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- brandi-

i sat at the booth with my hands in my lap. a guy with braids sat across from me with his eyes glued to the laminated menu. his mind was filled with choice options and his fingers ran across the smooth top of the menu. "i think i'm gonna get the chicken strips." he announced, his words somewhat childish. i furrowed a brow and gave a side smile. "what? they're good! you should get some too." he suggested but i wasn't interested in the breaded chicken.

"i'm more or a salad gal i guess." i could feel my stomach against my dress and i felt more insecure than i have before. corey looked to me, his eyes full of wonder and stars. "what?" i question with a toothy smile. he shrugged and turned his attention back to the menu.

"salad huh?" i bobbed by head to his question and kept my focus on him as he searched through the words.

"yeah, i don't know why, but it's kinda fresh and- yeah i have no clue. i just like it because it's customizable and easy to change i guess." i thought to myself for a moment to come up with a recovery line. "i don't know," i giggled.  his eyes bore into mine as a toothy grin widened across his face. we ordered our food and it didn't take long for it to come. "don't you ever wonder what goes on back there? because every time i go someplace i always think of kitchen nightmares." i say as i play with my salad.

"kitchen nightmares? what's that?" my eyes widened with shock when he asked.

"oh my god," i smiled and shook my head with disapproval. "dude, we have to binge watch it! it's like my favorite show. it has gordon ramsey on it and it's just fucking hilarious." he chuckled and took a bite out of his chicken strips.

"so, if you don't mind me asking, what happened with your parents?" corey looked to me with worry. he was unsure if he was in the clear for the question and if it was fit for our casual discussion. my shoulders bobbed up and down.

"my mom was put away for a long time, but found out that jail time wasn't the answer. so instead, they put her inside of a looney house. it's where she belongs." i explained and dig my fork into the thick lettuce. "my father... well that's a whole new story. elliot and i are actually adopted. i was six and elliot was two when our mom adopted us. she didn't have a husband and figured it was the best option to just adopt so she could carry on her legacy. only i didn't want it."

"shit." corey sighed, his mouth covered in breading. "so you never had a father and your mom was a little crazy?"

"yeah. it sounds strange but it's not. my mom wasn't crazy the whole time. she was really sweet and motherly, but once she realized the power elliot and i could be burdened with, she changed. i learned magic for 10 years before i finally decided it was too dangerous for me. in that time she was still kind to elliot and me, but her intentions were never good." corey pushed aside his clean plate and nodded to show he was listening.

"how old are you now?" it was nice to know he was  actually interested in knowing me now. before it was like i had to force him to even look at me.

"i'm 22. i'll be 23 on december 16." i say with a proud tone. it was only september and i was already excited to become 23. i have no idea as to why, but it seemed like a good age to be. "how old are you?" i knew we were around the same age.

"uh i'm 23, i'll be 24 in 11 days." i pursed my lips and gave him a surprised look. " i know, i'm getting old." he pretended to cry and i just laughed. "and what's the last name?"

"that ones a little secret. you'll find out why later. what's yours?" let's just say my family history isn't just witches.

"scherer." brandi scherer. i can hear that sounding great together. "corey scherer." he looked so peaceful when he spoke about something so peaceful. his smile was one i couldn't even describe. it caused my body to be flooded with this amazing feeling that made a smile crawl into my own lips. "weren't you supposed to have dinner with colby tonight?"

"i figured this was way more important. colby and i can reschedule for a later date, and i thought our connection should be way stronger since we live together. plus, you should know this plain stuff anyway." i adored the way he worried so much and how his heart was so full of love and compassion. "you're so beautiful," i blurt out without realizing it. my hand covers my mouth and i see his face twist with confusion. "sorry." i laughed it off but didn't see his mood change.
"i'm beautiful?" his voice was laced with question.

"i-i didn't mean it as in looks... which i'm not saying you aren't cute or anything, but i just meant your heart and soul. i've known you like 3 weeks and your whole attitude ever since you've decided to give me a chance is just beautiful. you're heart is filled with admiration and you're constantly trying to do the right thing without trying. and to me, that's attractive." his face covered with a crimson red blush.

"are you flirting with me?" he whispered and reached his hand closer to me. i shook my head and placed my hand next to his.

"no, i'm just complementing you. trust me, i can't flirt so you'd know if i was attemtping to." i laughed. corey chuckled back and looked down the the deep scars in the wooden table.

"i'm gonna help you get your brother back. trust me. it's like my fuckin top priority right now." he spoke in a calm tone and his eyes stayed glued to the table. "no matter what comes along the way in our little adventure, i will get you elliot back."

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