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"Woo!" Someone exclaimed as they clinked their drinks together, in the VIP section of an exclusive bar in Seoul.

"Wow, who would've thought, you actually knew how to do the work?" Julie said nudging Jennie as the latter only rolled her eyes.

"Everyone? You do know I'm the top Solo agent of Yakuza? And I'm part of the leading group under them?" She replied to Julie with raised eyebrows.

"Whatever, you bragger. Let's fucking drink" she said holding out a toast as Jennie shook her head and clinked her glass, and Namjoon only spared a questioning glance along with Taehyung at the pair.

"What the fuck happened between them?" He asked as Jimin, who was in the middle of the two, answered for them as he poured another glass of Bourbon for himself.

"They got over their fight in the car. You know how they did it? They did it by gossiping over their fucking favourite show and hating on a fictional character" he said making even Jin invested in this now.

"Who was the character?" He asked Jimin as he sipped on his own light drink, not too much as he didn't want to get completely wasted, noting he had a terrible alcohol tolerance and that he would be driving.

And just like Jin, Namjoon, Hobi and Taehyung also refrained from drinking, all knowing that they'd be responsible for taking one of the drinkers home.

"Domique? No sorry, Dominique Diva? I don't know her last name. But yeah someone like that from that show. Dynasty" Jimin said as he tried to recall the conversation he had in the car by tapping his fingers on his knee.

"Dominique Deveraux? I hate that bitch!" Jin exclaimed all of a sudden making Namjoon flinch at his outburst and Taehyung raised an eyebrow.

"You too?" Julie asked as her and Jennie paused their conversation.

"Right? She's such an annoying ass. Her voice gives me a head ache, dynasty's most annoying if you ask me" Jennie said as Jungkook glanced between the three of them, and Suga just looked weirded out by their behaviour.

"Soap opera shows are just disturbin-" he began but was cut off.

"Right? She's rude as hell too. She sabotages everyone for herself" Hobi meddled in as well, joining their conversation.

"Good. Disturbingly good." Suga said as Namjoon just looked at Suga confused.

"Looks like the group has literally been divided now." Jungkook pointed out seeing how Jennie was leaning against Julie who had her arm around her, and the two were talking with Hobi and Jin about the show or whatever, as Jungkook, Taehyung, Namjoon, Jimin and Suga were sitting out of that.

They decided to have their own conversation, and were quite amused at Jungkook and Jimin immediately getting drunk, and Suga, who had the highest alcohol tolerance between them, just commented on their behaviour sipping at his own drink.

Moments had passed, as Jungkook and Jimin had come to the brink of becoming wasted completely, and Suga could start to feel the affects of his own alcoholic drink.

"HYUNG! Hyuuuuung. Whoaaaa. LOOK! ITS A, ITS HUMAN SIZED DOWNY" Jungkook yelled mentioning his favourite laundry detergent, but confusingly pointing to a women dressed in floral print who just gave him an offended look as someone apologised for him.

"NOoo My DoWnyYyy" he started to whine trying to run towards it as Namjoon held his shirt holding him down like a leash.

"All right that marks it, time to go. Get up, now" he said as Taehyung laughed at Jungkook's behaviour that he caught on camera, which he would definitely use to tease him tomorrow.

He moved to look at the other group, as he walked towards them, and saw them all huddled.

Stalking closer, he found Julie completely passed out on the table, As Hobi and Jin were conversing with a very ridiculously drunk Jennie.

"Is she that wasted?" Taehyung asked referring to Jennie who was mesmerised by a hair clip as the pair turned to him.

"Oh man, that girls got one hell of an alcohol tolerance. She's only like this because she ordered like 3 of the strongest drinks here. Even Suga would be in a worse state if he had that, and that's saying something. This is a lot less drunk then a normal person would be after all that alcohol" he said making Taehyung look at him quizzically and then back at Jennie, who was moving the clip further and back from her eyes.

"Okay, but she's still drunk. Someone has to take her, and the rest of the drunkards home" Taehyung pointed to them as both Hobi and Jin followed.

"Wow" is all they said as they saw Namjoon trying to control a drunk Jimin and Jungkook while Suga was only laughing, Suga was definitely hammered if he was laughing that much.

"Okay well, Namjoon takes Julie since they're cousins, Hobi you take Suga because he won't listen to anybody else, Jin you take Jungkook and Jimin, and I'll take Jennie since I'm the only one who knows where she lives." Taehyung quickly organised as they nodded.

Turns out separating a drunk Jungkook from his imaginary favourite laundry detergent is harder than it looks, and the fact that he was literally crying made it harder as it looked as if they were kidnapping the kid.

Jin bowed to the waitress they almost knocked into in apology while taking the two as Taehyung only chuckled.

Seeing as the other members were handling the people they were in charge of, he approached Jennie.

"Hey Jennie, it's time to go, come on" he said shaking the girl who looked at him.

"Oh it's TaeTae" she said cutely as she pointed at him and looked at him with big eyes, making him wonder who this girl had turned into.

"Hi taetae" she said waving brightly at him making him look around perplexed.

"Okay, let's go home now" he said as he took a hold of her arm, helping her get up as he took her things, which only consisted of her phone and wallet, to which he slipped the phone in his own pocket and held the wallet.

Jennie didn't bring a hand bag noting she probably didn't need much to go out for a couple of drinks, and that the people she was would wouldn't let anything happen to her.

Because frankly? It didn't take longer than a day for her to trust them.

She had a good feeling around them, and saw how they acted, so there was no problem.

And now, that was proven by Taehyung.

"Home? Who's home? Your home? My home? Does home speak Korean? Does home have food? Ooh Milk Ice cream milk ice cream" she rambled completely drunk jumping at the thought of ice cream as he scratched his head.

He bid goodbye to Hobi who was the last to leave, after he paid the bill and then the two left.

Chapter 13. Domique Diva

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