Chapter 4

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Artemis was the first to go inside. She climbed in through a small skylight and found a nice rafter with quite a bit of a view. I'm in, I don't see Joker, Two-Face, Clayface, or Scarecrow, but there are quite a few hired men down there with mediocre weapons.

Next, Aqualad and Superboy split up from Miss Martian and Robin as the four heroes found ways into opposite sides of the building. Can you guys hurry up? I know Batman said that this time it's like extra important that everyone gets out without a fight, but couldn't someone else stand look out?

Shut up and quit complaining. You're the only one with super speed! Artemis and Wally were at it again. Robin had gotten closer to the center of the building, and was tuning it out though. She needed to focus for so many reasons. Top of which probably should have been the fact that they were up against a bunch of murderous Gotham villains, but she was mainly thinking about that cure.

"Hey! Who's there!" Robin heard one of the goons shout, but they weren't even looking in her direction.

Superboy and I have been spotted, we can lure them away while Robin and Ms. M proceed to collect the sample. Understood? After a chorus of understoods through the mindlink, Robin and the martian continued to move forward in absolute stealth. She used her glove's built in computer screen for scanning the crates and bingo, one was the drug! She was almost there, but a door slammed open and she turned.

"Well if it isn't the Boy Blun- wow, I can't believe it worked! HAHAHAHA!" Joker laughed as he stepped forwards towards the girl.

"Wait a moment Joker, we knew she'd come for the drug, but let's give her a chance. Good heads she wins, bad heads she loses." Two-Face said and flipped the coin up in the air.

Miss M! Don't let it land bad heads!

Robin was glad the villains still didn't know about her teammates being there as well. The head flipped, seemingly naturally, but landed good heads up, not the outcome Two-Face was expecting.

"We do not care about the coin, let us attack!" Clayface stated as he, Scarecrow, and Joker stepped forward in an effort to take down the young heroine. But all of a sudden, woosh! An arrow flew past Robin's head, landing at the feet of the approaching villains and beginning to emit some sort of foam.

Nice shot Artemis! But it doesn't look like that will hold them much longer, Wally, come and get Robin, I'm still completely hidden. Miss Martian.

I'm getting SB and Aqualad right now, but I'm about to head back in. Kid Flash.

Robin was ignoring this conversation as she continued to pull open the crate. Not yet KF I've almost got to the drug, and we can't leave without it. He then appeared right in front of the struggling bird.

"Sorry, but Batman said to get out if there is any trouble" He said right as the bad guys got loose. Robin was so close, she only needed a little more time! A few more arrows came down from the rafters but the villains were getting closer still.

"Not yet, I'm almost-"

"Look out!" Miss Martian shouted aloud as the speedster ran to be in front of Robin. The Joker shot his arm. Kid Flash just took a bullet for the girl who wouldn't leave. She paused what she had been doing, no matter how close she was to opening the crate, it was her fault!

"Come on Robin, get on my back, I can still run." He said as Robin climbed on. Wally was relieved to learn that his lightest teammate was even lighter than before. He ran out while Miss M flew up to leave with Artemis. But when they met back at the bioship, Wally had already lost a lot of blood.


"What happened?" Batman said in his usually gravelly voice. Kid Flash was in the med bay at the moment with Dinah, so the rest of them were stuck with the unhappy Bat.

"It was my fault. I was really close to getting the drug, but three of the villains were already attacking. Wally came in to get me out, but I protested and continued to do what I was doing. It wasn't until the Joker shot at me and Wally blocked it that I got on his back and left. I'm sorry" Robin looked at her feet as the team was relieved she took the blame, but also a little guilty for letting her take all of it. But they got over it quickly knowing that Batman would go the softest on Robin.

"You disobeyed orders from me and failed to follow your leader's plan. It is clear that this mission is too personal to you and you will be benched from the team until it is over." Robin looked up to protest, but her father figure continued, "Go wash the Batmobile. Then ask Agent A to keep you busy until I get home."

The team felt really bad now, not only was she benched, but she was also given punishments in front of everyone else. She slowly walked to the zeta-tube and was gone.

Recognized: Robin B01

She entered the cave, but Robin didn't want to wash the Batmobile. She wanted to make a cure for the serum. She sat down at the Batcomputer and began typing and hacking until all of the information Bruce had already gathered for the case was shown on the screen. There was another warehouse with the drug! All the Girl Wonder had to do now was sneak out and complete the mission on her own before Batman finds out and brings her back. As long as she went alone, nobody else could get hurt because of her. This could work!

I know it was shorter than the other chapters, but I hope you enjoyed it. I think you all can figure out where I'm going with this, but trust me there will be many twists in the plot ahead. As for Robin, I think she's gonna be in big trouble soon. (You'll have to see for yourself if it's with Batman or the villains). Thank you for following me and asking me to update specific person! (You know who you are)

Well, thanks for reading and I hope your day is filled with Pure-Wonderment!

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