1 - Year 6

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~Y/n's  Pov~

It was late October around dinner time when I heard someone coming down the stars from the boy's dormitory. Well, two people.

"Y/n common, it's almost dinnertime! And the schools will be arriving!" I turn around to see a pair of Identical red haired twins. Fred and George.

"Coming." I get off from the couch and walk towards the closed portrait door. "I wonder how they're going to arrive, the schools." 

"Maybe by train." George says. 

"But that's boring. And plus where they're coming from it will probably take way longer than it does for us to get here." I respond.

We kept walking down the corridor until we got to the Great Hall.

"Wait, what is that?" Fred stops near a window and points at something coming from the Black Late.

"Looks like a boat of some sort." I say. "But boats are supposed to be on top of the water, not under it."

"I don't think It's a boat, it's a ship." It had fully risen out of the water at this point, but then we saw Hagrid almost get ran over by a carriage pulled by gigantic white horses.

"Common, we don't want to get in trouble." Lucky, the Great Hall wasn't far from where we had stopped, so we just entered and found our seats.

Soon enough, Dumbledore had stepped up on his podium and started talking. "And now let's welcome Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and their Headmistress Madam Maxime!" Dumbledore said. The doors to the Great Hall opened and a group of stunning girls with light blue uniforms started to dance. I looked around unamused at their performance. Lee looked like he had better things to do too. The rest of the guys stared wide-eyed at them, including the twins. Well, mainly Fred.

"That's one big woman!" I heard Seamus say to Dean, talking about the Headmistress. I look over at him and give him a look.

"And now our friends from the north, let us welcome Durmstrang and their headmaster Igor Karkaroff!" Guys with huge fur capes came marching in. They had what looked like canes, and every time they hit the ground flames came from the ground.

"Now that everyone's settled. Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen, Ghosts, and most particularly, Guests. I have great pleasure in welcoming you all to Hogwarts. I hope and trust that your stay here will be both comfortable and enjoyable. The tournament will officially start at the end of the feast. I now invite you to eat, drink, and make yourselves at home!" 

Food appeared on the tables, and we all started to eat.

(A/n: Hey look, the first chapters already longer than the first chapter on the old version! Hope you like it, I sure like it a lot better than the old one.)

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