The Hangover

31 1 0

[June 8th]


Ahiella's POV

I wake up, and I have an extreme headache, I couldn't think if it was the fact that J. I doesn't sleep in my room anymore, because we all have our own rooms. Or if it was because of how much I drank last night. But Ava is fast af, and her and August already dating, so is everyone else besides Chris and Crystal, and J. I and I. But anyway. I woke up and I see J. I at my door about to knock.

J.I: Morning Ma.

Ahiella: Good Morning J. I (smiles)

J. I: Ima let you get dressed and shit.

Ahiella: Ok

He leaves the room, and  I do my hygiene and put on this 

He leaves the room, and  I do my hygiene and put on this 

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 I walk downstairs, and everyone looks sick af.

Ahiella: Headache?

Everyone: Yeah.

Faith: Cause Tyga wants to mix all the strong shit together in one fucking drink.

Tyga: ay, Ay, ay Shit was good tho wasn't it.

Val: Don't lie Shit was busssin. 

Crystal comes downstairs with a blanket wrapped around her.

Nala: Well Goo- (gco)

Crystal: Which one of ya'll fast ass whores was having sex last night.

Ava and August raise their hands.

Crystal: I was trying to go to bed nigga, I was drunk af. You lucky my head hurts, cause I would whoop your ass.

Ava: Thank god.

Then Chris comes downstairs.

Crystal: Chris!!!!

Chris: Sup?

Crystal: Come cuddle me She says reaching her arm out.

Everyone: AW-

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Everyone: AW-


X: Damn calm tf down.

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