😬😭Food Poising, Nah honey were goto the Doctor😭😬

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1 week later

Crystal's POV

Oh no not again, I ran into the bathroom open the toilet seat, and throw up. I sob while doing it because it hurt badly. This has been going on for a week now, and I don't think anything about it, I just think it's food poisoning but IDK. I was trying to be a little quiet trying not to wake Chris up.

Ahiella's POV

I wake up and hear all types of throwing up. I run to the sound and I look in Crystal's room and tip-toe into the bathroom making sure not to wake Chris up. I go in the bathroom to find Crystal throwing up like her life depended on it. 

Ahiella: What the hell happened? I say whispering.

Crystal: Nothing, idk I've been throwing up a lot lately.

Ahiella: Maybe we should take a drive to see Mama Joyce and your Mom.

Crystal: Why?

Ahiella: Just cmon, I'll get the throw-up bags and a mask.

Crystal: Ok.

I get up to get dressed and get bags. Once I'm done I see Crystal come downstairs.

Ahiella: Ready? I already called mama Joyce, and Mama T and they are going to meet and Mama Joyce's house.

Crystal: Ok, and Yeah let's go.

We leave and get in the car. I pass Crystal her throw-up bags and start driving

10 minutes later we are here

We get out of the car and knock on the door. Joyce opens it and we go in.

Taraji: Now is there any reason you two woke us up at 2:00 a.m?

Ahiella: Crystal has been throwing up a lot lately and she thinks it's food poisoning but we don't know.

Joyce: Well What did you have this past week to eat.

Crystal: Mostly pickles and Chocolate sauce with bacon bits.

Ahiella: Ew, wtf

Taraji: "Food poisoning? Nah Honey we're going to the doctor."

Crystal: Why?

Joyce: Cmon all 4 of us 

We leave and in 40 minutes we end up there. Taraji tells the front desk, and they take Crystal to a room. 

A doctor comes in and ask her to piss in a cup, so she did. 

*30 minutes later*

Ahiella: Where are the doctors?

Crystal: Idk.

Taraji: Where the fuck. 

After 5 seconds, the doctor comes in.

Joyce: Please tell us doc.

Doctor: Well for starters, who is the mother of Crystal Smith?

Taraji: Me

Doctor: Well Congrats because your Daughter is going to be having your grandchild.

Joyce: Wait bye who?

Ahiella: She lost her virginity last week with Chris, so only him.

Taraji&Joyce: YESSSS

Ahiella: Aren't you happy Crystal?

Crystal: Call Chris

Doctor: Um- 

Crystal: CALL CHRIS!

Ahiella: Doc give us a moment. and I'll call Chris.

Chris's POV

I am peacefully sleeping until I hear my phone ring. I groan in a way that I don't want to pick up. I don't pick up, and the person calls again. I don't pick it up. Until they call a third time. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT! I scream out loud. I answer the phone.

Chris: What, How may the fuck will I help you.

Ahiella: NIgga who the hell you think you talking to?

Chris: Oh, Sorry Ahiella, I did;t know it was u.

Ahiella: You better be. Anyway, come to the hospital.

Chris; Why?

Ahiella: JUST COME!

Chris: Ok I'm on my way.

I think it has something to do with Crystal because I saw she wasn't beside me. I brush my teeth and put on my clothes and rush it. In all of 10 minutes, I am there. I go ing and ask for Crystal smith. Then I enter a room.

*10 minutes later* *Chris enters the room*

Chris: Ma, What the hell happened?

Joyce: Well your wonderful Girlfriend is pregnant.

His eyes just widen.

Chris: Really?

Crystal: Yeah (Smiles)

Chris: (Smiles)

He walks over to Crystal and kisses her. 

Chris: Ima is a Dad.

Crystal: And I'm going to be a mother.

Chris: 1 Sad thing is we have to move out. and one good thing is I get to do something that has something to the letter M. 

Crystal: Which is what? She asked confused

Chris: Well you will just have to find out. (Pokes her nose)

Crystal: Tease. Wait Chris but your music.

Chris: That's not going to stop me, baby. I'll be alright don't worry about me.

What M?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2021 ⏰

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