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~Y/n's Pov~

The next thing I know, I was sitting on the train. Surrounded around my friends. Some that I had seen a week ago, like Fred and George. And some I hadn't seen since last year like Katie, Angelina, and Lee. Only a few hours until we had to start doing school work again. How fun.

"Y/n, I love you." George laid his head in my lap.

"Love you too. But why do you have to say this like every 5 minutes?" 

"Because if I don't, then you might forget."

"Why would I ever forget that? You're the best boyfriend anyone could have. And I was somehow luck enough to be the one to get you."

"No, I was the lucky one." He smiled.

"Oh, can you two stop already? You're so annoying, acting like this every day." Kate rolled her eyes.

"You just wish you had something like this." I laughed.

"Your sadly right."

A bit later I stood up saying I was going to find Seamus. George tried going, but I told him to stay. Once I found the compartment that Seamus was in, I knocked and someone opened the door. 

"Y/n? Why arnt you with Fred and George?" Seamus asked.

"Can I not come see my brother?"


"Well to bad I want to talk to you." I sat down in front of him, looking at the other people in the compartment. Dean, Neville, and Luna.

"Do you want us to leave?" Neville stood up.

"It's fine, if you want to leave you can, but I mainly wanted to talk to Seamus and Dean." I say.

"Ok, We can leave. We don't want to be a bother." Luna stood up and walked out with Neville.

"What did you want to talk about?"

"It's George, nothing bad's happened, I hope it stays that way. But I just feel like he's became more clingy in a way. Earlier, it seemed like he was saying I love you like every five minutes. It's nice to know he feels that way, but It gets a little annoying, you know."

"I could see if he was like that when you first started dating, but after this long, it's kind of weird." Seamus said.

"Yeah, maybe he's just scared something's going to happen. Or maybe he's hiding something. Just try to ask him if there's something wrong and go from there." Dean added, Seamus also agreeing with him.

"Ok, I'll talk to him." I got up and went back to my original compartment. "Hey, George, can I talk to you?"

"Sure." He got up and walked to an empty compartment. "What's wrong?"

"You've been really clingy, lately. Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing's wrong." He looked like he was lying.

"Don't lie to me."

"Before we got to the station, my mum got on to me and Fred. She probably didn't mean it because she's never gotten on to us that much before, but you never know."

"What did you do, and what did she say?"

"We didn't do anything! She just came up to us and started saying that we had to keep up with our grades and stay out of  trouble this year. And Fred said that there wasn't anything fun about work and stuff. So she started going off on us, saying that not everything has to be fun for us to do it. And she looked at me and started saying that she didn't understand how you would stay with someone who's responsible and childish, she also said that you needed someone else." He took a deep breath and looked to his feet, and continues to talk. "So it got me thinking that she's probably right, and I didn't want to lose you. That's why I was acting like that. I didn't think it was that obvious, sorry."

"George, I love you so much, and you never have to worry about losing me because I'll always stay by your side no matter what. You don't have to act a sertent way to tell me you love me, just be your self."

"Ok good." He sighed.

"Noting to worry about. Comeone, let's go back to the others."

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