Part 8: Worst Nightmare

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Warning, this part contains talk of self harm and death. If this makes you uncomfortable then you have been warned.

Error thought of the best way to tell Ink this but again the full truth ended up being the best way he could think of.
"Dream was interesting...not in a good way ofcourse but interesting none the less. Similar to when this happened to Blue, I had to go get Dream with Dust and make sure you weren't there."
"And what happened... His torture was thought up by Nightmare."
"Go figure"
"I started to read that I think...but what is it?"
Error let out an annoyed grumble and went upstairs at his bosses demand.
"Come look at this"
"I don-"
"To bad, come here"
Error didn't want to but nodded and walked over to Nightmare. Similar to last time there was a syringe, now full of a dark liquid.
"Do I even want to ask-"
Error was dreading hearing his name spoken by such a pained voice and didn't even want to acknowledge it.
"Now don't be rude, if someone wants to see you then go see them."
Error grumbled and breathed. He quickly looked in the room and saw Dream...and it got worse... He didn't think it could but it got worse. Dream's hands...were all broken, shread to pieces that were some how all still together. Cracks went down his arm to show all his bruises. He had been beaten similar to Blue and was currently covering his mouth.
"Now then brother you shouldn't be like that. Show your new friend your smile."
Dream was shaking with tears spilling down his face as he removed his hands. His face had been cut from both cheeks to his mouth into a huge smile. The worst part was the wound looked fresh. Dream quickly put his hands back over his mouth and curled up into a ball and started to cry more.
"I hated to see him, heal people and make them happy with only a touch. So I took his gift away."
"...Ya...and what about his face..."
"The positivity guardian can't be sad or without a smile."
"Oh Error don't sound so down, you should be atleast indifferent."
"Sure...anyways what about that stuff?.."
"Oh this? This is negativity"
"Nightmare that is going to kill-"
"He could come close but if we don't give him to much then he'll be breathing."
Error didn't want that to happen to Dream. Ok ya he might not like the guy but this was sick in a way Error really hated.
"Now then, stay there and I'll go do this"
"Wait you're gonna make me stay-"
"Be happy I'm not making you do anything"
Error didn't want to stay but didn't argue back anymore, knowing he had no choice. So he watched as Nightmare held Dream down and slowly and painfully injected the helpless positivity guardian with negativity. Only seconds after being injected Dream shrieked out in agonizing pain. Error had to look away as Nightmare came out of the room and closed the door behind him.
"Why did I need to watch that?.."
"Because I needed the negative energy you put off."
"Oh? And the screams of pain in the other room weren't enough!?"
"Error...I have my reasons for the things I do. But with whatever I say and if it is ridiculous or not you do not yell at me like I'm an idiotic child! Got it!?"
Error silently growled but again he couldn't argue, so he stayed silent.
Was all Nightmare said before he left Error alone with his brothers pained screams.
"Poor Dream..."
"It took him...a surprisingly long time for him to die..."
"Don't say it so normally, Dream was someone...he was good..."
"I know, that's why that happened to him."
This time Ink was able to keep his tears in so he could ask his next question.
"But if you saw him outside of this room...then how did you end up in it and make that weapon that had blood on it?.."
"That...that's an even more complicated story..."
"Well I'm still listening..."
"...Ok... I ended up in here for two reasons... One being that I was keeping you busy, and around other creatures so you couldn't be taken without something noticing..."
"That's why you were so was for me?.."
"Might've not seemed like it at the time but ya..."
"But why would you do that?"
"Because this is wrong, they shouldn't have crippled you like that. They shouldn't have made Blue sick, or poisoned Dream. Ya I hated you assholes...but that was a different kind of wrong that again I didn't want to be a part of."
"I'm running out of words to go with all the crazy and impossible things you're telling me so excuse me if ok is the best I can think of at the moment."
"Heh ok..."
Error let out a deflated chuckle, which only ended up sounding depressing.
"You...want to hear about everything else?"
"You had two reasons, so mine as well tell me when we're on our depressing kick."
"We've been on that for a while...but ok"
Error was sneaking his way through the castle after a long and tiresome day of destruction. Today was a good day to do this Error thought while also cursing himself about how stupid this was. Still he knew he had to atleast try no matter how stupid it was. He snuck up stairs and could already hear painful whining from the torture room he was trying to get into. Going up to the door he undid the lock and opened it. Dream was whining on the floor, dark tar spilling from every crevasse of his body but his white bones were somehow still visible. Whether that was a good thing or not Error wasn't paying attention enough to think about it. Instead he was looking at Dream's mouth, it now had two pins in it forcing him to actually smile. Error didn't want to look at it but still rushed in and went over to Dream, he could see evidence of Dream trying to pull the pins out, but it getting to painful and him having to stop.
"I'll take these out then get you out of here, no one deserves this... Especially not someone like you..."
Dream nodded and braced himself as Error gripped onto one of the pins and yanked it out. Dream gritted his teeth and put a hand over the bleeding hole in his mouth. Error pulled out the other one and Dream clasped his hand over his mouth as Error picked him up. Error didn't even bother talking to Dream anymore and just ran out with him. He had to get out before anyone woke up and his teleporting magic didn't work inside the castle. So he kept running and when he heard voices he only ran faster. He was close but could hear Dream's worried and scared cries, yelling at Error that they were being chased. Still Error kept running until something grabbed ahold of him, it was Nightmare's tentacles. Dream started crying again but Error was to tired to even try and fight him off. So he just wrapped his arms around Dream and pulled him close, wrapping his strings around him.
"We're far enough..."
Error opened a portal and dropped Dream through it. Dream yelled at him as the portal closed. Error could only sigh as Nightmare pulled him towards the angry group.
"What the hell have you done!?"
"Fixed your shity mistake, even for you what you did to them was horrid."
"Oh you say that like it was just me! Sorry I wasn't the only one having fun around here Error!"
"Unfortunately not"
"Atleast you've realised that!"
Error started to get dragged and Dust and Horror were sent to find where Error sent Dream. Error didn't say anything about that but did ask a stupid question that he already knew the answer of, or atleast thought.
"So where are you taking me? Like I even have to ask."
"Where do you think!?"
"Ya I thought so..."
Error got dragged up the stairs and shackled him up in the room.
"You can still use your magic and it is dangerous, this shouldn't be surprising."
Nightmare hit Error against the wall one more time before leaving.
"So you're just gonna leave me in here?"
"Till I figure out what to do with you"
Nightmare went to leave again when he stopped in the door way.
"You know you weren't being sneaky"
"With all the destruction to distract and keep Ink busy, did you really think I was dumb enough not to notice?"
"Ha! Don't make me laugh anymore than I already have."
"Yes because Dream getting away must've been hilarious to you."
Error smirked as he heard his former boss let out a groan of annoyance before leaving and murmuring the words, "He won't be gone for long". Unfortunately he was right and the next day Dream was tossed in the cell and they were trapped in there together for another week. Error was forced to watch Dream the whole time. Then one day Dream did something that surprised him.
"Do you still have magic?"
"Ofcourse, can't use much of it though... Why?"
"I need some strings...for something, please..."
"...What will you do?.."
"It should help in some way...maybe soon...just trust me it'll help some day."
"...Go crazy"
Error used his magic to summon some strings and Dream scooted over and took them. Then he scooted back over to a wall and moved a piece of it. He took out a blue colored pick and wrapped the strings around it as a grip. Then he just stared at it.
"Dream!? Why didn't you say you had that!? You can use-"
"I don't have enough energy or magic to make it work enough for me to get out, or cut you lose...that's why I didn't say anything..."
"Still! We could've-"
"Ink...will be dragged here after I'm gone right, no matter what we do?.."
Error didn't want to say the obvious but nodded.
"He'll be able to use this but I won't...I already know that..."
" better not be thinking what I think you are..."
"It'll be here where I left it..."
Dream scooted back over to Error and put his gloves and pin, then Blue's bandana in Error's pocket.
"I found the bandana there before I hid the weapon...please give these to Ink..."
"What are you doing?"
"And remember where the pick is..."
Dream scooted back over to the wall and picked up the pick.
"And I'm sorry..."
"Wait don't-"
It was to late...Dream had slit his owm throat and was still some how able to hide the weapon. Error didn't know what to say as he heard Dream's life die out. He heard angry screaming from someone, who he still doesn't know. He turned away as heard his soul break and dust settle in his place along with some more angered screams.
"Error...that's not right! Dream wouldn't kill himself, he wouldn't!"
"Ink...he was suffering-"
"S-Still he...h-he"
Again Ink started crying for like the hundredth time after hearing that his friend killed himself. Both of his friends were dead and no one could've helped them. It was much...his friends were dead, and they were tortured for weeks until they died. Now he was stuck in the same mental and physical torture they were. And he learned that his worst enemy tryed to save one of them and kept Ink distracted to try and keep him near others so he wouldn't get taken. It got to be to much for him so he rolled over to a corner and threw up paint like he normally does in these kind of situations.
"Geez Ink..."
Once Ink was done throwing up he curled up in a ball and started whining. Error had a feeling that telling Ink just about everything would be a bad idea but definitely didn't expect that. He knew he couldn't just let Ink cry and go through all that alone so again as much as he hated the touching he wanted to atleast try and help, similar to how Ink has been doing for him.
"Ink...come over here..."
Ink raised his head up and looked over at Error, sorrow shown to clearly. Error knew Nightmare was probably loving this right now and it made him feel sick.
"You don't-"
"You're only giving them what they wanted...don't do that..."
Ink nodded crawling over to Error and snuggling up in the glitch. He tryed to hold it in but the horrible sorrow was uncontrollable now. So he again started crying and wailing again. Error sighed not really expecting Ink to be ok in a second. So he again had to try his best to comfort Ink in both of their states.
"Sshhhh Ink, calm down I'll fix this...some try to calm down, not now but soon..."
Ink couldn't bring himself to say anything and nodded as he continued to wail. It was all hopeless and Ink didn't want to admit it, but eventually he would have to...

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