Chapter 35

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February 10, 1997

"You okay?"

The sun was setting, deep oranges and reds leaking through the windows. We were still dressed from class, but we shed our robes onto the floor so we were left in our dress shirts, him in his black pants and me in my skirt. I was sitting in between Draco's legs on his bed, my head in the crook of his neck as we both read our books in a comfortable silence. I was deep into my favorite book, Hogwarts: A History, while Draco read A Tale of Two Cities, my next recommendation for him. But he had stopped reading, his book still in his hands, and his heart pounded against me.

"He's getting more impatient with me." His voice was clear, stating a fact. He didn't need to say his name for me to know who he was talking about: the wizard he served, one he was forced to pledge his loyalty to, one who had given him a horrendous task.

I sat up, turning to face him and sitting on my knees between his legs. "You need to do something else, don't you? You need to show another attempt?"

The look in Draco's eyes was confirmation enough, but he shook his head. "I don't want to, Granger."

"I know, Draco."

He craned his neck at me, gears turning in his head, his expression resigned. "Do you think I can do some poisoned alcohol? I heard Slughorn mention buying a gift for Dumbledore, so that can work, it'll be wrapped. I'll use a poison pungent enough to smell so Dumbledore won't drink it, but I won't tell Voldemort that part."

I nodded, impressed at his plan. I smiled a little, reaching forward to lay my hand on his cheek. "I'm proud of you."

Draco's eyes darkened, and he took my hand off of his face. "You shouldn't be."

"But I am," I insisted. How could I not be?

His jaw clenched, and I watched thoughts dart across his features. "You know how I've been repairing the Vanishing Cabinet in the Room of Requirement?"

I remembered what he told me, the apple, the birds, the sister cabinet at Borgin and Burke's. "Yes, because the Death Eaters want to surpass the wards and get into Hogwarts that way, right?"

"Right." Draco sighed, raking his hand through his already unruly hair. "I figured out how to wholly fix it the first day, but I've been trying to repair it as slow as I can." His gaze was rock hard, desperation clawing under the surface. "I've been trying to keep things at bay as long as I can."

"I know," I whispered, edging my face closer to his. I placed my hands on his neck. "You're doing the best you can, and I am so, so proud of you for that."

He shook his head and his eyes darted down, as if he didn't like hearing my words. "It can't go on like this much longer."

"I know."

His eyes locked to mine, a storm rumbling to life. "I don't know if I'll be able to do it. Kill him."

Something burned within me. Hatred. Loathing for the evil man who kept hurting everyone I love. I took a deep breath, grazing my thumbs lightly over the skin on Draco's neck. "No matter what happens, I will never be angry with you. I will support you through anything, do you hear me?"

I felt him tense. "You'll support a killer?" His eyes flashed. "You'll be proud to have a murderer for a boyfriend?"

I released a breath, trying to think of how I can explain that I will never leave him. "Don't you forget that you've murdered two wizards, and I'm still here," I reminded, as gently as I could. "You have to stop resenting yourself."

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