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- elton -

as our group moved around the boiler room, i made a suggestion for us to split up into tiny groups of 2. because i knew who was comfortable with who, i decided to go a little different. "corey, you're gonna go with andrea." brandi still held onto corey, even knowing that she wasn't going to be put into a group with him. "aaron, go with jay. colby with evan..." brandi looked between colby and corey with wide eyes. she was nervous and i couldn't blame her. "and i guess brandi, you're with me." i gave her a devilish smile and waved her over.

"elton.." she spoke softly to herself and walked over to me with scared eyes. "fuck." she sighed and kept her eyes on corey.

"okay, let's do this." we went our separate ways, each group having a singular camera to document their experience. brandi had her arms crossed over her chest and her breathing was shaky. "hey, you're okay, i got you." i wrapped my arm around her shoulder and kept her body close to mine, letting my body heat comfort her.

- brandi -

when elton but his arm around me i instantly relaxed. admitting i was scared was something that was easy for me since all of my life i've been frightened. "thanks." i whispered up to elton as we walked. corey was right, i could trust elton somewhat. while we walked down the pathway we would occasionally hear knocking or things turning on when everything is supposed to be turned off.
    elton pointed the camera toward me and let go of me, leaving me by myself. "oh my god!" i screamed once i felt someone grab my shoulder. elton began to laugh, but tears streamed down my face that weren't from laughter, and i was too shocked to even turn around.

"hey, hey! you're okay!" he tried to calm me down but i couldn't. "look, it's just the french witch." elton teased and pulled me back into his grasp. the woman laughed and touched my shoulder. i flinched lightly and grabbed onto elton's hoodie. my face was full of shock and i was not amused with this whole ordeal. "this is brandi, she's a bit scared about the whole thing," elton said, patting my back lightly.
    the woman introduced herself and shook my hand with an easy smile. she seemed kind, but my heart couldn't cope with the thought of anyone in her study having kindness in their own heart. which, yes, i know that's hypocritical since i used witchcraft today, however i haven't used it in 5 years and i wasn't planning on doing it again.
    we met back up with everyone else and i still clung to elton. corey was ranting on about how one of their devices took him to this crazy spot in the boiler room. andrea was nodding with wide eyes, her arms crossed over her chest and her eyes set on corey. a pain in my heart caused me to cling to elton even tighter than i was already.

- elton -

the camera was set on corey as he spoke about the particular room i knew we would end up finding. andrea was gazing to corey as he spoke, she was listening intently with her arms crossed in front of her chest. brandi squeezed her body closer to mine. i knew she and corey were close, and i knew she had feelings for him. if anything was obvious, it was that she liked him. yet every second she spent attached to me, i felt myself having feelings for her. only lightly. from what i've seen, she has a beautiful personality, and these gorgeous green eyes that any man would admit to as pretty.
once corey stopped talking, his eyes trailed over to where brandi was, an instant flow of jealousy flew through his body at an unbearable speed. i set down my camera and lead everyone back to the main entrance of the boiler room. brandi still had her arms wrapped around my waste, her tears soaking into my hoodie and her mascara leaving a cleanable stain. brandi pulled away from me as i went to introduce everyone to every.

"corey," he spoke and shook her hand, his body instantly becoming uncomfortable. every places her hand on his chest and calmly looks into his eyes, telling him to calm down.

- brandi -

when every touched corey i didn't feel great about it. i'm sure corey was uncomfortable as well but my instinct was to pull her away from him. she's a witch. corey peered over to me and shook his head subtly. slowly, i walked over to him and intertwined our fingers. i didn't want andrea or every looking at corey or even touching him.
why was i so jealous? corey was only a good friend, nothing more. i just wanted to be close to him. i wanted him to share the same feelings i had about the dark, i wanted him to realize that i wasn't playing him. i needed him to know, i'm not gonna treat him like people did in the past that made him so closed off.

"and we've already met." i flashed her a quick smile but moved away from her in hopes she wouldn't notice my nervousness. every ran her hand over my arm and treated me with a gentle smile. when her arm touched mine, i saw something i couldn't explain. she had something around her that fed onto her happiness. i don't think she's a real witch at all even. "why so anxious?" my hand reached up and i pushed her hand away from me.

"you're evil," i say and acquired a few weird stares from my peers. "sorry, sorry. that wasn't appropriate." every side glanced me but kept walking away. i made her upset but i didn't feel a single piece of remorse. "corey," i whisper up to him and pulled him back from the group.

"what?" looking forward, i made sure i knew where they went. they're going back to the room where the device led corey to.

"i saw something when she touched me. something evil. like... bad corey. nothing good." he stuttered for a moment but decided to not saying anything afterward. "i'm serious. i don't trust her with my life. like 0% trust if inside of me for that woman." his arm swung around my shoulder and he sighed.

"brandi, i swear to god i won't let anything happen to you. okay? i swear. i will literally be right here the whole time with our fingers twisted together. i promise." listening to what he had to said calmed me down slightly, however i still couldn't help the nervousness inside of me. he removed his arm from around my shoulder and replaced that connection by holding my hand. we walked in together as everyone else was waiting in a circle for us. she set out cups for us to drink out of.

"join our circle you two." every smiles as she puts out two more cups.

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