Part 3: The True Beginning

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A few days later and Ink had been crying off and on a lot. He had been sleeping near Error so they both knew if something was happening to the other, and things did happen.
Ink was missing a few of his back teeth after Horror pulled them, he also had some bruises. Error had bruises like Ink's after getting repeativly beat. Neither of them could help the other when things like this were happening.
But now nothing was happening and Ink was again crying.
"Ink please stop crying..."
"You *Hic* can't order me around *Hic*..."
"If they couldn't make it anymore obvious"
Ink wiped his eyes and breathed
"I shouldn't be like that...I don't even know if this is your fault."
"Again, could they make it anymore obvious"
Ink smiled and lightly chuckled, still feeling warm tears stream from his eyes on his cheeks.
"I don't think they could, could they?"
The two sat there until someone opened the door. Ink shivered and scooted near Error. They were both scared but now Error was also irritated.
"So you're cuddle buddies now?"
"Not on purpose..."
Error's negative tone was venoms, and his expression was sharing that toxicities. Nightmare only laughed.
"You are funny... Something that I use to enjoy about you."
A tentacle shot at Error's neck and tightened quickly. Ink tryed to get it away but his efforts were only met with more laughter.
"But right now being a funny guy won't get you anywhere!"
Nightmare then let go of Error, Error then gasping for air. Then Ink got wrapped up in the tentacle and pulled towards Nightmare till he was in his grasp.
"Now as for you. You are coming with me~"
Ink started to get worried, and tryed to escape Nightmare's grip. It wasn't working and the tentacle around his waist wasn't helping.
" come on, you might have all day but that doesn't mean we all do."
"N-No! Please! Let me go!"
Ink look desperately at Error
"Help! Please! Help me!"
Ink began to break down as he watched the already defeated destroyer look away and down at the ground in shame and an almost guilty sadness. Ink couldn't stop screaming at him but was still pulled out of the room, crying uncontrollably and still struggling. The others just watched while laughing at the defenceless creator.
Ink was dragged down to another level of the castle, still struggling the whole time until he was thrown in a dark room. Ink tried to reach the door before it closed but he was to late, and it slammed in his face before locking. All he did was bang on the door before collapsing infront of it crying more.
Then the lights turned on, blinding Ink for a split second. After adjusting to the sudden light change he saw something quite odd. Three syringes were on a table with mysterious liquids contained with in them.
"What is this?.. Some fucked up movie..."
Ink didn't even bother going to the table, instead he got himself together and looked at the door.
"Good there's a key hole"
He stood up, looking around the messy room. Nothing immediately stood out so he went up to the table. There were no instructions or anything, just a few messages and words scratched into the table.
"Yeah get out, run and all that... What the?"
Ink seemed confused, but luckily some message gave some contexts to what he was supposed to do.
"Why does this look so familiar... It doesn't matter, but I just have to pick one of these? Is that it..."
He definitely wasn't doing that so he tryed something else. He picked up one of the syringes and tryed to bend the needle but it snapped. Ink grumbled and started looking for something else. He looked through the piles of metal scrap around the small dirty room, and saw some pin or clip that also looked familiar.
"What's with all of this looking so familiar? Wait why do I care, it's probably just from one of those assholes... God why do I have such a mouth right now."
Bending the clip a little he went back to the door. He stuck it in the lock and tryed to pick it.
"Come on Ink! You might've never been a kid but that doesn't mean you've never picked a lock!"
After some time on it he finally heard a click and tryed the door, and it opened. That moment of happiness and successes lasted about three seconds though.
"Wow really? This again?"
Killer grabbed Ink by the back of the head, Ink then grabbing his arm and trying to get it off, whining while doing so.
"It's fucking sad. You're really resourceful, shame you had to put it to waste."
Ink's pleads didn't do anything and he was dragged back in the room, Killer picking up one of the syringes from the table.
"You know this was my idea, I like to mess with you guys before the others get there turn with you."
Killer put the syringe to Ink's neck
"You should've abused the time you had in here. You really, really should have..."
Killer put a hand over Ink's mouth and injected him.
"Trust me the others definitely won't be so considerate~"
Killer's dark and evil laughter was the last thing Ink heard, before passing out.
A few hours he woke up, he was sore and to tired to move but nothing to bad had happened it seems. He tryed to move again though, but still nothing. He knew freaking out wouldn't get him anywhere so he breathed. The room was empty so he had atleast a little bit of time to think about his sudden paralysis. He thought and thought then realized something. Killer injected something into his spine, so even a strong muscle relaxer could be the unintentional culprit, but Ink doubted it and knew it was probably something stronger.
As he was contemplating what happened someone walked in. It was Dust, great now just about everyone's atleast tryed to have a stab at Ink, this day really couldn't get any worse...
"What now? already paralyzed me so what else?.."
"You're not paralyzed, sorry"
Dust gently hits Ink's knee, it does react, and Ink felt it to his surprise.
"What did you give to me then?"
"Heh...don't worry about it"
Dust went over to a cloaked tray that Ink first failed to notice. Under it weren't stereotypical torture devices which almost surprised Ink. They were some power tools and other construction like items, along with a even few surgical items.
"You shouldn't be so surprised"
"Nightmare told me that you got ahold of our little documenting folder."
"Oh yeah..."
Ink felt and noticed Dust cleaning his dirty and already marked up bones, so he didn't have any questions about what he was doing. So he asked something else.
"Who got injected with the flower disease?"
"Our snitch didn't tell you?"
Ink was about to ask who that was then realized that it was probably Error. Dust took Ink's silence as an answer and continued.
"Ask him again once we get you back"
"You know he can't talk"
"And you know we aren't stupid, if we wanted to shut him up we would've cut out his vocal cords or something."
Ink internally freaked out a little after hearing Dust's nonchalant tone about doing something so grotesque. Dust realized and chuckled.
"Again something else that shouldn't surprise you."
"Yet it really does..."
Dust had finished cleaning Ink's bones and all that remained were his tattoos and the red marker marks on his body. The weird mix of white, black, and red intrigued Ink for a moment until he saw Dust pick up a serrated scalpel type instrument.
"One of these marks..."
He slowly ran the scalpel over Ink's exposed body, making sure not to cut him yet but still freak him out. He did this until he stopped on one tattoo he favored more than the rest.
"Will be a lovely addition to me collection.~"
Ink was confused until he felt the sharp, cold metal surface of the tool enter his bone. He screamed feeling Dust cut out a chunk of bone with a more unique pattern on it, one Ink had very few of on his body, and that he actually liked a small bit.
Dust took the piece of bone, cleaned it, and for some reason started sanding it. Ink was breathing heavy but was still able to notice this bizarre behavior.
"What are you doing?.."
"Isn't it obvious?"
He finished sanding the bone and it was now circular, showing of the pattern on it in it's entirety on a smooth surface now on coin like bone.
"Gotta make it look all pretty first~"
Dust ran the scalpel over Ink's cheeck lightly.
"Pretty like you soon will be~"
Ink was only freaked out more, realizing today how much of an insane monster Dust was. Dust only laughed at Ink's scared and pitiful face, tears again starting to run down it.
Dust turned back to the tray picking up a drill. Turning back, Ink could see the pure and utter madness that lingered in Dust's eyes and evil smile. Ink just cryed more and wanted to scream but didn't have the energy to. So all he did was beg.
"Please don't do this..."
"Sorry but Killer already had his wittle games wuined because of wou~ Sssoooo no."
Ink only cryed more, his tears now starting to cloud his vision because he was on his back. He was however still able to see Dust put the drill up to the side of his knee.
"Get ready for some fun, princess~"

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