Chapter 19

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May 25, 1996

I could no longer hear Umbridge's screams as we burst out of the Forbidden Forest, panting. I placed my hands on my knees, heaving deep breaths. Sweat and dirt covered Harry's face, and his glasses were smudged. We stood there for a moment, gulping down air. I was still gasping when Harry began pulling me and we started walking across the bridge. "That was brilliant, Hermione, truly. To trap Umbridge like that? You're a genius."

I shook my head and started, "Harry, it wasn't my idea. It was Draco's-"

"There you are!"

I looked up startled to find Ron, Ginny, Luna, and Neville standing in front of us. Ginny winked, and I gave her a half smile.

"How did you guys get away?" I asked, a sly grin creeping onto my face. This was it. They were finally going to acknowledge my friends as the good people I know them to be-

"I gave them some of Fred and George's sweets that make you really sick." Ron looked absolutely ecstatic. "They were wheezing and throwing up all over the place!"

It felt as if my grin had been slapped off my face, something I wanted to do to Ron. "You idiot! They were going to help you, they were going to let you go!" I shook my head, my thoughts drifting to my friends inside the school, sick and vomiting. "They were just waiting until Umbridge was in the forest and you were in the clear!"

Ron's expression didn't change, but he burst into laughter like I had just said the world's funniest joke. "As if."

I stepped closer, not breaking eye contact, and said firmly, "They told me so. And you went ahead and made them sick."

Ron opened his mouth, his brow furrowed, but Harry's voice came from right behind me. "We can talk about this later. We have to go to the Ministry. I have to save Sirius."

And the thought of spending another second with Ron, who still didn't take my word after everything we've been through, made my blood boil. Ginny understood, because she gave me a short nod, turned to Harry and stated, "We're coming with you."


May 26, 1996

I trudged slowly through the halls, the scuffing noise ringing in the air, unable to pick my feet all the way off the ground. I rolled up the left sleeve of my grey striped sweater, wincing slightly at the sight of the long and bloody gash running up my forearm. I had to stop, bracing my right arm on the door to take a shuddering breath, before grunting as I pulled the heavy door to the infirmary open.

And the first thing I see is Pansy, Theo, and Blaise talking amongst themselves, all sitting up in their separate cots, looking a little pale but otherwise okay. No Draco. But I immediately rushed to Pansy's side, and when she turned to me her eyes lit up. I pushed a stray piece of hair behind her ear, fretting and glancing between the three of them as I asked, "Are you guys okay?"

Theo's hair was slightly matted to his head with sweat, and he sent me the signature Theo grin that I absolutely love. "Carrot may have tried to take me down, but it's nothing I can't handle."

"We should be asking you the same question. You look pretty messed up," Blaise added. He crossed his ankles at the foot of the bed and raised his eyebrows at me, and I knew he was taking in my bruises. "So did you really fight in a battle at the Ministry? We heard Pompfrey talking to Dumbledore outside."

"Yes," I replied, my voice coming out small. I had fought against their own parents, and yet they were not asking about them.

Pansy looked at me very seriously, her mouth set in a firm line. "Did you give my dad hell?"

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