izuku's life wasn't what you call a happy life or happy at all he was born quirkless at 4 which his parents despised of him leaving him on the street which being token by the league of villans experimenting on him till on day he was saved by the her...
Everyone is sitting down waiting for their teacher. "Alright children as said before we are all going to the camp today but it is for training so as some of you may think this is for fun think again, as for those who failed you will be taking remedial classes, now as that is said and done let us start packing and head to the bus."
Time skip to everyone in the bus
As everyone is seated, obviously kyoka and izuku next to each other you see them discussing something that could be very well be important in the world........"hey babe want to listen to music" "you know it tails" so izuku plugged in his earbuds and gave one to kyoka. "Any requests my lady" " oh what a gentle men surprise me my good sir" she said in a small giggle. So izuku puts Garbage Truck by Sex Bob-omb
"Ooh great choice babe" "thx hun" "AWWWW YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE" mina scram, which caused kyoka to hide in izuku's chest but what she didn't know was that made everyone blind of cuteness. "Alright everyone out" Aizawa said which everyone did but izuku had a feeling it would be a drag so he left a special kuni on the bus.
They all get out but they all see that they are near a cliff in the forest "umm mister aizawa this do-" just before uraraka could finish they are meet with the wild wild pussycats
"Jeez izu I still find it hard to believe under all that cool and coldness ur still a nerd" "oof u wound me" as that is happening pixi Bob looks at izuku and then tries to run at him and says "I THINK I FOUND A POTENTIAL MA-" before she get to him jirou blocks her and hugs izuku from behind popping he hend from under izukus arms while saying "MINE" which makes pixi Bob disappointed but then sniff them and says "fine u both snell like each other anyway " which causes then to blush hard
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After all that talk uraraka finally says "Mr aizawa why are we hear I thought we were at camp?" "You thought this was for relaxing then you are dead wrong this is a hero school so as of now, you will get there urself so good luck" just then they all fall but while in the air izuku grabs kyoka and teleported to the bus with the Kuni he left in the bus "good job izu" "hehe I am pretty awesome aren't I well lest rest till we get there"
Mean while with class 1-A
"Is everyone OK" iida said which they all responded yes "ok good now we should start to - wait were is Kayama and Jirou?" They all look then scream "THOSE TRAITORS"
Back in camp
The staff gets out the bus but they then hear a snor from jiro "mmm izuku it ur turn to change Izumi's diaper" which aizawa responded with "o really now" which wakes her up but then finally processed in her head and made her scream
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Which makes aizawa laugh to death and wakes izuku up comfused "huh huh what happened?" Which aizawa responded "o nothing but it ur turn to change izumis diper" which makes izuku comfused af but a blushing mess jirou "anyway how u get her problem child?" "Left a kuni felt off when we stopped and got back so here we are" "whatever just wait for the class to come" "k"
As they get out izuku sees a kid and as Mandalay who that was and she said "that is my nephew kota" he walks up to him and put out his hand to greet him "hey Kota I'm izuku Kayama nice to-" before he finishes Kota gose for a hard push but his hand was caught before he hit the mig-nuggets(if uk uk) "woh there kid" "tch stupid wanna be hero" and he just walks away
Time skipto when class is back
"Hey guys what took u so long" they all just gave izuku a death stare "hehe" "well everyone food is set for you at the tables eat up and you may go to bathe in the hot springs after"
And that is a wrap that's for reading ik it very late but just haven't gotten many ideas to spice is it a little but ill try to post more chapters sooner but anyway hope u like it PEACE ✌😁✌