Chapter 26

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October 4, 1996

The five of us were sitting by the Black Lake, watching the sun's rays melt into the still waters. Draco had suggested a change of scenery, and Theo had brought a large quilt big enough for all of us to sit on, just a few feet from the edge of the water.

We were officially submersed in autumn, and the oranges and reds of the leaves were of the same vibrancy as the sunset. The wind had been harsh, so we sat in pants and sweaters and coats. My sweater was a deep blue, a similar shade to the depths of the Black Lake I liked to gaze at through the windows in the Slytherin common room. 

I had offered to get Draco a red sweater, to which he had chuckled and kissed my forehead, saying I alone was enough Gryffindor essence. Draco was wearing khaki pants and a cream turtleneck, along with a black trenchcoat. He had let me paint his nails purple, the only vibrant color on him. He was laying perpendicular to me, his head in my lap. His eyes were closed as he listened to the story, his lips full and set in a resting smile, and I stroked his silky hair gently.

"And then Teddy swung on a rope, across the boat to the other side, desperate to save Captain Pam from her deadly battle with Captain Mold."

Pansy cut in, her fingers dancing across Theo's palm. "I think Captain Pam is just fine on her own, Teddy."

I smiled at my friends, who both had been so much happier than I had ever seen them before. They truly needed each other, and I hadn't seen them apart since that night.

Theo shook his head, his eyes on her fingers. "No, no, she cannot win this battle without him by her side."

"Captain Pam can handle things on her own and would rather have Teddy be safe," she sighed, clicking her tongue.

Theo scoffed. "Teddy isn't a coward and won't let his woman suffer alone, Pans—"

"Can you just continue the story please?" Blaise groaned, rubbing his face.

"Later." Theo jerked his head at his girlfriend. "Captain Pam over here made me lose my groove."

"Excuse me for correcting your description of Miss damsel in distress, which is certainly not me."

Blaise snorted, his usual unimpressed expression in place.

Theo glanced over at his friend, giving him a once-over. "Blaise, you need a girlfriend."

Blaise quirked his brow. "Hold your tongue, Theo."

"I'm serious. I feel bad for you, third wheeling two couples." Theo exhaled dramatically, resting his head on Pansy's shoulder. "Must be such a pain to see us all so happy and in love."

Draco's voice reverberated through me when he spoke, his eyes still closed. "What a nice way to put it."

"You know what I mean."

"Just snog someone," I offered.

Draco's eyes fluttered open and he smirked up at me. His hands shot up and out, softly pulling my shoulders down and pecking me quickly on the lips, leaving me flushed. A week of being together, and his lips on mine still sent butterflies racing in my stomach. "I think you of all people know it's about way more than just snogging, Granger." He was grinning stupidly.

"What have you done to him?" Theo asked me, gesturing to my boyfriend with a mild look of discontent on his face. "He's so sentimental now. Shame."

Draco shrugged, still grinning. "I'm simply stating the fact that emotions play a very significant role."

"You know what also plays a very significant role?" Theo turned to Pansy, a challenge in his eyes. "When the person you love is seemingly in a relationship."

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