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Um, yeah, I'm still alive, if you were wondering. Not like anyone was wondering. Do I have any ideas? No. Do I feel like writing? No. But do I feel bad for not updating in a few weeks? Yes, very much so. So here I am. I can't tell you how many times I thought about discontinuing this book. But I really want to finish it, as I'm already this far, and it's the rewritten version of the first one. Thank you to the ones who stuck with this book. I really appreciate it! Just hang with me :)

~Y/n's Pov~

"Y/n no, you can't leave." George begged.

"I have to. My mom wants me back home and school will start up again in a few days." I said, looking up at him.


"It will only be a few more days, then well see each other on the train. You can live for a few days." I laughed.

"I guess." He sighed.

I ran downstairs with the bag I had brought with me and walked up to Mrs. Weasley.

"Ready?" She asked with a smile across her face.

"Yeah." I waved at the rest of the Weasleys and grabbed a hold of her arm. I closed my eyes, and when I opened them back up, I was standing in the living room of my house. Greeted by Seamus running up to me like a five year old and hugged me. "It's only been two weeks."

"Yeah, but I missed you." He said.

"At least I know I'm loved."

"What, you thought you wernt?" My mother questioned.

"Mum, it was a joke." I shook my head and went upstairs to unpack my bag, that I would soon have to pack right back up to go to Hogwarts once again. But for the 7th and final year.

"Mums going to be upset. You know how she is, once you hit at least 5th year she starts to cry and because you're in your 7th year she'll cry even more."

"And you're going into 5th year, so sucks to be you."

"But you already got the whole cry treatment."

"And you'll have to get it again. It's how it works."

"Yeah whatever." Seamus sat on my bed.

"If you don't believe me, just wait two years. See how it goes. It will be even worse because you're the youngest. Her little baby."

"You can stop now."


I feel so, so, so bad for this crappy chapter, and not updating. I feel like my writing on this book has just gone down hill and has gotten worse and worse. So I really do apologize for it. I'm going to try and make the next chapter a LOT longer and better than this one, and the last ones I have done. Sorry again, but at least It's better than no update at all. Have an amazing day/night and know I'm always here for y'all!!

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