, but still sighed after hearing it.
"Do you really want to know?"
"I won't tell you why I'm asking, just answer me. Do you really want to know?"
Ink realised that Error knew what had happened to his friends, but his reluctancy to tell him scared him. But he has to know, they were his friends.
Ink said confidentiality. Then they heard a noise. Ink looked around then back at Error, he had looked at the ground then back up at Ink with a serious expression.
"They'll be here soon, so you need to listen to me."
"Who will? And what does that have to do with-"
"I'll tell you about them after, but right now the best thing you can do for you is listen to me. Got it?"
Ink didn't really get it but still nodded in agreement. So Error began to explain.
"You're going try and escape"
"But I don't have enough magic to do anything."
"I know and I have a way that you can get out with the little you have so just be quiet for once."
Ink shut up
"Anyways you need to get out and run to try and find the nearest exit of any kind. I don't care if it's a five story drope you'll live and you need to."
"And if you can't escape then go to Sci's lab."
"Wait Sci has a lab here?"
"Pay the fucker enough money he'll put a lab anywhere you want it."
"So find that lab and find a folder. It'll be very distinct probably a dark or black with a purple wax seal."
"Nightmare's right?"
"Yeah, the folder has a loop around the seal with a string. Hide it under your shirt and loop the string around your ribs so it won't move. You won't have time to read it and getting caught will be bad, but getting caught and them noticing you with that will be even worse, ok?"
Even with Ink being nervous he agreed. Error's serious tone and very descriptive instruction helped the situation finally set in, Ink was in some kind of danger, what kind? He didn't know but this was his best shot to get out of it.
"Over close to where you woke up there's a spot in the wall you can move. Don't freak out and get what's behind it."
Ink again nodded still processing what was going on and not being able to think of anything to say. So he just quietly crawled back over to where he woke up and saw the odd spot of wall, now realizing the large amount of dust gathered up in the corners. Moving the wall away he found what Error was talking about. A teal colored pick with blue strings wrapped around it for a grip. The scary part was there was blood stains across the sharp edge.
"I-Is this made with Dream's magic?- A-And is that b-blood!?"
Error start making noise with his hands and feet, muffling his own words to try and cover Ink's freaked out screams. After he was done he looked at Ink and angerly mouthed the words 'Shut up!'. Ink quickly got the message but it was to late.
"I thought you got him to stop making noise."
"I did, I cut him a few times and it made him stop!"
"Then go back in there and shut him up again! Oh and maybe if you actually do your job, after you can also see if Ink woke up!"
They heard the other monster grumble and start walking over. The two in the room started to freak out.
"That thing needs a little magic to work. Ok?"
"U-Um yeah ok"
"Ok good, now put that thing back on me and lay back down where you just woke up. They have to think that you're still asleep. And give me your viles so they don't take them away if they find you."
Ink scooted over to Error, hiding his viles behind him, and putting the gag back on him.
Ink felt bad but still shifted back over to the spot he woke up in and layed back down just as the door opened. His face was down so he couldn't see who walked in, but heard their voice.
"What did I tell you smart ass? Don't wake the 'sleeping beauty' and stop moving around so much!"
The monster started kicking Error. Ink shook hearing Error's muffled screams. The monster noticed and started walking over to Ink. Ink took a few deep breaths and with the little magic he could use without his brush he powered the weapon, it glowing an intense bright teal. He then sprung up stabbing the weapon into the monster, and pulling it out. The monster slammed against the wall grabbing his side. It was Killer... Ink only had a few seconds to process this before quickly running out the door.
He started running but almost instantly noticed Nightmare, Nightmare also noticing him. The goopy skeletons tentacles flew at the smaller, and before they could grab Ink he ran out of the room shuting the door behind him. A loud THUD echoed off of the wooden surface. There was no lock so Ink quickly grabbed a chair and set it against the door for a temporary lock. He could here violent banging on the wooden surface and some yelling as the door began to crack. Ink not wanting to see the door splinter infront of him just kept going. He ran and, ran and eventually found a staircase down, but he still had no clue where he was. Quickly sprinting down them he turned one way and-
"Hey! What the hell are you doing here!?"
Horror angerly screamed throwing his axe at Ink. Ink yelped dodging the axe and running in the opposite direction. He just kept thinking 'Come on, just one door- or window please!' But there wasn't one. Ink kept running and finally saw a window but...
Metal bars aligned the window, and they wouldn't budge. Ink knew a few ways to move them but trying to would take time that he doesn't have. So he just started running again. He had a feeling that all possible exits were just like the window, so trying to escape would be pointless.
After realizing that he remembered that he had to try and find the lab. He kept running, hearing doors slam open, footsteps, and other alarming noises. But that didn't stop him. He looked in just about every room he could before he saw someone start to run at him from the other side of the hall. Ink freaked out and sprinted into a random room, slamming the door behind him. Luckily this door had a lock so he locked it as he heard banging on the other side of it. It was metal so they wouldn't be able to break it as easy as the first one. He was still nervous but shook it off and turned around.
"Yeah that's my luck..."
Ink had ran into the lab randomly, which didn't disappoint him. He quickly started looking around the gleaming clean room to find the special folder. After a while of at first normal searching, then panicked paper throwing he saw the dark folder with the purple seal. He picked it up and looked at it. From what he could see the folder had many papers in it, along with a picture or two.
He snapped out of his daze of trying to guess how much was in the closed folder, and did what Error said. Pulling up his shirt he hid the folder on the inside part of his rib cage. Then he went over to the door he had just walked in. Putting his 'ear' against it he listened to hear if there was anyone there.
"I guess they're-"
Ink covered his mouth before he was able to scream. He internally scolded himself for almost screaming, and being stupid enough to think that they stopped trying to get in.
Still hearing the violent blows being directed at the door he thought. 'Come on Ink there has to be another way out of here!'.
Frantically looking around he saw a vent above a cabinet. He knew trapping him self in a small space like that could be even more dangerous, and his captures would hear him.
But that was his only option...that's when the banging stop. Ink thought that who ever was on the other side of the door was gone, it wasn't like he was going out the door but still it was reassuring.
Still he swiftly climbed up the clunky cabinet and just as he opens the vent.
Ink slid into the vent and closed it behind him, once again he put his hands over his mouth to muffle his heavy and scared breaths. Looking through the vent he saw Killer, Horror, Cross, and Dust enter the room. He backed up more to make sure they wouldn't be able to see him.
"Where are you princess?~ We know you're still in here~"
Dust cooed not taking this seriously. Cross on the other hand knowing that Ink was at least some what smart, even if his memory made the others seem tot him other wise, was taking this seriously. Using his magic he summoned one of his knives.
"I get it Ink... You're scared I would be to."
Cross was walking around and stopped infront of cabinet. He went over and it was empty, so he kept talking.
"We won't hurt you, and you know me. I'm not some animal, I won't kill you."
He was trying to sympathize and humanize with Ink and the small monster new that. Just like Cross new that Ink was smart, Ink new that Cross was cunning, and manipulative...mostly thanks to Nightmare... He wasn't buying it and even if he was he wouldn't go out. He noticed Cross's angry expression as he grumbled angrily.
"We both know you're helpless, you don't have any magic left. Why would I hurt you when you can't even fight back!"
Cross slashed at some box looking inside the remains. Cross was getting more and more angered by the minute. He began hitting down and slashing anything Ink could've hid in. Ink quietly sighing in relief watching Cross's tantrum like display.
He kept his eyes on the group, beginning to slowly back into the vent but it was already to late. He was engrossed in the events happening infront of him for so long that Nightmare was able to sneak one of his tentacles up into the vents. So when he started backing up, all he did was back into his inevitable fate.
He felt something slimy rub against his leg and he immediately knew what it was. The thing wrapped around his leg and began to pull him out. Ink screamed and desperately clawed at the inside of the vent to no avail.
Ink was slammed against the side of the vet repetitively until he stopped struggling and was then pulled out of the vent by Nightmare.
The other monsters in the lab just smiled maliciously.
"Got ya princess~"

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