The Beginning of Complication

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Elevator door opened.

Marita's eyes caught Frank sitting in his desk in his office. Diah turned to look at Marita. "Good Luck facing up to the guy", She nodded to encourage her. "You'll be fine. He doesn't bite".

Marita smirked and gave her friend a quick hug. Marita's office is 2 doors down from Frank's and she needed to pass his office to get to hers.

'Here goes', she took a deep breath and steadied her walk.

Frank looked up just as she was coming closer to the door. He stood up and opened his door. Pursing her lip Marita knew she has no choice but to have the talk.

"Hey!", said Marita waved slightly embarrassed and awkward.

"Hey you too!", replied Frank.

They both fell quiet. Frank waiting for Marita to say something and Marita not knowing where to start. Suddenly...

"Those office handovers won't be done if you both only stand there, you know!", Diah stood with one hand on her hip staring at them.

"Hah?!" both Marita and Frank turned to see Diah.

"Handover... Documents... Office... Work... Money!! PEOPLE!!", Diah had her animated hands as if juggling unseen balls.

"Ehhmmm.... Yes. That". Marita cleared her throat. "Thanks, Di".

She turned to Frank, "Sorry for this morning. Can I just put my stuff and I will come and see you so we can get started".

"Hmm... Sure", replied Frank. "I can also go to your office to..."

"NO!" cut Marita which startled Frank. "I'll be back in a few minutes".

Quickly, Marita scrambled to her office. She put down her bag and held her head for a minute.

The crazy thing is, until yesterday she has never paid any attention to Frank other than co-worker. They weren't even close. Frank joined the team 5 months ago to fill in on her position during her leave for wedding, honeymoon and her extended leave. She was one of the founders of the Translation and Interpreting Service Company together with Diah, Jessica and Joshua.

Their company started as a means to work together and grow together during their university days. All 4 of them have been working as freelance translator and interpreter and saw that it will be best for them to work together as a company to have more leverage and to have stability. Soon they build reputation and got more and more clients. So, they began hiring part time and full-time translator interpreter staffs. Marita and Diah are the co-director with Marita overseeing the International Affairs (overseas clients) and Diah oversees the domestic clients. Jessica used to be the CEO before she moved to Singapore not just because her filthy rich parents gave them the money and facility to start the company but because she has shown a great deal of leadership and strong commitment. They trusted her. Once Jessica decided to move to Singapore, she originally wanted to pass on the baton to Marita but Marita refused. She didn't want to be a 'boss' to Diah. So, they decided to have a Co-Director position. Joshua joined the trio girls a bit later after they met at a convention in Chicago. He has a degree in business and finance and gladly took the position for Senior Finance Manager.

Frank was brought to the team under Jessica's recommendation. Frank has a uniqueness because he holds 2 degrees in Language and Business administration. Frank was also a long-time freelance translator and interpreter for 3 languages during his study in UK and Singapore: Indonesian, English and Japanese. Therefore, he is the perfect fit for what the company need. Frank is hardworking and dependable. He caught on quick with the work and interact well the other staffs. Marita was already busy with wedding preparation and finalizing projects which was different from Frank's so that is why she never paid close attention to him.

Marita felt the need to sit down to calm herself. Suddenly, the thought of Frank's broad shoulder and calm demeanour made her heart flutter. She poured herself some water for drink. Then she checked herself in the mirror. She dabbed some power and polished her lips with the lip tint in coral colour before heading out to see Frank.

Knock... knock...

"Can I come in?"

"Sure. Please," Frank went around his desk towards the long table.

"Have a seat". He motioned Marita to sit in the chair opposite the table.

"Uhm...," Marita coughed. "I must start by apologizing for my behaviour yesterday and this morning".

"Apology accepted." Frank gave her a thin smile.

Marita couldn't take her eyes off the smile. She quickly shook her head to chased the alien feeling away.

"Secondly, I am sorry and Thank you for your help with the Mitsuoka's. I was irresponsible." Marita said earnestly after she got hold of herself.

"It was irresponsible but everyone got those days when life just happens. And on my part, I think it is what we do in a team." answered Frank calmly and professionally acknowledging the mistake and allowing opportunity for redemption.

"Right. So, what's left now is for us to discuss the current ongoing projects and the future projects which I will be handing over to you."

"Yes. We should do that."

Frank stood up and prepare the projector screen and the computer. Marita got up and helped to connect the cables to her laptop. For the next 2 hours, they were deep in discussion. Marita presented the progress and profile and everything Frank needed to know before taking over the projects. They both discuss the alternative strategy and ideas too. Apart from the occasional glances, Marita was able to keep her feelings and behaviour checked and remained professional.


(Frank's POV)

Frank looked up from her desk just as Marita was walking toward his office. He knew Marita was on her way to her office. He stood up and went to open the door. He was going to ask how she was but he saw how awkward and embarrassed she was. He decided to wait for her to start the conversation.

For 5 months since he joined the company and the team, Marita was nothing but professional and kind to him. By all means, she was not the most beautiful woman in the office or compared to other women he met in life. But she has in her a powerful charm. She is very capable in her job. Her presence is commanding but at the same time she is kind and down to earth.

He was taken a back to see another side of Marita: her clumsiness yesterday at church, her anger at the restaurant, her indifference this morning in the taxi and finally her emotional burst this morning with Diah. He understood Diah's signal to leave them alone. And with 4 sisters, Frank knows too well that women need time to let their emotion out. That is why Frank decided to go ahead with The Mitsuoka's documents to make sure the company won't cost their biggest client yet.

Frank was secretly excited to see these sides of Marita. He was fascinated with her since the first time he arrived and was introduced to her. He watched her work and admire her achievement. He thought no woman can be this perfect. Where is the crack? Hehehehe... Now he saw and experience it himself. This fascinate him even more. Those moments made Marita human. A very attractive human.

Frank knew Marita is engaged to be married. She is to be married in 2 months' time actually. That is why they are having this deep discussion now. He never had any intention to like Marita more than a co-worker. But seeing these different sides of the perfect Marita, Frank couldn't help but to be interested. Hmmmm... He was thinking of perhaps playing the role of second lead male as such in KDrama. YES! Frank watches KDrama. With 4 sisters, Frank had no way of escaping them.

Sitting across from Marita, Frank is even more attracted to her brain and beauty. Many times, he needed to look down or to shake his head slowly to chase away thoughts of Marita.

'Damn! I am hooked', thought Frank to himself. He rubbed his temple to focus on as Marita explained the new project she was working on and which he will be continuing. However, He couldn't take his mind of this captivating woman in front of him. 


(Note to Readers: OK readers, Should Marita ends up with Frank or returns to Arnold? Let me know what you think. Don't forget the new part is uploaded daily, so come back tomorrow)

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