💖✨Sex Chemistry💖✨

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Chris's  POV

Damn, I feel bad, I know she going through a lot, I take a second to realize that she had been in the shower for almost an hour. I go upstairs and knock on the door just to see if she was ok. But I got no response. I walk in the bathroom, and I see Crystal listening to Falling my Harry Styles while singing to the lyrics. 

Chris: Babe

She gets started but still knows how it is.

Crystal: Hey

Chris: You ok (Sits on the cold tile floor)

Crystal: Um... I'll be alright

Chris; You sure?

Crystal: I'm Positive


Crystal: I wish, But no silly.

Chris: What do you mean you wish?

Crystal: I want kids with you Chris.

Chris: Yea like right now?

Crystal: Sure.

Chris: Aiight Bet. One sec.

I go downstairs, and I tell everyone to leave the house, to go for some groceries. They agree and leave. I go upstairs, to see Crystal in a Stripped-Laced Bath Robe. I pick her up and place her on the bed, I Start attacking her with kisses all around her body. She moaned. I keep going and start taking each part of her Robe while still kissing her, I pull down my boxers, and I looked up at Crystal who looked like she has seen a ghost.

Chris: Are you ok?

Crystal: Chris I'm sorry I'm not ready. I- I'm sorry.

Chris: No I get it. Totally ok. 

Crystal: I'm sorry. I ruined everything. 

Chris: Crystal, It's ok. I promise. I'm not mad.

Crystal's POV


I look down, and I realized that I am naked, I quickly put the robe on and cover myself. I then realize I have no make-up and my hair is just in a bun. I grab the nearest blanket and cover my whole body. I'm guessing Chris quickly realizes, he looks over at me. 

Chris: Crystal?

Crystal: Yep?

Chris: It;s 85 degrees outside, And it's 5:00 in the morning and it's still that hot.

Crystal: Thanks for the news report.

Chris: My point was, Why are you wearing a blanket.

Crystal: I'm cold.

Chris: Real reason, please.

Crystal: (sighs) I don't have a bra on, or make-up, And my hair is in a bun. 

Chris: So... What's the problem.

Crystal: Chris Fuck you mean so?

Chris: 1. So what if you don't have a bra on, It's whatever. 2. You don't even need make-up, I don't know why you even wear it. 3. So what your hair is in a bun? You don't realize that I I love you, Crystal Brown. And I don't care what you wear, you still look beautiful, and that's with or without make-up.

Crystal: Chris really?

Chris: Yell yea really.

Crystal: I need to change though because the crew might come home. 

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