Help, I've Fallen For You & I Can't Get Up

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Summary: When Nini begins to fall for her best friend, she finds herself becoming a total klutz when she's around him.

*Rini fluff*


The first time she realizes she was clumsy around Ricky she had practically broken her spine.

They had planned to hang out at her place on a Sunday afternoon while her mom's went out grocery shopping. She had left the door unlocked for him like she usually did when she knew he was coming over. She heard the front door open from the top of the stairs and smiled when she saw his familiar vans.

"Hey Neens!"

She began to make her way down the stairs but stopped when she saw him. She couldn't explain it, but there was just something different. He wasn't wearing anything out of the ordinary for him, but for some reason she found her heart beating a little faster than normal at the sight of him.

Has he always had that beauty mark? Was his voice always this alluring? Were his eyes always that captivating?

"Is there something on my face?"

He began to wipe around his mouth, and she felt embarrassed for being caught staring.

"No, you're perfect."

He gives her a crooked smile, and she feels like she might just melt any second now. She feels stupid for even feeling this way when he has given her multiple crooked smiles throughout the years. She continued to look at him as she made her way down, which ended up being her downfall. Literally.

She unfortunately hadn't noticed a sock that one of her mom's had dropped when they were doing the laundry and managed to slip on it. She tumbled down the remaining stairs landing on her back when she finally reached the floor.

All she felt was pain in her spinal region and a little bit in her neck. "Ow."

She heard footsteps quickly approaching her and saw Ricky looking down at her with a concerned face. "Oh my god, Neens are you okay? That looks like it hurt."

She gave him a pained smile and a thumbs up. "Yeah I'm fine, but can you help me up?"

He helps her to her feet and guides her to the couch. "You gotta be more careful. What were you so distracted by anyway?"

She blushed not wanting to tell him the actual reason. "I wasn't distracted by anything. I just happened to not be paying attention to my surroundings; that's all."

He raises a brow, but decides to not push the topic any further. "If you say so. You stay here while I get you some ice for your back and some snacks for us, okay?"

She nodded and gave him an awkward smile. He surprised her with a gentle peck on her cheek before walking to the kitchen. Her brain almost couldn't decipher what just happened. He has never kissed her on the cheek before. Before she could fully even soak in what just happened, he's plopping down next to her with chips and an ice pack for her.

He furrows his brows when he looks over at her. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

She shakes her head to snap out of her thoughts. "Sorry I was just deep in thought. Let's just watch some tv." She could feel his confused look on her, but was glad he didn't press the subject.

He had stayed for a few hours before calling it a day. The moment he left, she groaned due to frustration in herself. She was acting like a total dunce around him today, and she wasn't sure why.

When she had gone to bed that night, she found herself tossing and turning. She could not get her best friend off of her mind for the life of her. She decided to pass it off for now. Whatever this foreign feeling was is most likely temporary.

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