Only a Matter of Time

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Summary: Nini is one of New York's finest journalist and tabloids, always being the first to report drama. When her boss challenges her unit to get an article about New York's infamous bachelor Ricky Bowen's love life, Nini is the first to accept the challenge. But will she let her feelings get in the way of her work?

*Rini fluff*

~Loosely inspired by How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days and Mr. Deeds~


Nini Salazar Roberts was not one to play around when it came to her work.

She didn't get her title as "The Scavenger" at the New Yorker Magazine headquarters for no reason. She always was looking for whatever scraps she could find to make a headline even if the topic she was given wasn't that interesting.

She once made a simple story about a dog she saw playing with her puppies on the street about a struggling mom supporting her puppies on the cold and ruthless streets of New York. She got quite a hefty check after the amount of positive feedback she got for that story.

However being a pro tabloid meant you needed to be willing to get down and dirty sometimes, even if that means stepping on a few toes on her ladder to success.

She was currently typing the last few words on her latest article about a local pub. When she finished, she let out a sigh of relief and slumped down in her chair.

Her coworker and best friend, Kourtney, smiled at her. "Finally finished that article?"

Nini nods and lets out a yawn. "It only took me a week, but I finished. Thank God."

"You think you'll bring in some good numbers again?"

"Oh most definitely. When do I not?"

The sound of dress shoes could be heard throughout the office, and everyone grew familiar with the noise. It was no one other than their manager Carlos Rodriguez, a.k.a. the most cutthroat and unapologetic person you will ever encounter.

Behind him was his timid, submissive, and passive assistant Ashlyn who was perfect for Carlos since she obeys all his orders without a fuss. Most people were intimidated by him, but Nini had earned his respect a few years ago when he realized how valuable she was to their company.

He stood in the center of all the cubicles basically demanding all eyes on him. (It was almost impossible to not notice his loud pink flower suit and designer shades). He stood on a nearby desk to make sure everyone saw him and dramatically whipped off his shades.

"Gather around everyone, and make sure you're listening because the good Lord knows I sure as hell don't have time to repeat myself. I have a new project for anyone who's willing to commit to a pretty difficult job. It will require a lot of time, effort, patience, and master manipulative skills."

Nini perked up in her seat, immediately waking up when she heard a potential challenge. Carlos pulled out a folded up picture from his pocket and showed it to the office.

"This fine piece of ass is Ricky Bowen. Does anybody know who he is?"

Kourtney raised her hand. "Yes, he's New York's infamous bachelor. He owns like half of all the biggest clubs in NYC. I heard he's a total flirt."

Carlos somewhat gave her a smile. "Thank you for the brief summary Kourtney. He is indeed a very known man with a very large following, which means he would be a great person to interview for a column since many women would be intrigued to read about his romantic life. There's one small problem though. Ricky hates being interviewed like a lot, which is why this will be such a challenging project, Ashlyn."

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