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- brandi -

i believe the moon understands what it's like to be human. uncertain, alone, and created by imperfections. i slipped on my black knee high boots that felt like velvet and tied in the back, and rubbed my hands across my bare thighs, feeling the lotion deepen into my skin and create a smooth cover over my scarred thighs. my white slip dress fell perfectly around my body, hiding my stomach pouch because of the flowy material. i've had both of these items since high school. this dress was one i wore to my senior hoco, and these shoes were a birthday present from my mother.
my fingers struggled to clip this necklace around my neck, and i knew i was going to need assistance. only i didn't want corey to see me just yet and he hasn't returned home. in my head, i knew this wasn't a date, but i still had every intention on looking my best. aaron's room was right beside mine and i knew i wasn't going to be able to clip this necklace without help. my dainty fingers tapped on his door, and he was quick to answer it. "can you help me put this on?" he nods and takes it from my hands gently.

"a cross?" he inquired as he clipped it. i nodded and let my fingers dance along the metal cross. "you look pretty, where are you off to?" dare i tell him corey and i are going to dinner?

"um.. corey invited me to dinner to talk things out. he nodded and leaned against his door frame. "not a big deal but i guess i like to look pretty."

- 1 hour later -

- brandi -

corey was supposed to be here 20 minutes ago. why do i feel so hurt? somehow i knew he would stand me up like this. we live in the same place and yet he can't even bother to text me that he'll be late.
another 30 minutes went by where he never showed up. i was deeply upset. i was anything but angry, no i was sad. he wanted to make things better and yet he doesn't even try.  i check outside and watch, hoping that his car might pull into the driveway and i won't have to feel so empty. aaron came into the living room and looked at me with confusion. "you're still here?" he questioned and shoved his phone into his pocket. 

"sadly, yes. corey hasn't shown and he was suppose to be here an hour ago." i sighed and pushed the strands of hair out of my face. "i just feel a little hopeless ya know? like we made these plans so he and i could work things out but he doesn't even have enough responsibility to remember. or maybe he did and just didn't want to talk with me at all."

"we can go grab something if you want? i was planning on doing that for elliot and myself while you and corey were out. i was just gonna go fly and grab some taco bell or something." it was sweet of him to ask, but at this point i wasn't in the mood for it. i just wanted to lay in bed and listen to a podcast of some sort.

"thanks aaron, but i think i'm just going to sleep i guess." i stand and trudge back to my room. elliot sat on his bed with his head in his hands. his head lifted slowly and his eyes met mine. "elliot, aaron's gonna go grab you guys some food, you should go with him." his trembling hands reached out to grab my face harshly. he brought it closer to him and made my body drop down to my knees. his head tilted back and i could hear faint words escape his mouth. i couldn't do anything to stop this, he needed to let it out or else he could cause serious harm to himself or me. his grip became harsher and i could handle the pressure. i grab his wrists and pin him to the wall.

"stop it elliot! stop!" i shout and hear him begin to yell back even louder and yet i still couldn't understand the language he spoke in. and before i could help myself or elliot, my vision went black.

- corey -

"colby you knew i was gonna be here, i told you specificilly i was going to be here. why the fuck is she here?" i whisper shout, trying to keep my cool but loosing it as every single second ticks by. "jesus, colby." i shake my head and chuckled lowly.

"i'm sorry but this wasn't exactly my idea either. i didn't invite everyone that's here, a lot of people invited their friends." he scoffed and tipped his drink over the balcony on accident. "didn't you have a dinner with brandi anyway?" i check the time and see i'm already an hour late. she's gonna hate me.
i drove home as quick as i could, but there wasn't enough time. i knew she had already given up and gone to her room. i race inside and heard screaming. it sounded like aaron more than it did brandi. my legs carried me with all possible haste to her bedroom to see her lying on the floor with her eyes wide open. her body was pulsing and it was almost like she was dying. aaron was being held down by elliot and he was shouting in some language i couldn't understand. i pulled elliot off and told aaron to call 911 to help brandi and to get elliot under control.
elliot fought and kept chanting. i tried my hardest to keep him pinned to the wall, but his eyes were turning a pure white. tears came to my eyes and i waned nothing more than to escape. "get her out!" i shout and hear aaron run to be room and attempt to pick her up. he carried her to the front door step and i came running after, closing the front door behind me. my arms wrapped around brandi's pulsing body, words that were inaudible escaped her lips. i held her close, trying to comfort her and ease her back into normalcy.
once the police arrived, they went up to us and instantly gave us a look of puzzlement. "are you aaron?" the officer asked and pulled out a pad of paper.

"that's me-" aaron spoke and stepped in front of me.  the officer ran inside once he got a message over his radio. they dragged elliot out to the ambulance and shot him with some sort of drug, he collapsed. immediately after, brandi woke up and ripped away from me. she raced to her brother. officers had to hold her back.

"no!" she screamed and tried to break past the people guarding her.

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