izuku's life wasn't what you call a happy life or happy at all he was born quirkless at 4 which his parents despised of him leaving him on the street which being token by the league of villans experimenting on him till on day he was saved by the her...
I'll have this set up like last chapter right when school ended enjoy o and from last chapter i had said i was going to add something shocking but I chose to wait a little longer for that and it will be a perfect chapter to my eyes but enjoy this chapter
Class ended and aizawa also got the two days off and was staying with midnight and izuku for a while he didn't mind because they had act like family before he actually enjoyed having his father figured since he was little be there with him more and he finally felt like he had a full family for once on his life, they would eat at the table together, watch TV, and on the last day of there brake once Nemuri was asleep they both sneaked out to the living room to play video games for a little bit but that ended when she woke up and scolded those to that they had school, he felt the happiest like this he enjoyed the days with aizawa and his big sister. Izuku for once woke up to the smell of food, he was shocked to see aizawa in the kitchen "hey old man I didn't know u could cook" "hahaha very funny" he said sarcastically but also said "I lived alone and didn't really like to eat out plus my parents were heros too but never home often I would see them once every two to three weeks" this made izuku shocked but then aizawa added "but dont worry kid now u got an old man with u so u won't be alone as I was" this made izuku so happy he ran and gave him a hug and this made aizawa say "tell anyone ill give u a zero on ur next assignment" then they both heard a click and turned to see Nemuri was taking a photo "AWWW how are my two favorite boy" NEMURI/ONEESAN" "whatttt It was cute I just found my new wallpaper" after all that they ate and got ready.
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(The photo she took)
Once they got to class aizawa had said they throughout the we they would train through the whole week to prepare themselves for the sports festival they would train there quirks. At the end of there last block jirou came up to izuku and said "hey kaya do u mind if u could train me some more after school so I could be ready for the sports festival" izuku said "yes of course I dont mind, when do you want to start?" "Tomorrow if I don't mind" Jirou said "well its settled" 'hey kid sounds like a date huh' 'shut up and were the hell u been u've been quiet alot' 'what can I say uve been busy and I take advantage by sleeping' he sighed and when he got home he told them that he would start being home late since jirou wanted him to train her and also asked if he could borrow the school gym so he wouldn't brake the law since he did have his heros license yet and aizawa had no problem
The next day after school
"Hey old man can I get a key so I can lock and unlock the gym and school" "yea and stop calling me old im only 30 uk" "yea yea whatever thx ill see u guys home" he left and both jirou and izuku went to the gym and said "ok so let's stretch and then we'll do a warm" after there stretches izuku put his first on his palm and said "ok ready for he'll training" she then groaned "good ok right now imma tell u ur sceduall for both ur workouts we'll do and ill also give u ur food diet, after our training ull be able to take down a zero pointer like it was nothing, fist from the notes I've tooken of ur quirk and seem ur earlobes use vibrations from ur heart and send them either to hear extremely well but what I think we can do is grab dense materials for u to brake down, also from what I noticed ur hand to hand combat is lacking so ill be teaching u my two specialtys shadow boxing and karate as well ask tai quan dow and kun fu out of all i believe u'll hate kun fu the most, alright today we'll just simply start with ur stamina and endorens, give me 4 laps/1 mile and u have to finish before 12 minutes if not ull have to do 25 pull ups if u can't do that ull do 25 push ups, if u can't do that as well than ull do 25 sit ups got it now go" right after that she regretted going to the strongest man in the school possibly the world to train her but she can turn back now.
A weeks past and the girls looked at jirou she looks like she hasn't slept but then told them that she was training with izuku and all said "so its a date" Jirou told then "no no no were just training" aizawa then said "quit" they went silent what jirou hated the most was lunch she would have to watch what she ate and nothing to greasy so she could kiss cheese burgers good by till izuku went to her table and said "here u earned it and yes not in the diet but we all can have out cheat days" he then walked to the guys. The girls then squealed " how u guys not dating" Jirou blushed and said "w-w-what no I mean I don't like like him I mean i like him and admire him and wish to be as strong as him ond day but no more than bestfriends" then all the girls said "mhmmm"
Two day before the sports festival
Jirou is in the gym panting after fighting izuku "well well I'm impressed u are capable of keeping up to me in hand to had combat and now capable of braking materials as hard as steel, u've come a long way jirou, so now for the two remaining day u will rest to be ready to be able to with the sports festival well 2nd place that issue said as he smirked and jirou responded "yea right im going to be the one who will be number one just u watch" "ok I can't wait to see that, hey u want to go to my place to eat" "no I don't want to be a bother" she responded "no no I insist im cooking dinner today anyway come on" he said with puppy eyes "man ok fine but I chose what ur ganna make" he nodded and said "ur favorite" "mhm" he laughed knowing that they both shared a favorite food which was katsudon, 'HEYVWHAT ABOUT MY 2 BOWLS OF RAMEN' 'Alright alight ill make 2 bowls just for u'.
Once they get to his apartment he says "hey im home and I brought a guest so no smoochy smoochy got it" "aww if I didn't know any better I think my little brother is embarrassed of having his sister and my boyfriend embarrassing him" Nemuri said and izuku responded "yes thats exactly y, anyway jirou will join us for dinner and im making katsudon and two dumb bowls of ramen" "kurama?" "Yep" then kurama poofs and says "Hey dont judge me i love ramen and his in particular and he promised me" this made jirou laugh a little, they all sat in the TV except izuku making dinner, both Nemuri and aizawa knew he listens to music while he cooks and figure it was there chances to embarrass izuku buy showing pictures of when he was little. Izuku then said dinner was ready and noticed them looking at a book in the table and the realized "ONEESAN" "what who knows when ull bring another girl over let me have my moment" "ughh" he said in embarrassment.
They ate and jirou eyes sparkled and said "Woh kaya this is really good" this made Nemuri wisper to aizawa "kaya huh" " yep she called him that since the bus in the USJ" they both snickered at them. They both had enjoyed there diner and talked about all the cute and weird things izuku used to do when he was little like when he used to rn around the house in his all might onese and play hero, but the time came to when she had to leave so he walked he to the train station and before she left she told him "hey kaya" "yes jirou" "when the sports festival is over I want to tell u something ok" he then said "ok" and he didn't understand because of how dense he is then she had left to her house, on the way home kurama says 'idiot how dense can u be' 'what do you mean' kurama slaps his forehead 'never mind u clueless idiot'
What will she ask him after the sports festival does she really have feelings for him, will she ask him out or will she chicken out stay tuned, lol anyway hoped u enjoyed it i thinking on how i want to set up the sports festival im debating if ill make it to a 2 parter or no idk but ill post the next chapter later comment suggestions on what u think would be good in the next chapter till next time✌