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- brandi -

even though i told corey no, he dragged me into the main lobby of the hospital so i could be examined by a bunch of men in scrubs. if i hadn't known any better, i would've thought that i wasn't even being acknowledged due to the fact that i've been sitting in the damn lobby for nearly an hour. "you feeling okay?" corey asked from beside me once he looked up from his bright screen on his phone.

"yeah," i responded hoarsely. "did you mean what you said?" i could feel the itchy-ness in my eyes, and knew that they had to be red. "that you'd do anything for me?" corey nodded cautiously. it wasn't like i couldn't see his hesitant posture, or the way he sat upright when i asked.

"did you mean what you said?" i turned to him slowly as to not irritate the crick in my neck further. "that you... love me?" nothing could be more awkward than asking somebody if they loved you, but being on the other end was far worse. corey was a sweetheart, someone i couldn't see myself hurting with intention... but did i truly love him? what i had told him earlier was out of fear that he would never see me again in the state of living, but rather in the state of in between life and death.


"brandi," a doctor called from the now opened door that led back into the hospital rooms. he slouched as i stood to follow behind the doctor he had ordered me to visit. "right this way," dr. bellair said as he appointed me to a room. "so, what seems to be the problem?"

"i ran out in front of car," i answered honestly to see the doctor raise his brows. "i'm fine— i-i mean, mentally speaking. my, uh, friend checked me in because he was scared i got hurt." dr. bellair scribbled down something onto his clipboard, and glanced down at me through his glasses that rested on his long nose. "i can walk and everything, my friend is just overreacting."

"well, we will still take a few x-rays just in case," he informed me. they didn't really need to take x-rays, but the more examination, the more money they get.

once the full body x-ray was finished, he told me how i had no broken bones, but that i do need to rest for a while from the minor injuries that were brought on by being bumped by a car. i was released back into corey's watch after a quick receipt was handed back to him without my intended knowledge. "you cannot be serious," i sighed when i noticed how he had paid for my visit.

"what? i just hit you with my damn car," he chuckled. i didn't protest even though it was my own doing. "you want ice cream?"

"yes," i answered almost immediately. "i meant what i said." corey peered over to me with wide eyes as if i were being rude or rushing him.

"chill, i'm driving as fast as i can, b." i laughed lightly, and allowed my eyes to wander over his face that had grown somewhat of a beard.

"no, i meant before." as the car stopped at a red light, he looked over to me with disbelief circling in his brown eyes. he remained silent. "i said it out of impulse. i thought i was going to die, corey." it wasn't the reaction i was expecting, but then again i hadn't had the idea that i'd ever see his reaction to those three little words.

"i'm glad you didn't," he said softly, his eyes trained on the road ahead of us that was overwhelmingly full. "you still owe colby a date, plus... i think elton likes you too." the tone in his voice was neutral, yet also exhausted. "you should... talk to them first before you make any big decisions." in truth, i didn't want to go on a date with colby. he was cool, but not somebody i could see myself dating in any way. elton was a whole other story. he was a thrill seeker that would do anything for views... i don't know where i stand with him.

the outside streets were illuminating by the orange tinted street lights. not many people walked along the sidewalk, for it was already late enough for people to be in bed. i, however, knew i would not be getting much sleep with today's antics, if i could even call them that. nevertheless, i was content with being close to home. as we approached the driveway of our house, i yawned and said, "i think we should talk to elton anyway." he nodded toward me. "i have a few questions to ask him."

when corey opened the front door, we could both hear the sound of loud laughter from two men. "speak of the devil," corey joked as our eyes latched onto the bearded man sitting on corey's couch. "hey, man." elton jutted his chin toward the two of us, a smile plastered across his pale face.

"hey," he said back after standing from the couch. his hands were tucked away in his sweatshirt's pocket, and his hair was held behind a black hat. "dinner? i'll pay" from what i know, elton didn't flaunt his money, but he sure as hell didn't care spending it.

"can't turn down free food," i grinned through a clenched jaw. "it's almost ten though."

"so? i didn't mean some fancy restaurant, brandi," elton chuckled. "we'll get taco bell or something."


we took elton's car to grab taco bell. corey, being the gentleman he was, offered that i sat in the front seat beside elton. we had at least two full bags of random items off from the menu that sat on my lap and burned my skin on my thighs. no wonder corey offered me to sit in the front seat. "so," i started once we parked in the middle of a gravel path. "the queen mary." elton sighed heavily.

"it was a prank," he mumbled. "that witch was hired to make matters worse. the priest wasn't even a real priest. it was a total bullshit joke that went out of hand."

"oh-ho-nooo," corey laughed in the back with irritation. "are you kidding?" elton shook his head as he bit into his soft taco. "elton..."

"what? i didn't know brandi was involved in some... witchcraft beforehand. it wasn't in the plan to scare you shitless." the whole time elton was talking, he looked back at corey, causing me to feel insecure about how i reacted. did he not like me anymore? did i scare him too? "i'm sorry, brandi. it wasn't my intention to bring you any mental harm," he apologized with sincerity once his eyes latched onto mine.

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