Ménage à Trois

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Summary: In which, Nini finds a unique way to settle a debate between two rivals.

*Rini ft. EJ smut*

A/N: Y'all Rini fans need a distraction rn after s2e8, so here you go besties


Ricky and EJ had been chilling at the bar of Ricky and Nini's apartment. EJ had come over to watch a boxing match with Ricky so that they could see who won the little bet they made earlier this week.

EJ and Ricky were an odd duo due to their very complex relationship. They actually were enemies at one point during their first two years of college since they had been in love with the same woman, who happened to be Nini.

Nini had dated EJ during those two years, and EJ and Ricky commonly fought and competed during that period. If there was any chance to prove which one was superior no matter how silly the task, they'd do it. Nini always tried to stop them, but it was no use.

She eventually broke up with EJ when he kept accusing her of being in love with Ricky. When the split was still fresh, Ricky comforted her with no selfish intentions behind his actions. He knew that'd be wrong to pursue a vulnerable person despite his feelings for her. He was her best friend before anything.

A year after her break up, she ended up asking Ricky out on a date. He was thrilled not only because he was into her, but also because she felt the same way. It was just a bonus that she came onto him first.

EJ was annoyed during the first few months of Ricky and Nini's relationship since it only confirmed his theory that she was attracted to him, but he mostly got over it with time. He even became mutual with Ricky since he had no reason to dislike him, but the competitive nature between them never faded. He admits it still stung to see them act all lovey-dovey though, but it is what it is.

Now they stood at his countertop while the commercials were playing. Ricky had walked over to the fridge to grab them both a beer.

"So you ready to lose, Caswell?"

EJ scoffs. "Please, just because your guy is ahead by a few mere points, doesn't mean you gotta get all high and mighty on me."

Ricky places EJ's beer in front of him. "Yeah, I do because everyone knows that I always win our feuds."

"That's not true!"

"Oh yeah? How about the time I destroyed you in pool last week?"

"I was tipsy when we played while you were sober, so that barely counts."

"Uh huh, what about when I chugged down the most shots on Red's birthday?"

"I had already pregamed and didn't wanna get a headache later!"

"How convenient that you always have an excuse."

"Oh fuck off."

"Awe, can someone not handle being second best?"

Before he can even register what's coming out of his mouth, EJ says the first thing that comes to mind.

"First, you steal my girlfriend. Now, you try to steal my dignity. Can't say I'm shocked."

Ricky's playful smile disappeared, replaced with a stony look. EJ was surprised by his own words, but he didn't want to take them back either.

"Oh, so that's what this truly is about."

"What do you think it's about?"

"You wanna open up old wounds."

"Who says the wounds ever fully healed?"

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