Part 11: Reocurring Feelings

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Ink woke up an hour or so later, by then Dust was done what ever he was doing.
"You're gonna put me back now... Right?.."
"Why? You wanna stay the night?~"
Ink groaned
"Didn't think so, now come on"
Dust picked Ink up, throwing the limp skeleton over his shoulder and left the room. He walked Ink back to his cell, and opened the door. When he did Ink could see a new lock on the outside of the door. He knew he wouldn't be able to escape again. With a long heavy sigh Ink was put down. Then Dust went over to Error.
"I'm surprised the others didn't rip you to shreds."
"At this point me to..."
"Don't act like that..."
Dust ran his hand up to Error's broken fingers and squeezed them. Error had to hold in his screams as to not give Dust more of what he wanted, atleast for one day.
"Hehe...Cross really did fuck up your hands, how nice."
Error thought Dust was done, his grip was loosening. He let out a breath of relief until Dust randomly squeezed them again, making Error yelp.
"Anyways don't forget your place, you've been warned."
"What the fuck did I-"
The already painful tight grip got tighter
"What was that?~"
Error didn't want it to get worse so he shut up
"I thought so~"
Dust let go and unlike Nightmare, he just left quietly.
Ink looked away from the ground and at Error silently.
"You ok?.."
"Still no..."
"I didn't think so..."
Ink scooted over to Error and sat next to him
"Did Dust fix your leg?"
"Ok guess not..."
Ink looked drained of his old self, he wasn't the bubbly little creator that everyone knew him as...he was something else, a husk of his former self. Similar to the last time Ink started to get like this Error worried, less about the fact that Ink was like that and more the fact that there was nothing that could make him stop. There was no hope of escape, neither could use magic even if they were in a scenario that they could, and over all the entire situation was once again hopeless. Ofcourse Error wasn't going to tell Ink that, just in case he didn't know or had lost all hope already. Instead he would keep doing the only thing he could do.
"We'll get out, just stay hopeful..."
"Please Ink...this can't all end up being for nothing... So even if it's just to make me feel better say yes, or ok, or anything..."
" me..."
"...I'll try...but I...don't want to make any promises..."
That sentence only scared Error more, but he didn't say anything. Ink did what he wanted after all.
"It's don't have to"
After that ok Ink went silent. Error not wanting to make him talk or push him into saying anything else he didn't wanted also went quiet. Soon Error fell asleep. Even though Ink had left during the night Error was to scared to sleep, so he was tired. Ink realising that Error was asleep, and grabbed his viles. Ink opened one of the more empty ones and drank some until there was only a little left, luckily it wasn't a very impactful emotion and he didn't drink enough to cause a response. Taking his other viles he poored small bits of each one in the near empty vile until he had some of all of his viles continence stacked up in one bottle. It looked pretty to Ink but trying not to distract himself and get this done quick he shook and mixed the liquids together. Instead of a weird mucky brown color, it was a dark black. Ink knew what this was and had a feeling that Error might to.
The liquid was a mix of his normally harmless emotions turned into a dark toxic liquid. Ink only figure this out by making the mistake of drinking it once. He used to enjoy staking his paint emotions into cute colorful drinks. But one day when he did this the paint collapsed and mix together. Ink was a little disappointed when this happened but stupidly thought that nothing would happen. He only had to drink a little for him to get sick and get knocked to his butt. Ink only got worse as the day went on and after a few days he finally started to get better. But before then it was bad, really bad, and Ink had only drank like a tenth of the liquid. He knew that if that was enough to knock him for as long as it did, then it could probably kill him. Ofcourse Ink didn't know this. He had never been faced with a real concept of death, he could shake hands with Death and be fine...then again Error could to and Ink wasn't entirely sure if he could or couldn't die. Regardless of if Error could or couldn't, Ink new he may be able to. Ink was kind of scared but knew if he ever needed wouldn't... Ink wouldn't even dare think the words, ever time he said them it would ALWAYS get worse. Ink smacked himself after thinking that, then let out a sigh... Would he really end up needing this?.. He didn't know but hoped he didn't.
Ink didn't sleep, he only stared at the vile in his hands until Error woke up. Ink hid the vile as Error groggily looked around.
"Still here..."
Ink reassured
Error used one of his legs to scoot Ink close to him.
"Keep trying so hard and you'll start to make me think you like this."
"I can't tell if I've groan used to it, makes me feel normal, or I actually do like it. I don't know."
Most of those answers surprised Ink
"I didn't expect two of those..."
"Hehe...I wouldn't think so..."
"...Hey Glitchy..."
"What is it?"
"Do you...actually not want me to die?.. After all the years that you have..."
"I don't want you to die...I... After I saw what they did...I realised I was wrong about some things...but not all of them..."
"And that means?.."
"It means I know you were just doing what you've known for years, protect, care, and create. Just like how I was doing what I thought was right, which was destroy anomalies..."
"So I'm not an anomaly?.."
"No you are...but you're like me..."
"And you are?.."
"...Empty and matter how much I don't like to admit it..."
"I say that because...well I thought I had the crazy assholes outside...but no...I didn't..."
Error stopped for a second to think of words.
"But as much as I hated it at the time you always seemed to appear every where when I had no one... I never admitted it but I liked you being around, made me feel like of"
"...You weren't that bad..."
Error glanced over at Ink as he continued
"Yes I didn't enjoy what you did...but you're right...we had very different opinions but we really were the same in some ways..."
"But it's not like it matters now, we're just gonna be stuck here till we kill ourselves or they kill us..."
"Don't say that..."
"It's true..."
Error moved his arm so Ink would fall on him and then put it back.
"We'll get out...and I won't do anything else but think of ways to do that. I won't leave, in any way..."
"Please trust me..."
"Ok...and...I promise I won't do anything, unless for some reason one day you aren't here..."
"Them that'll never happen, ok?"
Ink nodded, feeling himself start to cry for a different reason for once. Even though he knew there was no way for them to get out...Error made Ink again feel hopeful, and want to try and leave... But just like the last time he felt like that, something was telling him that the feeling could only last so long.

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