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- brandi -

our bodies crashed together and he pulled me away from elliot. "let me go!" i shouted and kept kicking my legs. they can't take him away from me. not this time! i was so close! he hasn't had an episode like this in months. "they can't keep him from me..." i cried and turned to bury my face into corey. "i can't lose him." he just stood there and kept me warm, creating a comforting environment. i could hear the pounding in his chest and knew that he was freaking out as well.

- corey -

we all traveled back inside once they took elliot away to the hospital. brandi has her head on my shoulder and her arms wrapped around my body. she was in shock and would move. my whole body just shut down. what i had done was anything but helpful. i ruined her night, not once, but twice. somehow all in the same two hours.
aaron held ice to his head and slouched over in the chair. my eyes gazed down at brandi and took in every detail of her sorrowful face. "what the fuck just happened?" aaron asked and looked up with horror. "i was just attacked-"

"aaron, not right now." i whisper. brandi was currently calm and collected, shocked, but calm. nothing more could be done to help the situation.

"n-no. i want to know what the fuck just happened! brandi was like dying and elliot was cursing some spell on the fucking house!" he laughed trying to make it all a joke so it could become more real. "jesus..." tears slipped down brandi's face as she pulled away from me slowly and steadily.

"my mom was into evil things." her breath was shaky and her hands were trembling. "i guess you could call her a witch. she wanted nothing more than to know, to actually know, if other things lurked the earth. such as spirits and demons. she started teaching elliot and me at a young age. at the time it was cool i guess. i thought that what i was capable of was fascinating.. but it wasn't. it was evil and terrible. i told my mother when i was 18 that i didn't want to practice anymore and she stopped. but she started to become obsessed in her work. so obsessed that she held elliot captive and did things to him. she made him the way he is now." warm tears slipped down her cheeks and black mascara flowed along with it. "it started out normal but his brain just kept wanting more. he got involved with... with clults and deepening the hole he was in. and he fucked up. he messed with those people because he knew he was stronger than them." she stopped talking and kept her eyesight to the ground.

"jesus." aaron scoffed and kept the bag of ice on his pounding head. i nodded and stared at brandi. all this time i was trying to comprehend why she was so protective of herself and elliot, but it was because she was harmed by the person she thought she could trust the most.

"i need to get elliot back as soon as possible. they won't be able to handle him. they'll lock him up and he'll..." she stopped and turned to me with glossy eyes. "i'm so sorry, corey." she cried and wiped away the fallen tears. i was perplexed. why on earth was she apologizing? "i'm sorry that i mixed you into this. i shouldn't have." i rubbed her back and shook my head.

"brandi, don't apologize. everything is gonna be fine."

- the next day -

- brandi -

i fell asleep on corey last night. i'm guess i passed out from stress or something related. i was correct on the huge heart corey possessed. he's so sweet and caring that it hurts my own heart. "fuck." i curse and straighten my back. a chill ran down my spine once i thought of elliot. "elliot," i whisper and look over to corey.
i had plans for dinner with colby tonight but i'll have to cancel. corey and i need to have a peaceful dinner first. pain struck my heart once i remembered how he never showed last night. his eyes opened and his brown eyes met my green ones. "brandi?" he inquired and sat up. his groggy voice sounded smooth and gentle.

"can we still do a dinner tonight?" his eyes widened and he nodded. "yeah?"

"yeah!" he answered and smiled. i was no longer the sun to him. i was more like a flower. he could smile at me and believe i was pretty, but never really stare with admiration at such a plain thing. but once my petals fell, he wouldn't look at me the same.

"you're sure?" he nodded again and his smile grew larger. "you better be here this time." i scold and point to him with my index finger.

"of course, brandi." he chuckled and tapped his fingers on the couch. "what are you doing for the rest of the day?" my eyes became dull and i thought about the bane thoughts.

"i have to go get elliot back," i answer and bite my tongue. "he can't stay there too much longer." he shook his head and stood from the cushion. "what are you doing?"

"well i'm coming with you... so i thought i'd get ready."

- 4 hours later -

i drove brandi to the hospital where they were keeping elliot. we were currently in elliots room and his body was strapped down onto the bed and his eyes were blood shot. "i love you elliot." she whisper to him and ran her thumb across the back oh his hand. he deserved so much more than what their mother cursed him with. her eyes were gentle as she gazed at him. his body was limp from all of the shots, but his eyes still stared back at brandi with hopelessness. "i'm gonna get you out of here, brother. i promise." she kissed his head and turned back to me. her arms were crossed and she had a gloss covering over her green eyes.

"is he gonna be okay?" i question and peer over to him. she nods and looks behind her. "he looks drugged as fuck." i chuckled. brandi furrowed her brow and smiled.

"yeah. he is. i haven't seen him in this state of mind since he was messing around with those damn cults." our eyes met and a warm pink spread across her cheeks. "thank you for driving, and for being so calm about this whole thing. i figured you'd be someone who freaks out far worse than you did." she laughed and covered her mouth with her hand.

"i mean you're not completely wrong. i do freak the fuck out most of the time."

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