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"How did this even happen?! I thought you two were together?" Jin questioned immediately at the very distressed Taehyung.

"I-I don't know? She just... she went to go look at another place, and then, then I couldn't find her" he said not revealing the intimate aspect of the story knowing it wasn't important.

"You two went together! As a pair!" Namjoon also said as he frustratedly threw his hands in the air.

"I know! I fucking know! We made an irrational decision looking to save time! We obviously should have gone together! You think I don't fucking know that?" Taehyung exclaimed with a hint of regret in his words, and before Suga could say anything Hobi put a hand on his shoulder, signalling him not to.

"Okay well, whatever, past in the past, mistakes are made. Let's move on and inform Yakuza and get a search party out" Julie said but Jimin stopped her and shook his head before she could, and reminded Taehyung of the conversation they and Jennie had back at his house.

The girls were to never get involved nor informed.

That was the promise they made to Jennie.

"We can't. There's Uh, certain terms. Yakuza can't find out. We have to handle this situation" he said as Jungkook didn't know what to say.

Jimin dragged Jungkook and Jin out to brief them about the situation. Not fully, but enough to let the two of them know that they weren't to say a word to either Lisa and Jisoo, no
Matter how much they wanted to, ignoring how confused and they were that he knew about their relationships.

"What's going on?" Suga asked seeing the interactions between the maknae line and Jin, immediately getting a feeling that there was something they didn't know about.

"Yeah I have a feeling there's something you're not telling us" Namjoon also said directing it to Taehyung.

"Nothing, it's nothing. Let's focus on finding Jennie okay?" He asked as they didn't seem convinced but nevertheless agreed to move on to the main task at hand.

"Is there anything you can trace it to?" Taehyung asked Suga as he stretched his limbs.

"I'll try, but there's not much" he concluded.

"What about the other Samsung bud?" Jungkook suggested just as him and the other two walked back in.

"Let's try" Suga said as he began hacking, and tracing the IP address of the bud, but sighed in disappointment.

"It's at the festival, it must've dropped. She's not there" he said as he began trying other means.

He tracked her phone, not much of a use seeing that it was at the office, he reached her Apple Watch, which resulted in the same outcome as the Samsung bud.

"Nope, nothing. There's literally nothing I can do about tracking. I'm keeping possible doors open, but so far, nothing" he concluded a little frustrated himself by the situation.

"I just got an update, even the field team doesn't have anything. It's wiped clear" hobi says making Taehyung groan in frustration.

Meanwhile Jennie opened her eyes to be met with a blinding one shining right at her, making her squint and groan a little.

Memories of the past events flashed through, as she remembered a number of people taking a hold of her while she was drugged with a tranquilliser, and so here she was.

Now adjusting to the light, she was able to open her eyes further to see she was in a room, which was painted white other than the wall in front of her which was glass with a little door to the side.

"What fuckers, am I in a zoo?" She muttered to herself seeing the glance as she realised she was tied up and most likely hostage.

"Hey shes finally up! Thank god, you are really boring asleep" a voice called out making her roll her eyes.

It was one of the guys on the other side of the glass, who she could clearly see.

"I wasn't born to please anyone. Fuck you all" she said.

"You b-" he started but was cut off immediately.

"All right all right that's enough. Go call boss before we get in even more trouble than needed" another voice said as Jennie grew curious.

She realised already that she was probably in enmity's clutches, as they were the potential attackers of their spot.

She then remembered Taehyung.

He must be worried sick.

So must the others
And then she remembered the girls.

Jennie hoped that Jimin remembered her promise that they were not allowed to involve or let the girls know about anything, she didn't want them getting endangered by this, and she certainly didn't want them getting dragged into this loop.

So all Jennie could really do was hope they kept it up, because genuinely she trusted Sakra and the group enough to know they could find her eventually.

Even if it took a little more time, she knew they were skilled enough, so she just took a look at the room she would be in for the next few days.

Then she spotted the guy who chased off the other two earlier.

"Hey kid" she yelled at him to get his attention which successfully worked.

"What?" He asked munching on what seemed to be lucky charms.

"Can I get some trail mix? Maybe some jerky?" She asked him as he looked at her unbelievably.

"You're being held hostage. You do know that right?" He asked as she tsked at him.

"Do you want me to die before they pay you? I think the fuck not. Pass the lucky charms" she said as he was confused at her but obliged, letting her ropes out a minute as he walked in and letting her eat a little.

"Quickly, I don't want him to see" he said a little surprised she wasn't trying to escape or beat him up or whatever people do.

"If you're wondering, I don't blame you for doing this. I can already tell that you don't want to work here or let me be held hostage. I get it, it's your job, you have to. I don't want you to get killed, especially for helping em. Now tie my wrists and get lost before he comes" she instructed as he smiled but nodded and did as followed.

Before he left however he looked back at her once.

"I'm Mark by the way"

Chapter 21. Away

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