Part 9: A Hopeless Spark

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Warning, this part does touch upon/ Implies scenarios of rape. If this makes you uncomfortable, which is very understandable if it does. Then you might want to skip this part.
Cross was currently sitting in his room, waiting for Nightmare to finish whatever sick acts he was bowned to be doing. Cross was even thinking about it in rather dark detail as he waited.
"Sick fuck~"
"What was that?~"
Nightmare walked up behind Cross, wrapping his arms around his waist.
"Oh nothing you don't know already"
"Atleast give me the benefit of the boudt"
"Is there one to give?"
Nightmare let out a dark chuckle and let go of Cross, walking over and sitting on the bed.
"No seriously, I'm genuinely curious"
"Hm...well if you're actually interested, then come over here and I'll tell you~"
Cross giggled mischievously and went over to the bed, crawling on it to get to Nightmare.
"Error told Ink the truth"
"I bet you enjoyed that"
"But ofcourse"
"Heh great~, anyways anything else happen or to happen?"
"Well it's nothing I like to do personally but the others will be...let's say partaking in what they have been..."
"For once I'm happy you aren't doing anything."
"I hope so~"
Nightmare grabbed Cross's hips and pulled him on his lap.
"Haha- Hey!"
"What? You want me to stop?"
"I never said that! Aha!"
Cross kept giggling and laughing until he looked at Nightmare's face.
"Night? Are you ok?.."
Nightmare brushed his hand against a bruise on Cross's face.
"I'm just upset that someone messed up your face."
"Ya...but you know who did..."
"Hmhm...I do, but you've already had your fun."
"I know~"
"Oh? So you're implying something else?"
"Kind of?..Ok..."
It didn't take Nightmare long to figure out what Cross was saying.
"You wanna go have more fun~ Huh?"
"A little~"
"You had your fun a few days ago, let everybody else have their turns"
Cross scoffed turning away and crossing his arms.
"Ya they're definitely having 'fun', if they all even want to."
"I never said all... But on the other hand~"
Nightmare pulled Cross down on the bed as he was still having a little kid like tantrum, still looking away from the monster above him.
"We could have our own 'fun' if that would make you feel better."
"Mrrg... Fine..."
"Don't fine me, you already ripped off all of his fingers."
"Not without him hitting me before I could get him down- and biting me before."
"Ok I brought that up and now I'm thinking I shouldn't have."
"Still I could make you forget that for now~..."
"Ok...if you must insist~"
The two of them started to get busy.
Little after that happened, Ink shakily woke up. He screamed which made Error wake up.
"What's going on!? Who's there!? Did some-... God fucking damnit..."
He didn't even have to look at Ink he could already smell a strong sent over near him.
"Did know..."
Ink didn't want to say anything so he nodded even though Error wasn't looking. Ink curled up his legs, having to snap them to do so but he didn't care. It was humiliating, dehumanizing, immoral, everything and again anything bad... Ink looked around and saw his pants next to him. He picked them up and put them on.
"You can look now..."
Error getting the ok looked over at the crying Ink. Whenever Ink cryed Error couldn't blame him, especially now...
"'re not I'm not gonna ask..."
Ink didn't say anything, he had no words for the new traumatizing situation that was mixed into the rest. Some how Ink was able to pull a question out of the depressing mess in his head.
"Did they do this to them to?.."
He asked in a shallow empty voice that alarmed Error. But none the less he answered Ink's question. Besides he already knew why he was starting to sound like that.
The thought made Ink some how feel worse, he had cryed so much and yet now he stopped. His eyes were dry he felt empty in a way, stripped of everything he once was. Ink hated having these thoughts, they seemed so familiar and it scared him.
"Ink... Don't be thinking anything bad or-"
"You can't tell me not to... I know your trying but you can't expect it to work all the time... I'm sorry but it's true."
The bluntness of Ink's words weren't surprising, Error was hoping that he wouldn't start being like this for atleast a little while longer. But after everything Ink doesn't have much to hold onto so it was reasonable.
"How didn't I notice?.."
Ink asked now sounding bad to add to the hopelessness.
"Drugs probably, unless you can't feel anything from the waste down."
"No it still hurts..."
"Then you were drugged..."
Ink curled up in a ball looking down at his clanky, broken legs. Looking at the metallic pieces he felt a spark of hope come back.
"Hey Error."
Error sounded anxious, thinking he was either getting another question or a blunt scolding.
"I...think I may have an idea..."

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