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~Y/n's Pov~ 

Last night we made the aging potion without any explosions. Now they just had to put their names in the goblet. It was a rainy day, and I was sitting in the Great Hall, amazed by the blue fire coming from the goblet that was placed in the room. Cedric Diggory came in, soaking hair, and surrounded by a group of Hufflepuffs in our year. They pushed him past the age line, and he dropped a paper in the goblet.

I hear the twins yelling and turn around.

"Well lads!"

"Cooked it up just last night."

"Yeah, totally." I say, rolling my eyes, then Lee comes to sit next to me.

"Ok yeah, Lee and Y/n helped."

"It's not going to work." Hermione said in a sing-song type voice. 

Both boys looked at each other. "And why is that Granger?"

"You see this?" She pointed to the blue circle around the goblet. "Dumbledore drew it to himself."

"So?" They asked.

"So." She closed her book. "A genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by something pathetically dimwitted as an aging potion."

"Oh, but that's why it's so brilliant."

"Because it's so pathetically dimwitted."

They both jumped up. "Ready Fred?"

"Ready George."

"Bottoms up!" They both linked arms and drank the potions. With slips of paper in their hands, they jumped in the age line and high-fived. Dropping the papers saying 'Fred Weasley - Hogwarts' and 'George Weasley - Hogwarts'. A few seconds passed, and the fire shot up and knocked them across the room and on the floor. They grew long gray beards and their ginger hair was replaced by gray hair.

"You said!" They said in unison and started to fight. People around then chanting 'Fight, fight' It was hilarious. 

Lee almost and I almost feel to the ground, laughing. "Y/n!" they yell.

I grab Lee's hand and run out of the Great Hall to a court yard. "I told, you, not to blame, me." I say completely out of breath. So they both look at Lee.

"Don't come after me." He laughed, raising his hands in defiance.

"Oh wait, it most of been one of us, because there to amazing to mess something as brilliant as aging potion." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh shut up." They looked really mad at the fact it didn't work. But oh well.

"Best get you off to the hospital wing. I swear, you both can be such idiots sometimes."


Thant night the twins were back to normal, well not normal. They were never normal.

Dinner had just finished, so now the champions are getting chosen.

"The Beauxbatons champion, Flure Delacore!" Dumbledore yelled as a blond girl stood up and went to another room. "The Drumstrang champion, Victor Krum!" Many people clapped. Especially Ron and the twins. And once again for the third time the goblet spat out a paper. "The Hogwarts champion, Cedric Diggory!" Every one turned around to see the Hufflepuff boy stand up with a smile reaching ear to ear. Could have been someone from Gryffindor, but oh well.

As Dumbledore turned around, the goblet shot about yet again, another paper. He grabbed the paper and yelled. "Harry Potter!" I looked at Harry, who was sinking into his chair, genially looking scared. "Harry Potter!" He yelled once more. Hermione pushed Harry out of his seat and he stood up, mumbling things like "Why is it always me?"

"Harry Potter, did you put your name in the goblet of fire?" He yelled. (Your welcome)

"No sir, I swear I didn't." He was showed to the other room with the other champions.

"How'd he do it?" Seamus asked.

"How come he didn't tell us? We wouldn't tell anyone." Fred complained.

"Yeah, only so you could get your own names in." I rolled my eyes. Walking back to the common room, every one was going on about how it wasn't fair that Harry got his name in when he wasn't 17 yet. And that however he did it, he should be taken out of the Tournament. I on the other hand was one of the few people that believed him. Same with Hermione.

There's no way he could have done it. The twins couldn't, so he couldn't. Right?

Everyone stayed up waiting for Harry. Rather it was to congratulate him, ask how he did it, or just call him a flat out trader like some people did.

"I'm going to bed. Harry doesn't need all these people to walk into." I said. Hermione and I left the common room up to the girl's dormitory.

"Do you think he actually put his name in?" She asked.

"No, because if Fred and George couldn't, then there's no way Harry could have."

"True. Well, good night, I hope you get some sleep with all this noise downstairs."

"Thanks Hermione, you too."


The next morning people were still mad about the night before, but it sort of died down. "Good morning Y/n." Fred and George said in unison as I walked down the steps to the common room.

"Morning." I said, rubbing my eyes, still half asleep. "How nice, you waited for me."

"It was George's idea." Fred pointed to his brother with was now rubbing his neck.

"How cute." I smirked. Probably blushing myself.

"Enough of this. Let's get breakfast. I'm hungry you know!" Fred complied.

"Oh sorry Freddie." I yawned, "I had no idea." I then rolled my eyes. We walked to the Great Hall together, dreading the fact that the first class we had was History of Magic.

"Why do we have to learn this stuff anyways?" Fred asked.

"It's not like we'll use any of it after we graduate." his brother added.

"We've been through this before. We have to learn it, so history doesn't repeat it's self." (I HATE when teachers tell me that!)

"Whatever." They say, rolling their eyes.

Potions time, yay. My parents were hoping that Seamus would have a good grade in this class. But I'm sure he has a lower grade than me. Because I'm smarter than him. 

"Watch out, bomb coming through." Fred said quietly, so I would be the only one to hear. 

"Oh shut it." I say hitting him.

We take our seats, and the amazing class we all love begins!

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